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Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »audiophile20« (3. Oktober 2012, 17:25)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LarryWill729« (4. Oktober 2012, 20:45)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »audiophile20« (5. Oktober 2012, 03:01)
The slave device will act a bit like you would connect 4 poweradjust controllers. You will get 4 additional fan outputs and temperature sensor. Everything else on the slave device can not be used.I want to make sure when you say that the 'Slave' function works, that all the connected fans, pumps, etc. can be managed in a single pool?
I am not sure if you got this wrong. You can only use ONE aquaero 5 LT as slave device. It will not work with two devices.Zitat
1. I connect the AQ Pro, LT1, LT2 - via the Aquabus connection.
You will need two aquabus 4-pin cables and an aquabus 4-pin splitter to connect them to the aquaero.Zitat
2. Now what do I do with the 2 D5 pumps? There is an Aquabus terminal but I am not sure how to connect them with the system?
You would only win because the aquabus is always limited in its range of function compared to the USB. The advantage of using the quabus is that you have everything together in one spot and you can can monitor/control it directly in the aquaero.Zitat
2.1. I can connect via USB internal - then I will not use the Aquabus interface -- what am I loosing?
You can connect several devices to the same port but you will need y-adapters to do this. Please also note that both ports are different: low speed (for tubemeter and multiswitch) and high speed (all other devices).Zitat
2.2 . There is only 2 Aquabus terminals on the Pro .... what am I missing?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »audiophile20« (29. Oktober 2012, 09:18)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »audiophile20« (29. Oktober 2012, 13:21)