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Any plan for a cheaper version of Aquaero for air cooling (PWM fans only) to $25?

Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015, 16:42


Is there any plan for a cheaper version of Aquaero to 25 dollars?

I want to connect all my fans (PWM - 4pin) and control is through the aquasuite 2015 software. Nothing more!

I don't want a LCD panel and more unnecessary stuff for water cooling.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »andione« (11. Januar 2015, 16:44)

Montag, 12. Januar 2015, 07:53

You can use a poweradjust3, this is the cheapest solution that we have.
A cheaper version as the aquaero 5 lt is not possible. Otherwise you have to go to other manufacturers.

Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015, 18:19

I would love an Aquaro 6 without all the flufh of lcd and mounting materials..
I currently have an Aquaro 5 LT and would love to upgrade to a 6, but I just cant justify paying for LCD panel etc that I will never need.
I cant even directly control my pump with Aquaro 5 as far as the manual says at least (mcp35x pwm with 4pin molex power)
I have looked at Poweradjust 3 ultra, but its rather expensive just for pump-control.

Freitag, 23. Januar 2015, 07:06

The 5lt can absolutely control a 35x on the 4th fan header. Many people do just that.

Freitag, 23. Januar 2015, 07:29

The 5lt can absolutely control a 35x on the 4th fan header. Many people do just that.

Thanks Jakusonfire. I seem to remember doing this as well (had it for 4 years, but just lying around most of the time). I just simply can't seem to get Aquaro to control using PWM (FAN header 4) and some admins here say it will always run at 100% on PWM which doesn't make sense...

I control the pump and a single fan (only use 1 atm) using Fan Xpert from Asus, and it Works very good. I just really want to have my fan and pump control onto the Aquaro where all (8) my temp sensors are located.

Samstag, 24. Januar 2015, 02:06

The 5lt can absolutely control a 35x on the 4th fan header. Many people do just that.

Thanks Jakusonfire. I seem to remember doing this as well (had it for 4 years, but just lying around most of the time). I just simply can't seem to get Aquaro to control using PWM (FAN header 4) and some admins here say it will always run at 100% on PWM which doesn't make sense...

I control the pump and a single fan (only use 1 atm) using Fan Xpert from Asus, and it Works very good. I just really want to have my fan and pump control onto the Aquaro where all (8) my temp sensors are located.

I guarantee they aren't saying that PWM will always run at 100%. They may have said PWM will always be at 12V which is correct as PWM devices use a constant 12V instead of varying the voltage which would be voltage (power) control. The constant 12V from the Aquaero does not even matter to the 35X because it is not connected to the Aquaero for power. It gets its constant 12V straight from the PSU.

You may be seeing an issue with the 35x's narrow PWM response range. It only responds from about 15% to 70% PWM which corresponds to minimum and maximum speed. So, if you have fan header 4 set to 100% as the max speed and the controller set to 70% it will still be running at max speed.
If you instead set fan header 4 to min speed 15% and max 70% then the controller setting will run smoothly from min speed at 0% to full speed at 100%

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Jakusonfire« (24. Januar 2015, 02:09)

Samstag, 24. Januar 2015, 08:01

The 5lt can absolutely control a 35x on the 4th fan header. Many people do just that.

Thanks Jakusonfire. I seem to remember doing this as well (had it for 4 years, but just lying around most of the time). I just simply can't seem to get Aquaro to control using PWM (FAN header 4) and some admins here say it will always run at 100% on PWM which doesn't make sense...

I control the pump and a single fan (only use 1 atm) using Fan Xpert from Asus, and it Works very good. I just really want to have my fan and pump control onto the Aquaro where all (8) my temp sensors are located.

I guarantee they aren't saying that PWM will always run at 100%. They may have said PWM will always be at 12V which is correct as PWM devices use a constant 12V instead of varying the voltage which would be voltage (power) control. The constant 12V from the Aquaero does not even matter to the 35X because it is not connected to the Aquaero for power. It gets its constant 12V straight from the PSU.
You may be seeing an issue with the 35x's narrow PWM response range. It only responds from about 15% to 70% PWM which corresponds to minimum and maximum speed. So, if you have fan header 4 set to 100% as the max speed and the controller set to 70% it will still be running at max speed.
If you instead set fan header 4 to min speed 15% and max 70% then the controller setting will run smoothly from min speed at 0% to full speed at 100%

Problem is that they said PWM was always 100% and I needed to use one of the other settings (Power Controlled or Speed Controlled) if I wanted to control the pump.
PWM paper if anyone but me is interested: http://www.formfactors.org/developer%5Cs…v1_2_public.pdf

As I said in the other post I KNOW how PWM is supposed to Work. I do Work profesionally with PCs (server systems). Just can't get Aquaro to behave right, and my manual is 4 years old.. only just found a new one the other day. I actually didn't find it: some person direct linked it. I can only see old german manuals on the website..

Although you are the first person WHO actually try to use more than 10 Words (or just say: read the manual), so it is nice with an explanation: I do know how my pump Works regarding where the power and PWM is coming from etc. Just Aquaro that does not want to adjust PWM using PWM.

Right now I control it perfectly using motherboard PWM. On minimum most of the time, but I have to quickly speed it up when CPU gets hot (yes, by CPU temp). Also has PWM fan like that. I just wanted to gather everything on the Aquaro.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dintid« (24. Januar 2015, 08:10)