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AquaSuite-13 Summary

Freitag, 22. März 2013, 23:14

Is there a summary changelog?
AsRock E3Gen3, 2700k @4.6 with cuplex HF, 2 HD7970s with aquaC waterblocks, 16G GSkill 2133, TJ09, ST1500 ps, plextor 256 ssd, 2x1TB WD VRs raid 1, HP 30 inch. Aquacomputer 720XT Mk IV.

Freitag, 22. März 2013, 23:50

I've just posted this on my guide thing I'm doing & was what I found on the AC site..

Change Log

22.03.2013 - aquasuite 2013-1

NEW: Flow Senor simplified settings

NEW: simplified setpoint controller settings

Sporadic crashes and other minor bugs fixed.

Performance of improved aquasuite

Firmware Update for aquaero 5 aquaduct mk4/mk5,:

Adjusted LED control, LEDs can be adjusted fine, fixed incorrect color output.


Samstag, 23. März 2013, 00:57

Thanks Namron. :)

where is the guide?
AsRock E3Gen3, 2700k @4.6 with cuplex HF, 2 HD7970s with aquaC waterblocks, 16G GSkill 2133, TJ09, ST1500 ps, plextor 256 ssd, 2x1TB WD VRs raid 1, HP 30 inch. Aquacomputer 720XT Mk IV.

Samstag, 23. März 2013, 01:02

Thanks Namron. :)

where is the guide?

No problem :) ...
The Guide is HERE It's still on going & adding things as & when I can get the Kit.. It's only a Basic sort of guide just to get people up & running, nothing too technical or confusing ;) ..


Montag, 25. März 2013, 02:41

Wow! Great guide. You put a lot of effort into that. Why not post the guide here. It deserves a "sticky" ;)
AsRock E3Gen3, 2700k @4.6 with cuplex HF, 2 HD7970s with aquaC waterblocks, 16G GSkill 2133, TJ09, ST1500 ps, plextor 256 ssd, 2x1TB WD VRs raid 1, HP 30 inch. Aquacomputer 720XT Mk IV.

Montag, 1. April 2013, 01:56

When I updated to version 1030 on my Aquaero 5 I seem to have lost the information and user interface tabs out of the Aquasuite software.... Anyone else have this issue ? All other tabs seem to be there except those 2.

Sonntag, 5. Mai 2013, 01:10

same issue, only resolved by re-installing software.