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No flow reading from MPS Flow

Samstag, 29. Juni 2013, 18:55

I have a AQ5 and 2 x PA2
I have no flow readings from the MPS Flow (400). It's wired using the Aquabus cable,
From the sensor I have Water temp reading from the MPS.
In the flow settings I have multiple Flow
Flow 1
Flow 2
Flow 4
Flow 11
And they are all at 0
Is the sensor faulty or i'm missing something here ?

Samstag, 29. Juni 2013, 21:51

Figure it out.
You need to use the USB wire first and configure the MPS Flow
Then you need to select the Flow sensor and also the size of fitting used then you import the data.
I also set the Aquabus as the priority port.
All done
With the 2 x D5 (in serial) at 3300 RPM I get 5.3 L/min
If I control the pump speed with the PA2 the amplifier easily get to 70 degree. I find a sweet spot at 3300 RPM for both pumps.
To get less heat produce by the PA2 I set them to 12V (100% power) and use the Dial on the pumps and set them to settings 3 (Koolance pump = Laing)
Not the PA2 are generating 43 degree.

Sonntag, 30. Juni 2013, 01:22

Getting an Aquaero and AQ gear is a steep "learning curve" with limited documentation and lots of trial and error.

Have to say it appears to me to be a bit of a waste setting PA2 to 100%, point of having AQ5 and PA2 is so that they can be used to control pump(s) in real time.

But then perhaps you are just at the beginning of your "curve"

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