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Aquasuite Software Sensor Data Source Setting Dissapears after reboot

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 05:26

If I set up aquasuite software sensors to use Open Hardware Monitor temps, everything works okay until I reboot. Once I do, each software sensor's data source (the setting under the check box that says "Use sensor with aqua computer service") is gone and the check box is unchecked. I can close and open both aquasuite and OHM in any order without rebooting and have no problems. Note other settings (e.g. the name of the software sensor) are not lost.

I'm running the latest version of OHM downloaded directly from their website. I've seen mention of other versions of OHM that used to be needed to run with AS, but I was under the impression that those are no longer needed. I guess this seems more like an AS only problem anyway.

I've tried clicking the little floppy disk in the aquero 5 bar in the left-hand navigation pane, but that hasn't helped. I've searched and searched about this, but found only This post - it says something about a similar problem and saving the settings, but it wasn't clear to me exactly what the poster did to fix it.

I've also tried rebooting and making sure that OHM was running first before I opened aquasuite - that didn't help.

Thanks for any help in advance!

So I've got a workaround for this that I thought I'd share in case anyone else runs into this problem. Having the Aqua Computer Service start late fixes the issue I was seeing. For details on the problem, read the rest of this forum. I did as follows:

1. Let Aquasuite and Open Hardware Monitor start at system start-up as normal.
2. Go to Window's services and set the "Aqua Computer Service" start-up type to manual.
3. In task scheduler, create a new task.
4. Set it to run with highest privileges.
5. As a trigger, have it run at system start-up and set it to delay for some small amount of time. Right now I've delayed it for one minute but I'm sure that could be trimmed back.
6. As the task's action, have it run the command "net start Aqua Computer Service". The "net" part can go in the program name text box and the "start Aqua Computer Service" can go in the program arguments text box.

And that's it! Once the service is up, Aquasuite will be reading any previously set-up software sensors.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LossMentality« (26. November 2012, 22:28)

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 07:03

Close the aqasuite after setup the sensors.

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 07:18

Thank you for the reply Sebastian.

I may not have understood what you're saying, but after setting up the software sensors, I have indeed closed auquasuite, but still have the same problem. To verify though, after reading your post, I tried the following:

1 Launch OHM
2. Launch AS
3. Set up a software sensor.
4. Close AS
5. Open AS and verify that software sensor is still reading from the OHM data source (it is).
6. Close AS
7. Reboot
8. After reboot, launch OHM
9. Launch AS
10. AS data source for that sensor is now blank.

This seems to happen regardless of which order I open or close AS and OHM before or after rebooting.

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 07:20

I should add that not only is the data source blank, but the "Use Sensor with Aqua Computer Service" check box, which has to be checked to select a data source, is always unchecked after the reboot.

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 07:49

i think you have a other problem,.. the software sensors runnig fine,.. also after a reboot and power off.

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 07:57

Correct, the software sensors do indeed work fine when I set them up. They correctly report the corresponding temp value shown in OHM. It's just that AS seems to forget that I had them set up whenever I reboot. Yes, there must be something fishy here if no one else is seeing this problem... can i supply you with more info or can I try something else? Hmmm.... are you saying you'd like me to do a full power cycle of the machine instead of just a reboot?


Freitag, 23. November 2012, 08:08

I tried a full power cycle. Still have same problem. :(

Do you think you could tell me where on the PC the software sensor settings are saved? I could then go and verify that they're actually being written. I've done some poking around in various files but haven't found anything that looks like software sensor settings yet.


Freitag, 23. November 2012, 09:24

You could have a look into the file service_settings.xml from aquasuite 2012 folder in the general app folder from Windows.

In this file you can also change all settings and maybe try to set the file attribute to write-protected afterwards.

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 10:03

Thanks Shoggy - that's the file I needed. Okay, here's what I did.

1 Launch OHM
2. Launch AS
3. Open service_settings.xml (hereafter, I'll call this file "SS") and observe that the software sensor fields appear to have default values:

<sensorName />
<sourcePath />
Note that I have renamed all of my software sensors, but those names are not showing up in the SS file.

4. In AS, go to aquaero 5 -> software temperature settings, select the first one, which I call "CPU Core 1 Temp" - the name I gave it is still showing up in AS even though it is NOT in the SS file.
5. I set up this sensor to use OHM's core 1 temp by checking the "Use Sensor With Aqua Computer Service" check box and then selecting the Core 1 temp from the "select datasource" list.
6. At this point, I look at the SS file and see it has been updated with the correct info:

<sensorName>CPU Core #1</sensorName>
The sensor also appears to be reading the correct value.

7. I go to an overview page and add the software sensor I just set up to the page. It too appears to be reading correctly - that is, it changes to mirror whatever OHM is showing for the Core 1 temp.
8. Shut down AS
9. Reboot machine.
10. After reboot, look at SS file. The settings I made are still there.
11. Launch OHM
12. Launch AS
13. Go to overview page that had the software sensor widget. The name is correct but the temperature appears to be locked at a temp I think it's always been locked at 26 C or 28 C. This persists even though I can see my core 1 temp changing in OHM.
14. Check SS file again - settings are still correct.
15. Go to aquaero 5 -> software temperature settings page, and immediately check the SS file. The settings have now changed and are back to the default values as shown above!
16. I can then redo my settings and the whole cycle repeats.

So, it looks like the settings are saved correctly, but for some reason after a reboot AS can't connect with OHM, then upon going to the aquaero 5 -> software temperature settings page to see what's going on, the data source gets automatically reset to nothing (maybe because AS isn't able to talk with OHM?). Note again that I can shut down both OHM and AS and restart them and everything is fine. It's only after a reboot that a configured software sensor can't get readings from OHM.

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 10:35

in the actual ohm version is a bug with wmi exports.
Use the Version: 0.4.0 Beta or build your own version from here:

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 11:06

I downloaded and used the 0.4.0 beta version of OHM. Unfortunately, I still have the exact same problem.

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 11:24

Well I now sort of know what's going on. I set the aqua computer service start up mode to manual and rebooted. Then I launched OHM and then the AC service. Finally, I launched AS, and the software sensors were fine.

I then rebooted again, with the AC Service still in manual start mode. This time, I started the AC service first, then OHM, followed by AS. I expected the software sensors to not be working (because I was thinking the AC service had to launch AFTER OHM). So I was a bit surprised to see that the sensors were working correctly.

So I set the AC service back to automatic start up, and rebooted after which I verified that the service was running and then started OHM followed by AS. And the problem was back.

I want to run the sequence a few more times, but right now it seems that if the AC service starts right at boot, the service, AS, and OHM don't work together to do whatever it is they do. Again, I'm going to verify this behavior with a few more reboots.

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 11:48

Okay, I verified the info in my last post several more times. Basically, AS can't see previously set up software sensors if the AC service starts automatically at boot. When this happens, the software sensors go back to their default state after they timeout (according to the time out setting for the sensor) or when I click on the aquaero -> sensors tab. (Incidentally, I was often getting a crash when I clicked on this tab after booting. AS would crash multiple times after a boot when I tried to go to the sensors page. Eventually, it would work)

If I start the AC service manually, either before or after OHM is started, there is no problem.

Does the AC service depend on some other service that maybe is getting started after the AC service when it's set to start automatically?

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 15:52

I also have my aquaservice set to start automatically....but I'm not experiencing the same issue as you are. My software sensors are still intact and showing after I restart the computer. The only difference is I'm using Aida64 instead of OHM. Perhaps you could try Aida64? I've tried both, and much prefer all the features.

Freitag, 23. November 2012, 19:00

Thanks very much cpachris for taking the time to read the thread and make a suggestion.

Unfortunately, I tried Aida64, but still have the same problem. :( Also, not all of the aida64 temperature sensors showed up in aquasuite's software sensor datasource list, even though I had them all checked for export to WMI in aida64. This included two of the four CPU core temps and both of the GPU temps. I guess that doesn't matter though, since I'll probably stick with OHM since it's free and aida64 has the same issue.

Samstag, 24. November 2012, 19:28

Hmmm. Since I'm not experiencing that issue with either OHM or Aida....seems like it must be an issue with something else on your system.

Montag, 26. November 2012, 01:45

Yes, I guess so. :( Seems like something is interfering with the Aqua Computer process if it runs too early. I'll try the delay start service option and if that doesn't help I'll probably right a script that launches at boot but waits 30 seconds to start the service.... Or I've been meaning to reinstall Windows anyway, so this might be a good time to see if it helps.

Montag, 26. November 2012, 01:47

Yes, I guess so. :( Seems like something is interfering with the Aqua Computer process if it runs too early. I'll try the delay start service option and if that doesn't help I'll probably right a script that launches at boot but waits 30 seconds to start the service.... Or I've been meaning to reinstall Windows anyway, so this might be a good time to see if it helps.
on mine...it even seems like Aida loads after Aquasuite. I have Aquasuite checked to run at start and minimize to task tray. It's always there way before Aida finishes its thing.

Montag, 26. November 2012, 05:10

So what my testing has shown is that Aquasuite, the AC service, and OHM (I'm assuming Aida would be the same) can start in pretty much any order and things will be okay once all three are up and running. So I'm seeing that pretty much like you are. Where my problem arises is when the AC service is allowed to start right away at boot. If I start it manually right after boot, things are okay, and I've tested starting the service manually both before and after Aquasuite and OHM. So I'll have those two things start as soon as they want to, and them somehow try to delay the AC service start up for a bit, and see if it fixes the problem when it's all running automatically. At least I'm hoping I've interpreted everything correctly ;)

Montag, 26. November 2012, 21:45

So I've got a workaround for this that I thought I'd share in case anyone else runs into this problem. Having the Aqua Computer Service start late fixes the issue I was seeing. I did this as follows:

1. Let Aquasuite and Open Hardware Monitor start at system start-up as normal.
2. Go to Window's services and set the "Aqua Computer Service" start-up type to manual.
3. In task scheduler, create a new task.
4. Set it to run with highest privileges.
5. As a trigger, have it run at system start-up and set it to delay for some small amount of time. Right now I've delayed it for one minute but I'm sure that could be trimmed back.
6. As the task's action, have it run the command "net start Aqua Computer Service". The "net" part can go in the program name text box and the "start Aqua Computer Service" can go in the program arguments text box.

And that's it! Once the service is up, Aquasuite will be reading any previously set-up software sensors.