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Hwinfo, shared memory and aquasuite support

Mittwoch, 27. November 2013, 12:04

Hi, all

I asked to Martin, the creator of HWiNFO, to support wmi in his software so we can use it with aquasuite (offering an alternative to open hardware monitor and aida64). He wrote this:

"checked the Aquasuite and how interfacing with AIDA64 or OHM is done and I believe that even if HWiNFO would add WMI export, it would still need some specific support in the Aquasuite.
Moreover, there's another major concern - the WMI interface is extremely slow and might consume too many resources. This doesn't make it a good option for a tool like HWiNFO, where I tried to keep the usage and resource consumption as low as possible.

But HWiNFO offers another option - making all sensor information available via shared memory, which is really instant. So I think it would be much better if the Aquasuite could read information via this interface. This would probably require direct support in Aquasuite, or someone writing a plug-in for HWiNFO-Aquasuite. Maybe you (as an owner of their products) can check with Aquacomputer (directly or via their forums) if they would be interesting in such option ? I'm offering to give out information about this interface and work with those implementing this support for a seamless integration."

This is the thread link: http://www.hwinfo.com/forum/Thread-Aquasuite-and-WMI-support

I think this would be an interesting option and Martin seems to be a very collaborative person.

Nice day

Mittwoch, 27. November 2013, 21:31


Yes, it is interesting. I write somethink link this with aquaero 4.0, share memory and plugin for samurize (aqualite in samurize web site).
I write also a driver for read and write the aquaero 4 in seven 64 bit.

For your demand, we wait the SDK of the aquaero 5 and now 6. We are waitting for a long time ago, i don't knows how many years ... :|

Donnerstag, 28. November 2013, 07:51


Yes, it is interesting. I write somethink link this with aquaero 4.0, share memory and plugin for samurize (aqualite in samurize web site).
I write also a driver for read and write the aquaero 4 in seven 64 bit.

For your demand, we wait the SDK of the aquaero 5 and now 6. We are waitting for a long time ago, i don't knows how many years ... :|
Thanks for your opinion, but, maybe, it's time to trust them again.

In my own, They answer all question i have made they. Obviusly, this is talking in an "user-level", but i hope they can do that or, at least, try it.

Nice day

Donnerstag, 28. November 2013, 09:03

The problem is: the aqua computer service need access to this shared memory.
Normaly services are isolated in memory from user level software.
User level software can not access shm segments from a service and a service cannot access shm segments from user level software.

a way to handle this issue is to mark the shm segment with the prefix:



but this must do the software that supply the shm data.

Donnerstag, 28. November 2013, 10:02

Nice,Hwinfo is much more better than OHWM

Donnerstag, 28. November 2013, 10:14

The problem is: the aqua computer service need access to this shared memory.
Normaly services are isolated in memory from user level software.
User level software can not access shm segments from a service and a service cannot access shm segments from user level software.

a way to handle this issue is to mark the shm segment with the prefix:



but this must do the software that supply the shm data.
Thanks you for answer, Sebastian.

Martin wrote this:
"It's no problem for me to add that. The question is if they are willing to include support of HWiNFO Shared Memory."
It's no problem for me to add that. The question is if they are willing to include support of HWiNFO Shared Memory.

Donnerstag, 28. November 2013, 10:25

We can take a look to the sdk or interface description.
When it is easy to implement or extend the existing implementaion, we can implement a interface to Hwinfo.
I think the best way is when Martin write me a mail to: info@aqua-computer.de
Then we can talk about the technical parts.

Donnerstag, 28. November 2013, 20:33

Thank you, Sebastian.

I gave your email to Martin. I hope you can talk and the user could take vantage of this mutual collaboration.

Nice day

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