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Poweradjust 2 ultra and aqua computer high flow sensor : LOW FLOW!

Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2013, 12:43

hi all
I'm having some issues with the Poweradjust 2 ultra usb and the flow sensor aquacomputer.
the controller works well with temp sensor and with the pump (laing dcc 3,25 18w) showing correct values.
After I purchased and installed the aquacomputer highflow sensor but it shows me only 36 l/h with pump at 12v (5000rpm) and if I give low tension it shows even 10-15 l/h.

I set the impulse at 169 (there is also pre set flowsensor).. tried 158 but nothing changes..

I also opened the flowsensor but it seems everything ok (no obstacles, the impeller turn easily..)

i think it is strange that no noise is produced by the flow meter. I have a very silent system and no noise is from the flowmeter..

this is my loop

I dont know please help me

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »liberato87« (8. Mai 2013, 12:46)

Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013, 14:08

Seems like if you are changing the pump speed and the flow changes then the flow meter appears to be working. Whether it's working right or not is the question I guess.

As for the meter being quiet, I have two of the high flow sensors in my rig and they are pretty quiet....although some have said theirs makes a sort of clicking noise when the sensors are new.

Is it possible you have some sort of obstruction in your loop, like a clogged up cpu block? Or that the wiring is not making good contact?

All I can suggest is if you can set up a test loop with nothing but tubing, pump & flow meter and see what results you get. Other than that, asking Aqua Computer to test/fix a possible bad flow meter I don't know what else you can do.
Could be the sending unit is bad but I think usually they work or they don't.

Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013, 16:40

I bought both (pa2 ultra and flowmeter) from a friend, and they were working good. the difference is my friend used the flow meter with the aquaero non with the pa2.

I do not have problems with temps but it is too low flow I think (yesterday I changed the verse of the flowmeter and now flow is 15 l/h !!)
I will test with other loop

I have now discovered that I had mounted vga waterblock with inlet and outlet reversed, and this is not good for the flow I think.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »liberato87« (9. Mai 2013, 16:58)

Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013, 18:04

Most gpu blocks it doesn't matter which way the flow goes, unlike cpu blocks which need the flow traveling over the impingement plate in the right direction. If it's a universal block then maybe it's different, I've never used one.
But I'm thinking the problem is in your loop some where.

I've run a flow meter from a PA2 with no problems so that shouldn't make any difference.

Good luck.

Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013, 18:40

ok.. i have to test it with a custom loop, then I can say if my loops got problems or if it is the flowmeter.

one thing, on the flowmeter it is written "min 40 l/h", so it is normal that it reads 10 or 15 l/h?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »liberato87« (10. Mai 2013, 00:55)

Freitag, 10. Mai 2013, 06:26

everything on my loop looked good, everything water cooled so i could hang the MO-RA Pro radiator in the casement window and put the heat outside, but i had terrible flow..by hours of trial and testing the single largest impact was the motherboard blocks by MIPS, i ended up using automotive Y fittings to split the loop so, i guess about 2/3 flow went to cpu/gpu . With replacing motherboard I have now trashed the mips blocks and done away with the parallel loop. What I did find was that flow loss was also the accumulation of many little restrictions, I also had lots of right angle fittings like you, now I have redesigned loop so i have only 2 right angles (TUBE DOES BEND). But you know I still feel disappointed about flow, last remaining option is to trash the MIPS ram cooler that , but that means buying new ram 8|
Having a multi-branded custom loop, I went for the XSPS ddc reservoir as it had the lowest impact on flow.
I guess what I am trying to say is " test everything"
I dont know what type of cpu block you are using, is it assembled correctly?
good luck

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Grasshopper« (10. Mai 2013, 06:34)

Samstag, 18. Mai 2013, 15:17

I have got Ek supreme hf on cpu and Ek supreme hf vga bridge edition on gpu.
radiators are xspc rx 360 and ek xt 240. I have not restrictive components..
Next week I will test pump and reservoir with the flowmeter and i will see if the flowmeter changes value.

I'm thinking.. Im not using the original flow meter cable by aquacomputer but the phobya one, it could be a problem??

Sonntag, 19. Mai 2013, 13:42

If you are using an Aqua Computer high flow sensor you better make sure the cable is the right one. I miswired one while sleeving (swapped two leads) and blew it until I could get a replacement part from AC. So yeah, if the 5V power gets wired to the wrong input you will definitely not have a functioning sensor.
I have no idea if the Phobya cable is the same or not. You can go to the Aqua Computer web shop and look at a pic of the correct cable and see if yours is wired the same. I keep a pic handy so if I sleeve one again I'll have a visual guide to the wiring.

Samstag, 25. Mai 2013, 17:10

today I tried a loop with only pump, flow meter and reservoir.
the flow looks great so It is impossibile pump got problem.

The flowmeter still not work. Now it is on 0, like there is no signal.
Strange thing if I plug the flowmeter cable the poweradjust 2 restart, like there is a contact.

and now the poweradjust 2 not work, red link blinking!
It is now recognized as poweradust 2 advanced not Ultra and there is firmware 0! I already had updated to firmwre 1006 but now it is 0.
I tried to update, update good but when I restart aquasuite, it still ask me update because the firmware is still 0.

I tried also to update t firmware 1003 (using aquasuite 4) but same problem... firmware still on 0!

please help me.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »liberato87« (25. Mai 2013, 17:53)

Sonntag, 26. Mai 2013, 03:20

idea of you testing loop is to pump from 1 container to another and measure volume in a given time to calculate say litres /minute. You can then set high flow calibration value.

flow meter recording zero suggests that internals are now perhaps jammed ????

I would uninstall 2013, restart computer and reinstall 2013 to validate install.

I would remove power to PA2, wait a few minutes (ie.10) then power up and try again firmware update.

As madrix pointed out, full cover GPU blocks are usually good, given you appear to have no bends in your tubing you can discount kinks and tube compression, the EK supreme if like mine, does not have guide pins for the metal plates position ( unlike the Koolance). Has the block been correctly assembled after maintenance??
If you are using a Swiftech style gpu block, is it good?

So easy to get frustrated, carelessly make mistakes and actually end up with a testing method that doesn't really prove anything. As an example you already know you have fluid flow in your loop and yet you picture supplied shows your testing method .........simply telling you what you already know!

Time to have a good cuppa tea and then double check connections, decide what to test, how to test.\

good luck

Sonntag, 26. Mai 2013, 12:00

flow meter cable doesnt work and if i touch it to disconnect, PA2 turn off and restart.. very strange.
now as I wrote in the post PA2 is stucked to firmware 0 and I'm not able to update it.
I tried removing aquasuite 2013 and reinstall (new installation) but not able to update firmware 0006.
Tried to remove power and wait (also this morning I tried after leaving all night turned off) but nothing changed.

I also installed aquasuite 4 that got firmware 1003 in the folder, but same thing. It says update completed but after restart It asks update again.
I think there is something wrong into usb connection.
I tested in this way to see if flowmeter broken or my loop is too restrictive.
Flow meter showed 0 so.. but now I think poweradjust 2 is dead.
Red led blink when i turn on power.
Aquasuite recongize it but with firmware 0000.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »liberato87« (26. Mai 2013, 12:02)

Montag, 27. Mai 2013, 00:42

at this stage no longer testing high flow, you are now PA2 testing. yes?
The PA2 like AQ5 should be completely powered off before plugging/unplugging anything. :!:
if it appears that the PA2 is sensitive to touch, have you physically checked the PA2 circuit board for broken/ cracked solder joints, paying particular attention to sockets. :?:
Please again check the USB cabling :?:
I once installed mine back to front (on the AQ5 end, it's dark and cramped), Aquasuite appeared to work, giving the green tick for changes made, it
did not indicate "cable error" . But it wasn't communicating correctly- the AQ5 didn't actually change operation.

USB pin layout will be available from your motherboards user documentation or from the manufacturer website.
A Google search indicates AS4.72 choice for firmware updates.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Grasshopper« (27. Mai 2013, 00:51)

Montag, 3. Juni 2013, 15:39

I have had many problems with the High Flow sensors.
Bottom line, they were all due to faulty (Very Cheap/POORLY Made) cables.
PA2 flow sensor connectors read flow poorly compared to AQ5 flow sensor connection. This from Shoggy a while back.
To reset the PA2 firmware, it must be connected ONLY via USB to MB, then run AS2012 and re flash or set to factory defaults until it works. If it does not, it is toast.
Download AS2012 again and re install. A previous version had a testing bug left in by mistake.
AMD FX-8150 OctoCore O.C. 18% to 4.2 GHz on ASUS M5A99X EVO with 16 GB Corsair Dominator W. C. RAM, 2 nVIDIA Geforce 560TI W.C. in SLI, six Western Digital drives for a total of 4.07 TBytes, AquaComputer Aquero 5 Pro, AquaComputer D5 pump, Multiswitch USB, tubemeter and Kyros CPU block. Two coolant loops,CPU & SLI, MB, RAM and AQ5, with two flow meters. Running Windows 7 Professional 64, and using Open Hardware Monitor v0.5.1Beta Aquasuite B16 hardware temps.

Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013, 11:44

find out the problem.
cpu waterblock was COMPLETELY obstructed.

I cleaned it and now i have a flow around 180 l/h.

<img src="

But poweradjust 2 ultra is bricked and need rma.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »liberato87« (3. Juli 2013, 11:46)

Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013, 10:25

great news, one question comes to mind , how old is your loop?

Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013, 23:14

great news, one question comes to mind , how old is your loop?
december 2011


Junior Member

Freitag, 5. Juli 2013, 02:18

So it got THAT clogged in a mere 18 months? What were you using for fluid?

Freitag, 5. Juli 2013, 20:24

ugh! that picture makes me want to go tear apart my loop and clean it right now!

what type of coolant did you have in it?