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Aquacomputer windows service stopping itself

Montag, 12. Mai 2014, 22:25

Hello everybody.

I'm using Aquasuite 2014 1.3 (downloaded from here) to control my Aquaero 6 PRO, connected via internal USB to an ASUS Saberthooth X79, and using the software sensors from HWinfo64 data (under Windows 8.1)

When I start my computer, everything works fine. But, sometimes and after a time with the PC running, all the software sensors data dissapear and they go to the fallback temperature. After checking it, I realized that the Aquacomputer Windows Service that used to be "installed" and "running", now is stopped. I start the service manually again by pressing the buton and everything goes to normal again.

I don't know why this happens. In the fallback temperature, I use the "worst case scenario" values so, if the service stops, the Aquaero goes to full power in order to mantain the safety of the system. But, because of the noise control, it could be annoying to have the fans and pump taking off without a system demand.

How can I fix the "auto-stop" of the service?.


EDIT: just to give more information to locate the problem... this night the service hasn't stopped in 8 hours. The day before, when I came to the PC in the morning, the service was stopped. And in both nights, the PC has runned the same rutine and programs, monitor going to sleep... so I guess that there is no software conflict. Maybe "windows update" searching for updates or something like that?. But this would be strange, because the service has stopped also sometimes during the day, when windows update doesn't search for updates.

I don't know where to start to locate the problem.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »josetortola« (13. Mai 2014, 09:47)

Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014, 14:09

Hard to say but there is probably a software conflict of some kind. For example, I found that when using Aida for importing temperatures, also running HWINFO or Gigabyte SIV can interfere somehow with the Aquacomputer service. Not sure who is at fault though.....everyone says their program is not the culprit so who knows......
I had the same problem when I used HWINFO to import temperatures as I do with Aida.
So basically if I only use one program at a time all is good, which is nonsense this day and time....

Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014, 22:51

Hard to say but there is probably a software conflict of some kind. For example, I found that when using Aida for importing temperatures, also running HWINFO or Gigabyte SIV can interfere somehow with the Aquacomputer service. Not sure who is at fault though.....everyone says their program is not the culprit so who knows......
I had the same problem when I used HWINFO to import temperatures as I do with Aida.
So basically if I only use one program at a time all is good, which is nonsense this day and time....

I've read in some international forums that Aida doesn't work well with Aquasutie. But maybe is some kind of problem in the Aquaero Service itself.

Software sensors are very important for me. Aquaero 6 have 8 connections for temperature sensors, that can be filled very quickly if you want to measure the liquid temperature in different points (as in the imput and outputs of two radiators), temperature of some blocks (using metallic tape and the included sensors of Aquaero 6 to paste them in the exterior metallic part of the blocks, never in the face that makes contact with the item cooled) and ambient temperature inside and outside the PC. Software sensors improve the control of the temperatures, and also provide vital data for my system in order to control fan/pump speeds and alarms. I can make it work without software sensors, but it will be less reliable and safe cooling system.

I wish next updates will make "Aquaero Windows Service" more stable and reliable (maybe some kind of "autochek" that the service is running and, if it has stopped without an action of the user, re-activate itself...).

Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014, 22:56

I use software sensors for monitoring but I don't use them for any control parameters....just never saw the need. I'm running 2x AQ5 Pro's / 28 fans / 4 pumps and I prefer to use the Delta t of ambient / water temp. Even with only 2 or less degrees rise in water temp under load I've still had reliable control.

Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2014, 14:36

W7 Pro-64 and Aquasuite 2014 1.3 I occasionally drop the software sensors, I sometimes start AS and do not have USB on one of the 2 pumps. This is resolved by a system restart. Almost half the time I click the usb pump configuration button the aquasuite program crashes. This a minor inconvenience and I would rate the software (aquasuite) as stable 90%+ of the time.

Seeing how much aquasuite has evolved in just the past year or so I think we can be assured it's going to continue to get better.

I've used Aida and hwinfo64 and have much better results with hwinfo64

Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2014, 19:23

W7 Pro-64 and Aquasuite 2014 1.3 I occasionally drop the software sensors, I sometimes start AS and do not have USB on one of the 2 pumps. This is resolved by a system restart. Almost half the time I click the usb pump configuration button the aquasuite program crashes. This a minor inconvenience and I would rate the software (aquasuite) as stable 90%+ of the time.

Seeing how much aquasuite has evolved in just the past year or so I think we can be assured it's going to continue to get better.

I've used Aida and hwinfo64 and have much better results with hwinfo64
Thanks for the info. Hwinfo64 seems to be a great monitoring program.

And yes, I didn't use the previous versions of aquasuite, but it also seems to be a great software. I'm very pleased with it, so if Aquacomputer continues improving it with the help of the feedback and testing of all of us, its users, I'm sure that they could make it even beter and more stable.

Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014, 18:00

mine is doing this as well. i can restart without reboot by restarting the process

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Mega Man« (15. Mai 2014, 18:01)

Freitag, 16. Mai 2014, 15:18

updating the intel chipset driver seems to of fixed it fyi

Sonntag, 15. Juni 2014, 16:20

updating the intel chipset driver seems to of fixed it fyi
Thanks for the information. It seemed to solve the problem, but sometimes it happens again 8|

Somehow, it seems to have some relation with system sleep, but it doesn't happen every time that the system goes to sleep, so it's so strange...

Can anyone without this problem please tell me how does he have his system sleep's modes configuration?.

Thanks in advance.

By the way, this same matter is discussed in this other post:
Aquasuite 2014-1.3


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