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Replacement Front Bezel (aquaero 6 XT)

Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2014, 09:43

Hi all,
Most here know that Aquaero 6 XT Ships only with a stainless steel bezel, but how do you change it to black one.
It's a simply question I know but, I'm now looking at Aquaero 6 and the backing seems to be well adhere to stainless steel bezel.
I don't want to damage it straight out of the box.................
My Question are;
1. Do I remove stainless steel bezel attached backing then refit new black bezel ? or,
2. Screw black bezel straight back on top of stainless steel faceplate ?

I haven't been able to find any references, if anyone knows of any links, please leave one. :S

Thanks heaps,

Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2014, 10:04

Instructions in Post #607 in this thread.



Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2014, 15:52

As explained by "Shoggy" as in RodeoGeorge link (Thanks).

Take a sharp knife carefully slip it in between stainless steel bezel and sticky backing then carefully lift off stainless steel bezel.
The backing will stick straight back onto new black bezel.
Best reading Shoggy full post first.
Very easy to do. No more than 10 min. ;)

Instructions in Post #607 in this thread.

