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Aquasuite 4.7 works, I see my pump,, Aquasuite 2012 does not,, whats going on?

Samstag, 19. Mai 2012, 18:36

I installed the Aquasuite 2012 Beta 14 on two computers running Windows 7 64Bits,, both will .NET 4.0 latest Windows updates, etc.
It runs on both, but it doesnt show my pump, or my tubemeter (they are new, I bough them two week ago).
It doesnt have user manual or Quick Guide!.

I installed Aquasuite 4.70 and I can see them, see my pump and tubemeter, I can adjust parameters, etc,,,.
Why it doesnt work on the Aquasuite 2012? what can I do to make them work?

I dont think I have an USB issue,, because the Aquasuite 2012 can see my devices.

Any help from Aquacomputer?
Thanks guys!


Junior Member

Samstag, 19. Mai 2012, 19:47

My guess is you are using usb connections for the pump and tubemeter. AS2012 is using the aquabus at this point (keep in mind AS2012 is for the AE5).

Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012, 21:23

My guess is you are using usb connections for the pump and tubemeter. AS2012 is using the aquabus at this point (keep in mind AS2012 is for the AE5).
Ohh,, so, I cannot use AS2012 until I get the Aquaero?
(I ordered one, but they are having issues with production,, Im expecting it at the end of the month, or so)

Thanks !!


Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012, 09:32

At the moment the aquasuite is only compatible to the aquaero 5 series and the aquaduct mk IV series.

You will be able to control the pump via aquabus when connected to the aquaero but it offers only a very limited range of function. Compared to the possibilities of the aquasuite 4.72 via USB it is like 5% versus 95%. So I highly recommend that you also use the USB connection.

Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012, 15:03

At the moment the aquasuite is only compatible to the aquaero 5 series and the aquaduct mk IV series.

You will be able to control the pump via aquabus when connected to the aquaero but it offers only a very limited range of function. Compared to the possibilities of the aquasuite 4.72 via USB it is like 5% versus 95%. So I highly recommend that you also use the USB connection.
Hi Shoggy

You said "also use the USB",, you mean "at the same time"? how? can you elaborate please?
If the AS2012 has so many other intelligent options (Virtual sensors, etc), that are not on the AS 4.72, how am I going to be able to combine the pump and other outputs if I work on the AS2012?

For example, if I connect the pump via USB it will mean I wont be able to use AS2012 to control it,right?, then I have to have AS4.7,,, but 4.7 doesnt have all the bells that AS2012 does,, (or maybe is not even compatible with the AE 5, Tubemeter, flow senor, etc).
How does all that fits together?


By the way, do you guys have a Manual for the AS2012 in the works that we could take a look at? even a draft would be good.


Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012, 15:26

You have to differ between aquabus and USB. When the pump is only connected via aquabus it allows a VERY limited range of functions. Selecting a frequency, start/stop deaeration mode and view some data. Well, compared to the possibles via USB that is almost nothing.

You can use USB and aquabus at the same time. Keep in mind that you can not directly control the pump in the aquasuite 2012 anyway, it is only enabled through the aquaero via aquabus (with all the limitations). So connecting USB and aquabus at the same time is the only option to have all features available.

So far there is no manual available for the aquasuite.

Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012, 16:37


Im assuming that all these limitations are because AS2012 is still in Beta right?
When the full version comes out, it will have all the functionality via Aquabus,, so we dont have to have two pieces of software in the PC,, correct?

How long the AS2012 has been out?
Do you guys have estimated when the final release of AS2012 will be out?



Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012, 17:41

When the full version comes out, it will have all the functionality via Aquabus
no, the aquabus is limited by device. The aquabus connection is a limited connection (reduced features) to the aquaero.
The full functionality of all devices are only with a usb connection available.

Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012, 19:01

Hello Sebastian.
Then I dont understand,, when I opened the thread I asked why I could not see the Pump, Tubemeter etc with the AS2012 and the person (MrPayne) said AS2012 is only compatible with Aquabus.
So,, if the Aquabus is of reduced functionality, how come is the only thing supported on AS2012?

Im very confused at this point.



Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »gobase2008« (22. Mai 2012, 19:11)

Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012, 20:03

You have to setup all devices before they work on aquabus. Each device needs an unique aquabus address. -> Use the aquasuite 4.72 to setup the device.

Tubemeter and multiswitch -> low speed aquabus
other devices -> high speed aquabus

Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012, 20:22


So,, if the Aquabus is of reduced functionality, how come is the only thing supported on AS2012?
The hardware of the aquaero 5 is very different from all other devices and it made no sense to integrate this to the old aquasuite. Besides that we also wanted to have a newer software. The aquasuite 2012 has been build around the aquaero 5 so it is also the only supported device. All other devices are already fully supported through the aquasuite 4.72 so of course we focus on the aquaero 5 + aquasuite 2012 because there is no other software available for this device. When the aquaero 5 has been fully integrated to the aquasuite 2012 we can start to integrate other devices but at the moment we do not have the time and it also makes no sense: why "wasting time" to integrate other devices which are already available in another version while the latest hardware has no full integration yet.

The aquabus is no specific feature of the aquasuite. It has been there for years to combine the aquaero with other devices. Since this is a standard feature it is also available in the aquasuite 2012 like controlling a fan or reading out a temperature sensor. It is part of the aquaero and no special feature of the software.

The aquabus is limited in its options because each function must be supported directly by the devices in their firmware. That costs a lot of development time and also memory space.

I do not really see the problem here. At the moment it is like you would try to run an old MS DOS game in Windows 7 and vice versa. Of course that will not work. We are talking about different generations of hardware here.

Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012, 16:51

You are right, maybe it doesnt matter,, the thing is that I dont have the AE 5 yet,, I ordered but I havent received it,, so I cannot test.
Im ordering pieces, and whatever I have (Pump, Tubemeter) I put them on a temporary loop to test.

Let me see if Im right on these two things:

1- Hardware different than AE5 is not supported on AS2012,, by "not supported" you mean that AS2012 cannot "see" it without an AE5 in the middle?
2- AE5 is fully supported on AS2012,, so AS2012 will "see" the AE5, and use all its capabilities,, correct?

Now, my question, rephrased:
- If I connect the pump, Aquatube, Flow meter, etc etc, into the AE5, will I be able to control all the functionality? via AE5 and/or AS2012



Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012, 09:39

1.) Yes and no... the aquasuite still does not see the other devices directly like with USB nor does it offer the same options like the aquasuite 4.72 but it sees the aquabus connection to the devices connected to the aquaero. That is a big difference.
2.) Yes.

Aquastream XT and tubemeter can be connected via aquabus to the aquaero. As mentioned before it only allows a very limited amount of control. To have full access you would have to connect them via USB. At least the pump should be connected via USB too. This way you have all options together with the old aquasuite 4.72. The tubemeter can be only used with USB or aquabus. There are only slight differences between the available features via USB and aquabus so it does not really matter how you connect it. If you want to use it for alarms etc. you should connect it to the aquaero. The aquatube is a reservoir and has no aquabus ;)

Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012, 17:51

heheh, I meant "tubemeter" not "aquatube",,, I get confused with the names,, I also have the Aquatube Nickel plated by the way,, great looks.
Thanks,, Ill wait until I get the AE5, I am sure I will sort all the configuration out.
