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Aquaero 5 lt mps sensor question for shoggy

Freitag, 19. April 2013, 02:21

Hi i bought aquaero 5 lt and mps 400 sensor...
I need the water temperature for setting the curve of rad fans, but i can read the temperature only in the mps menu
How i can use the mps water temperature sensor in the aquaero fan settings?

Thank you

Freitag, 19. April 2013, 02:34

And i cannot use the flow rate for setting things in the aquaero device menu :|

Freitag, 19. April 2013, 04:09

All fine.. my mistake i connect the aquabus cable to flow port :| now it's all fine...
But it's possible that i have 399 lt/h at 85%, with a laing 500- 18 watt with xspc top?

Loop is:

Pump--->2 heatkiller gpux waterblocks (with sli gpu multi-link heatkiller)--->>ek supreme hf---->280rad---->reservoir xspc

Montag, 22. April 2013, 23:24

No one can tell me if everything is ok?


Dienstag, 23. April 2013, 02:37

I have the Laing Plus 1 rated 600Lh and in a simple test loop it was running @ 400Lh, so the flow looks normal at least from what I have seen with my pump.

Dienstag, 23. April 2013, 09:57

All fine.. my mistake i connect the aquabus cable to flow port :| now it's all fine...
But it's possible that i have 399 lt/h at 85%, with a laing 500- 18 watt with xspc top?

Loop is:

Pump--->2 heatkiller gpux waterblocks (with sli gpu multi-link heatkiller)--->>ek supreme hf---->280rad---->reservoir xspc

I'm not sure what you mean by a Laing 500 - 18 watt ?

Anyway 399lt/h is extremely unlikely through any loop except one with no water blocks. I have two pumps pushing through 2 blocks and flow is only 250lt/h ( Measured by the old fashioned mechanical flow meter )

I would suggest you have not configured everything correctly.

Dienstag, 23. April 2013, 12:04

I have the Laing Plus 1 rated 600Lh and in a simple test loop it was running @ 400Lh, so the flow looks normal at least from what I have seen with my pump.

Ok but... mine is three blocks and a rad loop... It's a simple loop?

All fine.. my mistake i connect the aquabus cable to flow port :| now it's all fine...
But it's possible that i have 399 lt/h at 85%, with a laing 500- 18 watt with xspc top?

Loop is:

Pump--->2 heatkiller gpux waterblocks (with sli gpu multi-link heatkiller)--->>ek supreme hf---->280rad---->reservoir xspc

I'm not sure what you mean by a Laing 500 - 18 watt ?

Anyway 399lt/h is extremely unlikely through any loop except one with no water blocks. I have two pumps pushing through 2 blocks and flow is only 250lt/h ( Measured by the old fashioned mechanical flow meter )

I would suggest you have not configured everything correctly.

What i need to configure? There are preset settings on aquasuite... Maybe is the flow mps sensor before the reservoir the issue?

Dienstag, 23. April 2013, 12:39

399 lph = 1.7556 US gpm (399 * .0044) which seems pretty high to me but may be possible.
When my loop was smaller I could get 1.7 gpm but that was with a dual MCP35x pumps setup.


Dienstag, 23. April 2013, 19:18

I may have misunderstood, I thought your concern was the pump was putting out far less than the rated 500 Lh. I use the High Flow sensor when I set it @ 70% it will show mid 200 Lh, it is calibrated in the Aquaero 5 XT menu High Flow.

Mittwoch, 24. April 2013, 01:30

I don't know... Maybe it's important where is placed the mps sensor?
Maybe near the pump show an higher value?

Donnerstag, 25. April 2013, 14:22


Freitag, 26. April 2013, 14:45

i Changed the disposition of the loop... But the things are the same
Always 400 lt/h... I think it's impossible...
Someone have other calibration settings for mps 400 sensor?

Freitag, 26. April 2013, 16:12

I don't have a pressure based flow meter to experiment with but as I understand it there is a button on the MPS config tab to set the current flow as zero. Unplug your pump for a couple of seconds, hit the zero flow calibration button and plug the pump back in.

Freitag, 26. April 2013, 16:25

You may have already looked into this, But.... What diameter is the tubing your using?..... Because you need to use the little "Diffuser Plate" for tubing that is smaller than 13/10mm when using the 400 variant.

For the 200 variant you need the diffuser plate for tubing that is smaller than 10/8mm & 11/8mm. The only time you don't use the diffuser plate is when you have the 100 variant...

Also make sure you don't have any angled fittings connected directly to the Sensor, It needs to have straight fittings so there is no distortion to the flow of the fluid before it enters the Flow Sensor..


Freitag, 26. April 2013, 16:46

I don't have a pressure based flow meter to experiment with but as I understand it there is a button on the MPS config tab to set the current flow as zero. Unplug your pump for a couple of seconds, hit the zero flow calibration button and plug the pump back in.
I have done the zero calibration

You may have already looked into this, But.... What diameter is the tubing your using?..... Because you need to use the little "Diffuser Plate" for tubing that is smaller than 13/10mm when using the 400 variant.

For the 200 variant you need the diffuser plate for tubing that is smaller than 10/8mm & 11/8mm. The only time you don't use the diffuser plate is when you have the 100 variant...

Also make sure you don't have any angled fittings connected directly to the Sensor, It needs to have straight fittings so there is no distortion to the flow of the fluid before it enters the Flow Sensor..

I have no diffusor beacause i have 10/13 fittings (3/8) and mps 400...
How i can check if my mps is really the 400 and not the 200? Maybe the shop sent me the wrong item...

Freitag, 26. April 2013, 16:48

Sorry i've read on the flow meter... is the 400...
I don't know what i can do for an accurate reading...
It's very bad that you spend almost 150 euro in controller and sensor, and they won't work

Freitag, 26. April 2013, 16:55

Sorry.. Not sure then.... I had no issues with my two 100 variants, I just selected the correct setting for my sensor from the drop down menu in the configuration menu & clicked on the import sensor data & it was set up..

Don't know if maybe connecting it first to the flow header has somehow damaged it?... don't even know if that is possible to cause any damage from the flow header?....


Freitag, 26. April 2013, 17:18

Here is a video...
It's possible that the flow is 400 lt/h?


Freitag, 26. April 2013, 17:27

That certainly looks to have a fair amount of flow for sure, but it's difficult to say from just a vid... If you had a mechanical flow meter one, you could try in the same loop, It probably wouldn't give the exact reading as the MPS sensor but should be within a few L/h to give a rough idea if the MPS is somewhere reading correctly or not.. Sorry can't think of many other options as you say you've set it up correctly e.t.c It should work..


Freitag, 26. April 2013, 17:36

No other mechanical sensor available here...
Thank you anyway