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auqaero 5 xt how come my flow on the screen isn't showing my flow it shows 0.0l/h

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012, 09:49

i have a flow meter.53129 can someone help,it my flow sensor working?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »pegleg« (26. Oktober 2012, 09:50)

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012, 12:34

Does it show up correctly in the aquasuite when you connect it via USB? If so, please check that the value for the impulses per liter is set to 169.

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012, 16:00

so it is suppose to show up when it is connected to the usb mine never shows up,i did get it to show up on the screen bye connecting the flow sensor alarm 3pin to the flow on the aquaero 5 xt. is this right now i get a readin of 5.67 gal/min at 68 hz on pump is that right,i also have one more question when i first hooked my aquaero 5 xt to my pump i could control it from the remote and see it on the screen now i cant is this because i have it connected to the usb and haveing it aslo connected to the aquabus/flow and then to the aquabus 2 high flow with 4 pin. i never got a flow for the pump either when u bring it up in the aquasuit 2012. well thanks

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012, 17:21

how do i set the impulses to 169

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012, 20:38

pegleg, It is very difficult to understand what you are talking about, but I think I understand.
High Flow USB flow meter is connected with a four pin Aquabus cable to the High Speed Aquabus connector on the Aquaero 5, not the flow sensor connector. The Flow Sensor connector on the Aquaero 5 is for the Old High Flow sensor and for connecting other brand sensors. A flow of 5.67 gal/min is impossiable for that pump, what you are actually doing is sending the pump RPM signal into the Aquaero 5 flow circuits. Remove the three pin wires between the flow sensor and the Aquaero 5 flow connector.
Your pump does not have an internal flow sensor, only RPM and internal electronics temperatures. Leave it connected with the USB cable to the motherboard.
If you have the four pin cable connected between the flow sensor and the Aquaero 5 high speed connector, then you can remove the USB cable between the flow sensor and the motherboard. If you do not have the 4 pin cable, You must leave the USB cable between flow sensor and motherboard installed, and use the three pin cable between the flow sensor and Aquaero 5 High speed Aquabus connector.
Now install Microsoft .net and Aquasuite 2012 as described in the other post. Run Aquasuite 2012 (AS2012).
The window has two panes, on the left side is a couple of tabs that should say Overview Pages/aquaero 5/ Aquastream XT.
Click on aquaero 5 tab and a bunch of new tabs will show up under the aquaero 5 tab. Click on "Information pages" This will show two collums of screens for the Aquaero 5 display. The left side is for screens that are available for the Aquaero 5 to display, the colum on the right is the list of screens that the Aquaero 5 display is showing. Scroll down that right hand side until you find the Flow sensor 1 screen and click on the red X, this will delete that screen from the Aquaero 5 display. Then click on the scroll box under Available screens on the left side, select flow sensor. Al ist of available flow sensors will show up, left click and hold on Flow Sensor11 and drag it over to the right hand side and let go of the mouse button. The new flow sensor screen will show up on the Aquaero 5 display. It should read a flow number, if it does not, Delete it again and go back and try a different flow sensor page until you find the one that gives you a flow reading.
Now, go back to the left side and click on the "Sensors" tab. on the right hand side of the AS2012 screen will display a list of available sensors, click on flow sensors and a list will drop down. Click on the flow sensor that is not showing 0.0 flow. A box will show up on the right of that and alow you to rename the flow sensor, and change the impulses valueto 169 like Shoggy said.
AMD FX-8150 OctoCore O.C. 18% to 4.2 GHz on ASUS M5A99X EVO with 16 GB Corsair Dominator W. C. RAM, 2 nVIDIA Geforce 560TI W.C. in SLI, six Western Digital drives for a total of 4.07 TBytes, AquaComputer Aquero 5 Pro, AquaComputer D5 pump, Multiswitch USB, tubemeter and Kyros CPU block. Two coolant loops,CPU & SLI, MB, RAM and AQ5, with two flow meters. Running Windows 7 Professional 64, and using Open Hardware Monitor v0.5.1Beta Aquasuite B16 hardware temps.

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012, 21:49

,i did get it to show up on the screen bye connecting the flow sensor alarm 3pin to the flow on the aquaero 5 xt. is this right now i get a readin of 5.67 gal/min

This is a artificial rotation speed, that only turn on or off (simulated a CPU-Fan), hat nonentity to do with flow

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 11:32

thank you very much i hope i did't screw up nothing by hooking that up like that.i will try to explain the way i have hooked up ,i have the 3pin on the pump witch is the aquabus/flow hooked to a 4 pin y ,then i have a 4pin that comes out of flow sensor(aquabus) and connects to the y 4pin so the pump and flow sensor are hooked to the 4 pin y,then the y is hooked to the 4pin on the aquaero 5 xt high flow 2. hope thats right,then i wasn't getting nothing from the flow sensor so i took a 3pin hooked it to the alarm on the flow sensor and hooked it to the flow on the aquaero5 xt .i will try what u said and thanks alot again.i hope i explained it better this time.

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 12:09

i did what u said but on all 3 flow sensors that are in the information page dont show nothing could my flow sensor be messed up or something else that i need to do,it has never showed nothing since i got it ,just until i hooked the 3pin sensor alarm to the 3 pin flow on the aquaero 5 xt.lol does it matter the way my flow sensor is hooked or the way the flow of the water i thought on this flow sensor i have it didn't. my flow sensor is water in from the left out the right side where u can read everythin on it .

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 17:05

3 flow sensors is a good sign (1-2 AE5, 3 MPS), try to change from gal/min to gal/h
»EnigmaG« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • Unbenannt.png

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »EnigmaG« (27. Oktober 2012, 17:08)

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 17:52

this is without the usb hooked up i dont know if this will help i still dont get a flow.i just took apart everything and put it back together just to see if the flow sensor was working .it is well it spins do i have this going the right way.ohh and will this hurt the pump being this way.is there something i am not hooking up the right way. now i have it hooked up to usb and i get nothing,i even hooked it up all by itself and nothing.now on the picture 18 there how come my aquastrean xt pump dont show anything on there looks like its a broken feed ..lol i tried to get a pic of it hope u can make out.need all the help i can get.
»pegleg« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • my flow.jpg
  • DSC00001.JPG
  • DSC00011.JPG
  • DSC00012.JPG
  • DSC00013.JPG
  • mps1.jpg
  • mps 2.jpg
  • mps 3.jpg
  • mps4.jpg
  • DSC00018.JPG

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 7 mal editiert, zuletzt von »pegleg« (27. Oktober 2012, 20:30)

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 20:31

The High flow USB works fine in any orientation and in/out connections.
On the page "mps/Configuration/device" you have the wrong flow sensor selected. Click on the scroll bar next to Device and scroll to the bottom and select "Flow Sensor High Flow USB"
You will not hurt the pump unless you run it in a dry condition, and the flow sensor is almost bullit proof.
Most likely place for damage is a broken wire in one of the cables.
As far as I can tell from the pictures, I think you are almost there.
AMD FX-8150 OctoCore O.C. 18% to 4.2 GHz on ASUS M5A99X EVO with 16 GB Corsair Dominator W. C. RAM, 2 nVIDIA Geforce 560TI W.C. in SLI, six Western Digital drives for a total of 4.07 TBytes, AquaComputer Aquero 5 Pro, AquaComputer D5 pump, Multiswitch USB, tubemeter and Kyros CPU block. Two coolant loops,CPU & SLI, MB, RAM and AQ5, with two flow meters. Running Windows 7 Professional 64, and using Open Hardware Monitor v0.5.1Beta Aquasuite B16 hardware temps.

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 20:45

thanks alot i have now 205.2 l/h me ripping apart my computer to check to see if the flow sensor was working and it was just a setting..lol would u happen to know why my pump wont show up on the srceen like the 50 or 60 hz u know .thanka alot again. this is my first watercooled build like this i did do the corsair h 80 thing.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »pegleg« (27. Oktober 2012, 20:53)

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 21:31

205 is a bit much on my opinion. But glad it works.

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 21:45

well how would i slow that down lowering the pump hz

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 21:54

No, That's not really what I mean. To my mind the pump do not brings that much.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »EnigmaG« (27. Oktober 2012, 21:56)

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 21:57

Now play with it for a while.
That flow rate is high, but you have a very short and simple loop. You can use the software to slow down the pump and reduce the noise a bit.
AMD FX-8150 OctoCore O.C. 18% to 4.2 GHz on ASUS M5A99X EVO with 16 GB Corsair Dominator W. C. RAM, 2 nVIDIA Geforce 560TI W.C. in SLI, six Western Digital drives for a total of 4.07 TBytes, AquaComputer Aquero 5 Pro, AquaComputer D5 pump, Multiswitch USB, tubemeter and Kyros CPU block. Two coolant loops,CPU & SLI, MB, RAM and AQ5, with two flow meters. Running Windows 7 Professional 64, and using Open Hardware Monitor v0.5.1Beta Aquasuite B16 hardware temps.

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 21:59

ok u wouldnt know how u would get my flow sensor into one of the charts on the aquaero 5 xt. hey larry how do i do that .lol i will be cooling my 680 when i get some more money.lol how do i play with the software for the pump. i did do the fans i finally got them on the curve but dont know how u do that for the pump.how do i get my pump on the screen and how do u get my flow on this chart 1. and there is another for my pump .anyone please
»pegleg« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • aquaero5_screenshot_2012-10-27_163058.png
  • aquaero5_screenshot_2012-10-27_163257.png

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »pegleg« (27. Oktober 2012, 22:47)

Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 22:11

enigmag u dont think the pump would pump that much in a hour right now i have it at 70hz and it says pumping 54 g/h somtime i see go up to 57 just for a second then back to where it was at 54

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »pegleg« (27. Oktober 2012, 22:13)

Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2012, 14:34

To make flow show up on Aquaero 5 screen, you must change the Display Screen with AS2012, look for Information Pages tab, click on it, under available screens is a drop down box, scroll down to flow sensor and drag flow sensor 11 over to the right hand side under Displayed screens.
AMD FX-8150 OctoCore O.C. 18% to 4.2 GHz on ASUS M5A99X EVO with 16 GB Corsair Dominator W. C. RAM, 2 nVIDIA Geforce 560TI W.C. in SLI, six Western Digital drives for a total of 4.07 TBytes, AquaComputer Aquero 5 Pro, AquaComputer D5 pump, Multiswitch USB, tubemeter and Kyros CPU block. Two coolant loops,CPU & SLI, MB, RAM and AQ5, with two flow meters. Running Windows 7 Professional 64, and using Open Hardware Monitor v0.5.1Beta Aquasuite B16 hardware temps.

Montag, 29. Oktober 2012, 02:04

all good thanks alot,how do i get my aquastream xt pump on my screen ,i have it on there but it wont show up the hz,and aslo was just looking what are these spend aquadrops for this usefull message?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »pegleg« (29. Oktober 2012, 19:35)

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