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Junior Member

aquacomputer aquaero 5 pro laing ddc 1 plus

Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014, 18:44

Im stuck, i can't setup the laing ddc 1 plus within the ac pro 5.
What ive done, cut of the molex from the laing and screwed an black two points connector on it. So, ive plugged the cable into the black pwm connector on the ac pro 5, but the pump wont boot.

Perhaps ive setup something wrong in the firmware..

Do someone know the issue?

Freitag, 20. Juni 2014, 08:56

Maybe I'm wrong, but I understood that those PWM connectors in the Aquaero are used to power LEDs (so they can dim/bright the leds via PWM).

If you want to control the pump with PWM, you need to connect it to the PWM fan connector, AC5 only have one of this. You will loose one fan channel, but within it you can control your pump. Only need the PWM and RPM wires of the pump, the +12VC and GND can still be taken from the molex, but you need to connect at least those PWM and RPM pins to the PWM FAN connector and your AQ will take control of the pump.



Junior Member

Freitag, 20. Juni 2014, 11:32

Thanks , but the ddc 1plus do not have PWM wires, only one blue RPM and one molex.
Iv'e purchased this cable http://shop.aquacomputer.de/product_info…roducts_id=2345

maybe this one do his job.

Freitag, 20. Juni 2014, 17:37

Sorry, I don't know the Laing DDC 1 Plus, so I understood that it could be PWM controlled. My mistake.

Then, I didn't understood either the purpose of cutting the molex and connecting the cables to the AQ PWM connector.

If this pump only have 3 cables, it has to be one for the +V and one for GND (both cables in the molex connector), and one mor for RPM signal. You can conect the RPM signal to any connector that reads RPMs, as the FAN connections in the AQ. But you need power to be supplied to the pump in order to make it run. So you can connect the molex connector to one of your PSU, or you can make together the 3 cables to one connector an plug it into any FAN connector able to supply at least te maximum power required by the pump, so if you want to do this, chek if AQ 5 or your MB is able to supply as much amperage or if you need a Power Adjust 2.



Junior Member

Samstag, 21. Juni 2014, 16:53

this morning the postman deliverd the pump-cable, so the molex from the pump fits into the molex from the cable and also to the rpm from. the cable. The 3 pin connected to fan4, and works great