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Aquasuite 2014-1.3

Montag, 20. Januar 2014, 17:46

For those that do not visit the main Forum (German), Aquasuite 2014-1 is now available.

Link to download:



Montag, 20. Januar 2014, 17:55

Here is the change log for AS 2014-1, translated from German by Google Translate:

The current release of the aquasuite 2014 is now available in the download section : aquasuite

In this release has been requested by many of our customers an interface to program HWiNFO .
Thus the aquasuite now supports the following interfaces to other monitoring programs

Open Hardware Monitor: Version 0.6.0
HWiNFO : from version 0.6.0 , from version 4.30
Aida 64 ( with active WMI export)

Furthermore, now all data from these programs are used on the tables and in the Logdatenmodul aquasuite .
This also includes the display on the desktop of eg CPU load or other values ​​of the aqua suite.

The aquasuite has also been further optimized. The RAM consumption and the required CPU and GPU performance has been significantly reduced .
It among others, the following issues have been fixed

In the overviews custom elements can be created again .
In ° F temperature unit the alarm limits can be set again in the correct range
High CPU load when a USB LCD output was active has been fixed

For the aquaero 5, 6 and the aquaduct MK 4, 5 there is an updated firmware with the following changes

when a USB LCD output was active this could override the display pages .
All fans have two new readings obtained : current line input in Watt and torque in Ncm .
Labeling of internern and externern sensor in MPS was reversed

By using the software sensors, they need to be remapped .
In order to be able to used the data from the external sources must be installed and the Aqua Computer Service .
Dogs live by four simple rules: Eat, Sleep, Play, Love. The world would be a much better place if we humans lived by only these rules as well.

Montag, 20. Januar 2014, 19:32

A minor gripe.

Every time the new Aquasuite 2014-1 opens, I have the splash screen announcing that 2014-1 is available.

I close the splash screen, but when the program is opened again, it's there again.

I've tried reboot, and cold boot, but just like the Everyready Bunny, it keeps on displaying.

Other than that, one minor issue with one of the original Poweradjusts showing as not connected (Red X in Aquasuite) and a new Poweradjust appearing. I removed and replaced the USB cable for that Poweradjust, and it has remained present during subsequent reboots. Of course, deleted the new Poweradjust that appeared.

Also reversed the names (I had named them properly in the MPS settings) for the MPS400 temperature sensors, since that was now fixed in the new version.

I can notice the improvement in CPU usage (per aida64 reports)


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »wa3pnt« (20. Januar 2014, 19:34)

Montag, 20. Januar 2014, 20:00

One other note on the new 2014-1 Aquasuite.

The issue with Aquasuite crashing when a MPS configuration is selected remains.

Closing and reopening Aquasuite allows access to the MPS Configuration as is did in the previous version.

I just close and reopen Aquasuite if I want to access the MPS Configuration, which I seldom do now that the calibration has been loaded.


Montag, 20. Januar 2014, 20:06

Yo también utilizo aquasuite , ha hora nueva versión 2014 .1 para bombas aquastream xt . y que puedo mostrar la información en mi g19 con el programa LCDhost.
Pero esos datos que muestra de Hwinfo en aquasuite solo son para los que tienen el hardware Für das aquaero 5, 6 , no se muestran con aquastream xt .
Que esto está limitado para los que poseen este tipo de hardware aquero 5, o 6

English translation
I also use AquaSuite has one hour version 2014 xt AquaStream pump. and I can display the information in my g19 with LCDhost program.
But those data sample hwinfo in AquaSuite are only for those who have the hardware Für das aquaero 5, 6, not shown in AquaStream xt.
This is limited to those who own this type of hardware aquero 5, or 6

Montag, 20. Januar 2014, 20:44

One other note on the new 2014-1 Aquasuite.

The issue with Aquasuite crashing when a MPS configuration is selected remains.

Closing and reopening Aquasuite allows access to the MPS Configuration as is did in the previous version.

I just close and reopen Aquasuite if I want to access the MPS Configuration, which I seldom do now that the calibration has been loaded.

Have you emailed AQ (info@aqua-computer.de) about this? If not I recommend doing so with a link to this thread.

Montag, 20. Januar 2014, 21:10

I also use AquaSuite has one hour version 2014 xt AquaStream pump. and I can display the information in my g19 with LCDhost program.
you can use all data from hwinfo or other software sources in the overview pages.

Software Sensors are only available for aquaero and aquaduct devices.

Montag, 20. Januar 2014, 23:42

Software temperatures disappear....I can reboot and they reappear, but not for long. I use AIDA64 Extreme.

Worked fine with earlier versions of Aquasuite.......

I'm running 2xAquaero 5 Pro units.

BTW I had to go in and reconfigure all of them to get them to show at all, but they just won't stay. I'll keep playing with them....

EDIT: After installing the latest AIDA64 update the software sensors seem stable.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »mandrix« (21. Januar 2014, 01:49)

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014, 01:03

Have you emailed AQ (info@aqua-computer.de) about this? If not I recommend doing so with a link to this thread.

Sebastian monitors and participates in this forum and thread, so he is aware of it.


Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014, 05:10

Can you please clarify this statement:
"By using the software sensors, they need to be remapped .

In order to be able to used the data from the external sources must be installed and the Aqua Computer Service .
I installed new software on son's computer and now it cannot read AIDA64 values. I see them sometimes in Aquasuite and other times not.
I have not tested this extensively; but asking prematurely...in hopes of a quick answer.

Before Aida64 talking to Aquasuite was fine with Administrator account. But when I would switch user to my son's account (regular user), it did not read AIDA64. now nothing is working for me.

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014, 06:12

The problem of intermittent software sensor readings has been reported on the German portion of the forum.

Now I am finding that randomly Aquasuite looses the software sensor inputs from aida64. When this happens, stopping and starting the Aquasuite Service restores the readings. However, the items that are controlled (through a controller curve with the auda64 input as the source) go to max when the input is lost.

This did not happen with AS2013V5.2 I had that version running for days, and never lost the software sensor readings.

I am now going to attempt to remove 2014-1 and reinstall 2013V5.2, however since 2014-1 installed a firmware update to the Aquaero6XT I do not know if this will work. I also do not know if I can flash back to the previous firmware.

I will report back after I find out.


Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014, 06:22

That is what I am facing. It worked few minutes back and then suddenly in my Adminstrator account it reset to max -- i switched max (default reading) to 25C to avoid max fan speeds in software sensors. Hope this is fixed soon, starting to interfere with game time.

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014, 07:21

Only one Software sensor source is allowed at the same time. Aida OR Hwinfo OR OHM.
When you use the software at the same time, the software block the readings.

A downgrade to a previous Version is not possible.

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014, 07:32

This is what I found when trying to revert to Aquasuite 2013V5.2 (or any other earlier version).

1. The Aquaero 6 is listed as a device, but the only option available is to "update the firmware to 1034 (the orange highlight with a blue "Update Firmware" tab).
2. Selecting the update firmware does NOTHING. I guess we cannot flash backwards to an earlier firmware.
3. I also tried Aquasuite 2013V3 with the same results.

I have removed all Software and Virtual Sensors except the CPU Temperature (via aida64) in an attempt to reduce the activity of Aquasuite Service. This did not help.
I have selected ONLY the CPU temperature in aida64 preferences to minimize the WMI

I am still experiencing random CPU Software Temperature Sensor drops where I have to Stop and Start the Aquasuite Services to restore the readings.


Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014, 09:46

A new version is online: 2014-1.2, We fixed the aida read out. Aida export some times invalid values. When the sevice try to read this values, the service is crashed.
With the new version this is fixed.

Version 2014-1.2 is Online. You need this version when you have an aquaero as slave/expansion device connectedvia aquabus.

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014, 16:01

Not fixed yet. All software sensors reading default instead of AIDA64 values.

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014, 17:15

Another strange thing is, Aquasuite on the Desktop keeps disappearing.

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014, 18:02

Installed 2014-1.2

Updated Aquaero Firmware to 1036

Selected Aquaero > Sensors > Software Sensors > then the first sensor, enabled, selected aida64 CPU Temp

Selected Aquaero > Sensors > Software Sensors > then the second sensor, enabled, selected aida64 GPU Temp

Everything (Page Displays, Controllers, etc.) are operating properly.

I'm a Happy Camper.


Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014, 21:27

I also think the issue still remains. Updated and the issue reoccurred until I restarted the service.

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014, 21:30

I also think the issue still remains. Updated and the issue reoccurred until I restarted the service.
Yes, restarting the service only works a short time for me, then back to defaults.