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[SOLVED] AquaComputer D5 pump not starting

Dienstag, 13. August 2013, 19:29

Hello everyone,

I just finished my first water cooling loop and it seems I'm in trouble.

I filled the loop for the first time and tried to turn on my pump but nothing happened. I connected a fan to check whether the power supply is working - it's spinning just fine. When I put my ear next to the pump I can hear a very quitet buzzing. I have to literaly touch the pump with my ear to hear it.

I'm using Aquacomputer D5 pump with USB and aquabus interface (connected only to molex) with EK D5 X-TOP.

Either I'm missing something or the pump is broken.

I would be grateful for any suggestions.

Best regards,
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Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dragonix« (16. August 2013, 08:33)


Senior Member

Dienstag, 13. August 2013, 20:30

Is the pump connected to USB? Is the polarity of the USB connection right?
If the pump is connected via USB, do you have the Aquasuite software for Windows installed?
->Darin Epsilon - PERSPECTIVES<-
Mr. SuicideSheep @ soundcloud.com
Test Shot Starfish @ soundcloud.com
Professor Kliq @ soundcloud.com

Dienstag, 13. August 2013, 20:47

Thank you for the reply. It's not connected to USB.

The computer is completely disconnected. Only the pump and one of the fans are connected directly to power supply via molex. I used a paper clip in order to jump-start the power supply without motherboard.

Does it need to be connected to USB in order to run?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dragonix« (13. August 2013, 20:54)

Mittwoch, 14. August 2013, 11:58

Those pumps need to be "flooded" in order to work.
Otherwise they won't draw any water from the reservoir.
So make sure that there is water in the pumpcamber and the tube before you start it up again.

Mittwoch, 14. August 2013, 12:08

It seems I found a solution. I brought my old computer and connected the pump to both to USB and power supply. The pump just started.

I connected it back to my newer computer - nope, nothing. I started messing around with cables and suddenly it started to work of my new power supply. The funny thing is that the fan was working just fine before using the molex but not the pump...

Anyway, thatk you very much for your support.


Junior Member

Montag, 19. August 2013, 10:58

Hi there. I bought the same exact pump as yours. One question here. Is your pump running at full-speed 24/7? I see that your pump runs off the PSU straight and hence i asked. Thanks.

Donnerstag, 21. November 2013, 13:40

Hello. Sorry for a delay in my replies. I wasn't checking this forum lately.

The pump is running at 40% speed 24/7. I connected it to USB and changed the speed using the aquasuite.