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Junior Member

Aquacomputer Aquaero 24-pin ATX standby, need help please

Sonntag, 20. Oktober 2013, 17:57

So I this 24-pin standby to connect to my Aquaero 6 whenever it releases and I am confused about how this 24-pin works. Here is a picture of how I received it. It is pretty much an extension but splits off two contacts to a 2-pin that goes to the Aquaero, makes sense. But then I have a green wire that is just extended but is about 6 feet longer than the rest of the 3" extensions lol

And of course there are no instructions with it, so what is the point of this green wire that is so long and why is it not connected to the 2pin?


Senior Member

Montag, 21. Oktober 2013, 01:28

It seems that the Aquaero 6 has no terminal or header for this cable on its PCB. The standby power for the Aquaero 6 comes only from the USB and this cable isn't needed and even can't connect it anymore.
->Darin Epsilon - PERSPECTIVES<-
Mr. SuicideSheep @ soundcloud.com
Test Shot Starfish @ soundcloud.com
Professor Kliq @ soundcloud.com

Montag, 21. Oktober 2013, 11:44

2 Pin ist Standby Power for the AE(violet +5 Volt). Green cut and to the relay Help with the aquaero power connect - 24 pin ATX standby power / ATX break

It seems that the Aquaero 6 has no terminal or header for this cable on its PCB. The standby power for the Aquaero 6 comes only from the USB and this cable isn't needed and even can't connect it anymore.

Then must the relay be a de-energised contact, a closing contact would´t work at S5.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 6 mal editiert, zuletzt von »EnigmaG« (21. Oktober 2013, 16:03)