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Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013, 04:45

Hi AC,

Considering these specific pumps models attached to the AMS Rad:

(Option A) D5 Pump with USB Aquabus VS.
(Option B) Compact 600/12V Ultra Pump

– variable considerations for these excellent choices from Aqua Computer

1) Which Pump Model above vibrates less running at 100%?
2) Which Pump Model above is the quietest running at 100%?
3) Which Pump Model above provides the most performance per watt?
4) Which Pump Model above requires the least maintenance?

Cheers! 8)

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013, 08:43

1, Its hard to know which vibrates less but I would think it would be the compact 600, mainly just because it is a lower powered pump. Less power should in theory mean less NVH
2, same as above, but either should be very quiet ... certainly less than fans if properly mounted and decoupled
3, The D5 is a much higher performance pump. Its important to note that the 600 is a mains power pump, 230 Volt. Its an aquarium pump, not really designed for pumping through restrictive tubing and water blocks.
4, Either pump should be maintenance free.

Do yourself a favour and get the D5, its a far better pump in my opinion.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Jakusonfire« (18. Juni 2013, 08:46)


Senior Member

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013, 14:05

In my opinion, option A would be the better choice, because of the motor base of the D5 pump and you could re-use it for example with other D5 tops. It's also exchangeable and compatible with other D5 motors in case of a needed replacement. That would be impossible with the Compact 600 motor.
I don't own a Compact 600 and therefore I don't know how noisy the pump can be and how much it vibrates at full RMP, but I own two D5 motors connected to a Koolance RP-452X2 drive bay reservoir. They are not decoupled and are running with minimum RPM and you can't hear them. But if they are running at full speed, you can hear a decent, bearable deep drone.

I think the D5 has the better pump design, is more powerfull as the Compact 600, is less noisy and needs less maintenance.

The Eheim Compact 600 is mainly a aquarium pump like Jakusonfire wrote before. http://www.eheim.com/resources/product//…1000_manual.pdf
The Laing D5 is mainly used as a heating pump. http://documentlibrary.xylemappliedwater…vario-ed-en.pdf
->Darin Epsilon - PERSPECTIVES<-
Mr. SuicideSheep @ soundcloud.com
Test Shot Starfish @ soundcloud.com
Professor Kliq @ soundcloud.com

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013, 18:01

Just a thought but have you considered any of the Laing DDC based pumps?
Using custom pumptops you can get some very good flow rates and their as good as silent, the swiftech mcp35x pwm controlled one is very good and quite small.


I run 2 of the DDC ultras with xspc tops and I cant hear them at all.
Just a thought for a possible alternative.


Junior Member

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013, 20:26

x2 on the DDC3.2 or 35x pumps. They're my first choice as well.


Senior Member

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013, 21:24

Oh, well...I didn't know that there are Laing DDC pumps which are software controlled via USB or Aquabus and have a build-in thermal sensor connection. :whistling:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Pilo« (19. Juni 2013, 03:45)

->Darin Epsilon - PERSPECTIVES<-
Mr. SuicideSheep @ soundcloud.com
Test Shot Starfish @ soundcloud.com
Professor Kliq @ soundcloud.com


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2013, 03:52

:sigh: You didn't list that in your requirements. Communicating poorly and then acting smug about it is no way to get started on a forum.

The DDC3.2 is voltage controlled. Uses 1 fan header on your Aquabus. DDC35x is the same pump but with PWM control. Also easily controlled via Aquabus. Both have rpm connectors. Temp sensing fittings are cheap and readily available. Only downside is that the DDC3.2 consumes up to 18 watts/1.5amps on your Aquabus. Given this, the PWM version is probably the better bet.

If you want low noise with high performance/watt and great reliability in a compact form factor, the DDC with aftermarket top is the best way to go. Anything else is a compromise.

The D5 would be my second choice. Almost as good as the DDC, but no idea about performance when coupled into the AC modular radiator. The Eheim would be a very distant third on my list of preferences.

Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2013, 05:49

Thanks Pilo & Jakusonfire!

D5 it is.

Case closed...now I will think up another new Topic..... :D


Senior Member

Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2013, 14:10

:sigh: You didn't list that in your requirements. Communicating poorly and then acting smug about it is no way to get started on a forum.

The DDC3.2 is voltage controlled. Uses 1 fan header on your Aquabus. DDC35x is the same pump but with PWM control. Also easily controlled via Aquabus. Both have rpm connectors. Temp sensing fittings are cheap and readily available. Only downside is that the DDC3.2 consumes up to 18 watts/1.5amps on your Aquabus. Given this, the PWM version is probably the better bet.

If you want low noise with high performance/watt and great reliability in a compact form factor, the DDC with aftermarket top is the best way to go. Anything else is a compromise.

The D5 would be my second choice. Almost as good as the DDC, but no idea about performance when coupled into the AC modular radiator. The Eheim would be a very distant third on my list of preferences.

"You didn't list that in your requirements."....why should I have to...4WDBenio already know what main features a Aqua Computer D5 USB/Aquabus and a Compact 600 have...If you dont, that's not my problem. We are here in the manufacturers forum, it's quite easy to find the 'shop button' and the descriptions of both pumps. So your argument is invalid.
Therefore, the one who's "communicating poorly and then acting smug" is you, because you also don't know what you are writing about, because the Aquabus can't have a fan header and can't provide "up to 18 watts/1.5amps", because it's a BUS and no power supply or fan controller. I guess you meant an Aquaero 5? However, 4WDBenio didn't wrote he has one, but you apparently assumed it. But how do you power control your DDC3.2 without an Aquaero now? The Aqua Computer D5 USB/Aquabus and also the Compact 600 don't need an external controller to regulate the speed or to readout the sensors, you only need to connect them to USB, install the Aquasuite software and it's done. A standalone DDC3.2 has no chance of winning against a standalone Aqua Computer D5 USB/Aquabus, that's a fact.
->Darin Epsilon - PERSPECTIVES<-
Mr. SuicideSheep @ soundcloud.com
Test Shot Starfish @ soundcloud.com
Professor Kliq @ soundcloud.com

Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013, 01:44

surprised they dont have DDC option

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Grasshopper« (20. Juni 2013, 01:56)


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013, 02:03

Sorry, I was apparently extra-super-cranky when I typed that out. I meant Aquaero, not Aquabus. Actually, he doesn't directly indicate currently possessing either of them, so we're all guessing a little. Also, I tried to find these products under (oddly) "Products" yesterday. They're not there. They ARE present, as you pointed out, under the Shop option though. Strange. Must be a German thing.

I'm surprised they don't have a DDC option as well. There's another company (that I won't mention by name out of courtesy to our host) that makes a radiator with a built in reservoir and mount for a DDC pump. It's a nice package, especially when paired with the DDC35x.

Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013, 03:48

For absolute Clarity - I gave two options Option A & B. Not Option C. But certainly should Option C show up here in the future refer to the link....then Im sure some other people will be more happy. Im personally D5. Its not better or worse, all that matters it suits. ;-)

Here is the link: http://shop.aquacomputer.de/index.php?cPath=7_31_838_855


Senior Member

Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013, 15:59

Sorry, I was apparently extra-super-cranky when I typed that out. I meant Aquaero, not Aquabus. Actually, he doesn't directly indicate currently possessing either of them, so we're all guessing a little. Also, I tried to find these products under (oddly) "Products" yesterday. They're not there. They ARE present, as you pointed out, under the Shop option though. Strange. Must be a German thing.
. The Aqua Computer Website is a mess, not up to date and also not state of the art. The documentation of the products are often not satisfying or even non-existent. That's in my opinion the biggest big flaw and did't live up to expectations of such great AC products. Sad but true

surprised they dont have DDC option
I'm surprised they don't have a DDC option as well. There's another company (that I won't mention by name out of courtesy to our host) that makes a radiator with a built in reservoir and mount for a DDC pump. It's a nice package, especially when paired with the DDC35x.
You both are right. A DCC with USB/aquabus features would be nice.
But the only reason I can come up with that there is none, would be that the DDC chassis is just to narrow.
The D5 chassis has much more free space in it and allows a bigger or additional printed circuit board.



Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Pilo« (20. Juni 2013, 16:01)

->Darin Epsilon - PERSPECTIVES<-
Mr. SuicideSheep @ soundcloud.com
Test Shot Starfish @ soundcloud.com
Professor Kliq @ soundcloud.com

Freitag, 21. Juni 2013, 03:58

It would be much more difficult to add aquabus control to the DDC pumps. It would have to be a whole voltage reducing circuit in itself and be able to dissipate heat like the Aquaero and poweradjust do. There goes the compact form factor.
The D5 version only works because it uses the D5 Vario's original built in speed control.

Freitag, 11. Oktober 2019, 17:14

AIRPLEX Modularity....now maybe I should go a D5 NEXT pump replacements on my existing RADS.? ..... 8)

(Not for the RGB!, but for the integrated functions to reduce additional components)
»4WDBenio« hat folgende Dateien angehängt:
  • RAD Strip.jpg (596,94 kB - 212 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 4. September 2024, 12:30)
  • PSU SIDE.jpg (514,62 kB - 646 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 19. September 2024, 22:33)
  • FRONTAL SIDE.jpg (517,91 kB - 672 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 19. September 2024, 22:33)
  • TOPLESS.jpg (712,57 kB - 660 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: Gestern, 15:53)

Samstag, 12. Oktober 2019, 15:35

I considered the exact same scenario, two D5 NEXT vs. two D5 PWM with an aquaero.

The two D5 Next would do most everything I wanted for a stand-alone external radiator, except ONLY the aquaero has virtual sensors, so I went with the D5 PWMs & aquaero. If you don't need virtual sensors, just tally what the D5 NEXT can do and compare.

Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2019, 03:00

Seeker, how are your rads connected to each other? Couldn't find the image that shows them connected via serial or what have you. It almost looks like each rad is individually used.

Also what black noctua fans are those and is that a filter in the front? I'm going on the assumption you're using pull.

Sorry for all the questions as curiosity got the best me of. :D

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »GTXJackBauer« (13. Oktober 2019, 03:02)

Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2019, 08:56

InfoSEEKER thats a good reason! Thanks.

Perhaps to add the reasoning further..... Reduce the USB Clutter that potentially the D5 Next Pumps would introduce. :S

Your Rad setup looks awesome. :thumbsup:

Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2019, 15:28

InfoSEEKER thats a good reason! Thanks.

Perhaps to add the reasoning further..... Reduce the USB Clutter that potentially the D5 Next Pumps would introduce. :S

Your Rad setup looks awesome. :thumbsup:

One unfortunate side effect of a water-cooled system with bling is USB clutter, but the HUBBY7 can help hide it some.

Thank you.

Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2019, 16:18

Seeker, how are your rads connected to each other? Couldn't find the image that shows them connected via serial or what have you. It almost looks like each rad is individually used.

Also what black noctua fans are those and is that a filter in the front? I'm going on the assumption you're using pull.

Sorry for all the questions as curiosity got the best me of. :D

That is the airplex modularity system using two side connectors for coolant connectivity and two Set of interconnection plates to bolt them together.

The fans are NF-A14 industrialPPC-2000 IP67 PWM, with black corners for bling.
The filter is a custom DEMCiflex I ordered. I punched holes to match the radiator fan mount pattern.

I did use pull, for aesthetics I wanted the filter on front and fans on back.
Being pull I had to seal the system so it could not short circuit around the fans, and I also wanted to add a small plenum to improve efficiency.
To that end I used the following steps to mount the fans (per radiator):