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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "BuzzNL" (Jan 16th 2013, 7:54pm)
The MPS flow sensor is powered by the 4th wire on the Aquabus connector. If I connect it with a 3-wire Aquabus cable, it doesn't get power to operate.I don't have that type of flow sensor, but have you tried hooking the Power Adjust to the high bus on the Aquaero, then hooking the flow sensor to the second port on the Power Adjust? You might have to check the bus address of both and make sure they are incremented properly, i.e., 50, 51, etc.
You are saying that you can see the PA2 listed as fan5 in the fans screen, right? What happens when you create a controller with fan5 as the output? You should be able to control the speed the same way you do when you have it plugged in via USB. Have you set a controller yet?The MPS flow sensor is powered by the 4th wire on the Aquabus connector. If I connect it with a 3-wire Aquabus cable, it doesn't get power to operate.I don't have that type of flow sensor, but have you tried hooking the Power Adjust to the high bus on the Aquaero, then hooking the flow sensor to the second port on the Power Adjust? You might have to check the bus address of both and make sure they are incremented properly, i.e., 50, 51, etc.
The Aquabus ports on the Aquaero have 4 pins (including power), the Aquabus connectors on the PowerAdjust only have 3 pins so putting it behind the poweradjust will not work
I understand that it is normal for the poweradjust to appear as fan5 when connected over Aquabus, but why will it only power the fans at full speed or not at all? While connected over USB, I can set the fans at any speed I want.
I have added the fan5 as the output of a curve controller I have defined. When the curve controller is at 0%, the fans on the PowerAdjust stop. When the curve controller sets fan speed at 1% or higher, the fans start spinning at full speed.You are saying that you can see the PA2 listed as fan5 in the fans screen, right? What happens when you create a controller with fan5 as the output? You should be able to control the speed the same way you do when you have it plugged in via USB. Have you set a controller yet?