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Junior Member

PowerAdjust and MPS on same aquabus ?

Wednesday, January 16th 2013, 10:42am

I have a MPS400 flow meter running on my aquabus, now I want to add a PowerAdjust Ultra.
I configured the PowerAdjust by using USB and then connected it to the Aquabus Low port on my Aquaero5, since the Aquabus High is taken by the MPS400.
I can't find the PowerAdjust anywhere in my Aquasuite and I think it will only run on the Aquabus High.
The problem is, that the Aquabus connectors on the PowerAdjust are only 3-pin, so if I put my MPS400 behind the Poweradjust, it will not get any power over the aquabus.
Can I connect either one of these devices to the Aquabus Low port on the Aquaero?
When the PowerAdjust is detected over the Aquabus, where should I find it in the Aquasuite?
Is there any difference between the 2 Aquabus ports on the PowerAdjust? Is one for IN and one for OUT?


Junior Member

Wednesday, January 16th 2013, 7:24pm

So I have ripped up my cable management today, took the Aquaero and PowerAdjust out of their 5.25 slots and started testing with different configurations.
As I suspected, the PowerAdjust does only run on the Aquabus High (or Aquabus 2 as it's marked on the Aquaero), and so does the MPS.
When I connected it to the Aquabus High, I did see the PowerAdjust appear in Aquasuite as "Fan 5" but no matter what setting I tried, I could only get the fans running at full speed or not at all, even when I added it to one of the curve controllers, it's just on or off.
I then connected the Poweradjust back to the USB port and could control the speed of the fans with the slider in the PowerAdjust part of Aquasuite (only visible in USB mode), but I could not add this group of fans to one of my curve controllers because the PowerAdjust is connected over USB and not Aquabus :(
So let alone the problem with connecting the MPS and PowerAdjust on the same Aquabus, I can't even get the poweradjust alone to function properly on the Aquabus.
I have been trying and testing all day and just can't get it to work. What am I doing wrong here?

Edit: More weird stuff happening.
I have connected 6 fans to the PowerAdjust and am now running it connected to the USB port and controlling the speed with the slider in Aquasuite.
When I put the slider to 35% the fans draw 0,86 Amps at 4,3 Volts. It only takes a few minutes for the Fan Amplifier to reach 80 Degrees Celcius and the fans go to 100% automatically then.
I thought these things were built to drive power hungry pumps? Why does it struggle with 6 fans?
Even worse, the fans stay at 100% and do not slow down, even when the Fan Controller has cooled down to 50 Degrees.
Is my PowerAdjust defective?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "BuzzNL" (Jan 16th 2013, 7:54pm)


Full Member

Friday, January 18th 2013, 2:16am

I don't have that type of flow sensor, but have you tried hooking the Power Adjust to the high bus on the Aquaero, then hooking the flow sensor to the second port on the Power Adjust? You might have to check the bus address of both and make sure they are incremented properly, i.e., 50, 51, etc.

Without being USB connected the Power Adjust showing up as Fan 5 in Aquasuite is normal.

The heat is being generated I assume by the way the electronics are designed and the fact you are undervolting. Once the heat reaches a point then output automagically goes to 100%. You might try aiming a fan at the Power Adjust or cranking up the fans a little higher. I don't understand why it stays at 100% when the temperature drops, it may be you blew something, I don't know. Might ought to contact Aquacomputer and see what they say.


Junior Member

Friday, January 18th 2013, 12:19pm

I don't have that type of flow sensor, but have you tried hooking the Power Adjust to the high bus on the Aquaero, then hooking the flow sensor to the second port on the Power Adjust? You might have to check the bus address of both and make sure they are incremented properly, i.e., 50, 51, etc.
The MPS flow sensor is powered by the 4th wire on the Aquabus connector. If I connect it with a 3-wire Aquabus cable, it doesn't get power to operate.
The Aquabus ports on the Aquaero have 4 pins (including power), the Aquabus connectors on the PowerAdjust only have 3 pins so putting it behind the poweradjust will not work :(

I understand that it is normal for the poweradjust to appear as fan5 when connected over Aquabus, but why will it only power the fans at full speed or not at all? While connected over USB, I can set the fans at any speed I want.


Full Member

Friday, January 18th 2013, 1:49pm

Yeah, I don't know Buzz. I had some recent problems with the Aquasuite software and had to reset everything and start over. Don't know if that will help you or not, but I don't know what else to try.


Full Member

Friday, January 18th 2013, 3:51pm

I don't have that type of flow sensor, but have you tried hooking the Power Adjust to the high bus on the Aquaero, then hooking the flow sensor to the second port on the Power Adjust? You might have to check the bus address of both and make sure they are incremented properly, i.e., 50, 51, etc.
The MPS flow sensor is powered by the 4th wire on the Aquabus connector. If I connect it with a 3-wire Aquabus cable, it doesn't get power to operate.
The Aquabus ports on the Aquaero have 4 pins (including power), the Aquabus connectors on the PowerAdjust only have 3 pins so putting it behind the poweradjust will not work :(

I understand that it is normal for the poweradjust to appear as fan5 when connected over Aquabus, but why will it only power the fans at full speed or not at all? While connected over USB, I can set the fans at any speed I want.
You are saying that you can see the PA2 listed as fan5 in the fans screen, right? What happens when you create a controller with fan5 as the output? You should be able to control the speed the same way you do when you have it plugged in via USB. Have you set a controller yet?


Junior Member

Saturday, January 19th 2013, 9:32am

You are saying that you can see the PA2 listed as fan5 in the fans screen, right? What happens when you create a controller with fan5 as the output? You should be able to control the speed the same way you do when you have it plugged in via USB. Have you set a controller yet?

I have added the fan5 as the output of a curve controller I have defined. When the curve controller is at 0%, the fans on the PowerAdjust stop. When the curve controller sets fan speed at 1% or higher, the fans start spinning at full speed.


Junior Member

Saturday, January 19th 2013, 6:42pm

After some experimenting today, I solved the mystery :)
I have 6 fans connected to the PowerAdjust. To do this, I bought a splitter cable with 9 outputs (they only sold 3 or 9 outputs).
On the 9 outputs, only 1 has the RPM signal connected and as my luck decided, there was no fan connected to that output.
The software is set by default to RPM speed control, so that's why they went up to 100% when they needed to turn.

I got some info from Aquacomputer support that I can connect both the PowerAdjust and the MPS with a 4-pin Y-splitter, so I'm going to order that cable and see if that will work.