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Junior Member

Fan RPM not showing in Aquaero from PA2 Ultras question

Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012, 00:03

For all the fans listed in the Aquasuite 2012 software, I'm only getting one fan that is showing me RPM in the main portion of the fan control. I do have fans that show the RPM on the poweradjust2 Ultras. Is there any way to show the PA2 Ultra rpm on the main portion of the fan control in the software? Or do I have to connect a cable from the PA2 Ultra's to the Aquaero XT (I hope not, as I'd have to take quite a bit apart)?

I have the latest firmware for all of these.

Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012, 10:35

Should be listed there without any special settings etc. Maybe you are using a very old firmware on both devices? In an older version there are some bugs.

Have you tried the PA2 with USB. If you also get no rpm values in this configuration, than maybe the controller is faulty.


Junior Member

Freitag, 21. Dezember 2012, 08:07

I stated earlier that all devices have the latest firmware....


aquaero 5 xt : firmware : 1027

PA2 Ultra 1-3 : firmware : 1005

Fan connection:

Aquaero 5 xt (USB to motherboard): Fan 1 : shows RPM (fan connected)

Fan 2: no RPM (no fan connected)

Fan 3: no RPM (no fan connected)

Fan 4 no RPM (no fan connected)

PA2 Ultra 1-3 (USB to motherboard): Fan: shows RPM (multiple fans connected)

Again, how do I get the Fan RPM on PA2 Ultra to show on Aquaero 5 XT Fan 2-4?

Do I have to connect a cable?

Or can this be done in the software?

Freitag, 21. Dezember 2012, 09:20


You are missing the aquabus connection between both devices. You have to connect them with the 3-pin cable. At first you have to change the aquabus ID of two poweradjusts in their system settings (via USB) so all three devices use different IDs. You can use two y-adapters to connect them all or you connect them in series: aquaero -> PA2 #1 -> PA2 #2 -> PA2 #3