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Only 4 virtual temperature sensors????

Montag, 17. September 2012, 11:41

I am presuming it's not just me, and that other people also seem to be limited to 4 virtual temperature sensors?

If I'm not missing something, I'd like to add a feature request for more of these please, I could do with at least 8, and preferably 16+

Montag, 17. September 2012, 11:55

We dont extend the virtual sensors in the next time.

Montag, 17. September 2012, 12:16

We dont extend the virtual sensors in the next time.
Hi Sebastian,

Is it difficult to add more?

I'm not complaining - I never expected the aquaero to be perfect, and I am managing with 4 sensors, but more would definitely be nice if you can do it in a future update.

Perhaps other users could post in this thread if they also find 4 virtual temperature sensors too limiting?

Montag, 17. September 2012, 12:28

The aquaero 5 has limited resources, we must be very careful with this.
The most people dont use the virtual sensors.

Freitag, 31. Januar 2014, 05:15

We dont extend the virtual sensors in the next time.
Hi Sebastian,

Is it difficult to add more?

I'm not complaining - I never expected the aquaero to be perfect, and I am managing with 4 sensors, but more would definitely be nice if you can do it in a future update.

Perhaps other users could post in this thread if they also find 4 virtual temperature sensors too limiting?
I also found the 4 virtual sensor issue pretty limiting. Especially when it comes to creating Delta values for the sensors, rather than going by exact values.

IE: CPU to Air Delta, GPU to Air Delta, Water to Air Delta, Case to Air Delta, Water In vs Water Out on a radiator to see cooling efficiency, etc...

Unless I'm missing something, and we can actually create a special Delta temperature value or use functions to control the final output variable to be used in the curve controller. I used to develop software, so I know the "virtual" parameter/variable can be passed to/from the software and handled by the PC/RAM, after being gathered by the Aquaero; I'm just not sure why it's not being done. :(


Senior Member

Freitag, 31. Januar 2014, 20:18

The virtual sensores are stored in the internal memory of the aquaero electronic and that memory is unfortunately limited. Yet, you can operate the Aquaero without any additional external software, because it's all handled internally in the chip, even the few virtual sensors. To increase the internal memory you would need to develop a whole new aquero chip and that would be pretty expencive.
->Darin Epsilon - PERSPECTIVES<-
Mr. SuicideSheep @ soundcloud.com
Test Shot Starfish @ soundcloud.com
Professor Kliq @ soundcloud.com