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Missing features?

Dienstag, 8. Januar 2013, 02:04

Hi folks,

Hopefully I am just missing something, but can someone tell me where the following can be found? I didn't see anything in Aquasuite 2012 or the Aquaero 5 menus for any of these functions (I have these devices connected to my Aquaero 5 via aquabus)

-Wave motion alarm
-LED control

poweradjust 2
-Deaeration mode

Aquaero 5
-Device names (those shown on the Aquaero menus and graphs) adjustable via Aquasuite 2012?


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »JinTu« (8. Januar 2013, 02:17)

Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013, 01:03

Should I assume from the lack of any response that these are capabilities that had been present in Aquaero 4 + Aquasuite 4.72 but haven't been carried forward into the Aquaero 5 and Aquasuite 2012?

Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013, 15:01

LED control is under the Controller options, but if you mean LED for a tubemeter then I don't see it. But I don't have such a device.
There is no Deaeration mode under Power Adjust I've ever seen.
Device names can be set to display whatever you want, if I understand you correctly.

I've only seen Aquasuite for the Aquaero 5 so I have no idea what did/did not exist in prior versions.

Montag, 28. Januar 2013, 10:40

LED control is under the Controller options, but if you mean LED for a tubemeter then I don't see it. But I don't have such a device.
There is no Deaeration mode under Power Adjust I've ever seen.
Device names can be set to display whatever you want, if I understand you correctly.

I've only seen Aquasuite for the Aquaero 5 so I have no idea what did/did not exist in prior versions.

Thanks for your response mandrix,

The LED control I mentioned is specifically related to the LED at the end of the tubemeter. From what I gather from reading other posts on this forum LED control was indeed available in the version of Aquasuite that works with the Aquaero 4, but doesn't appear to be in Aquasuite 2012 despite the description on aquacomputer's own website here : "Die Erkennung der Einbauposition erfolgt automatisch. An der Spitze des tubemeters ist zur Funktionskontrolle eine LED angebracht. Diese kann über die beiliegende aquasuite Software auf Wunsch deaktiviert werden." My German is a little rusty but I believe this says that the LED can be disabled in Aquasuite.

Deaeration mode is referenced in the documentation for the previous generation Poweradjust USB, but doesn't seem to be available for the Poweradjust 2. Since "The poweradjust 2 is primarily optimized for the control of Laing DDC pump" as was it's predecessor, it would hold that the same functionality would be available in this product. Deaeration mode does appear to be available in Aquasuite 2012 for the aquastream XT which is essentially a poweradjust 2 embedded in an Eheim pump, so why wouldn't it be available for the poweradjust 2?

Device names as set in Aquasuite 2012 appear to only be local to the application and are not sent to the device. When viewing device names on the Aquaero 5, they do not reflect the value set in Aquasuite.

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