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AMS 420 rad/res/pump flow meter question

Montag, 9. Februar 2015, 20:21

Hi everybody, I know that my usb flow meters connect to aquabus high but I am confused about the flow meter for the AMS unit. I believe that this unit connects to the flow header but on the front of the AMS the header for flow is also labeled aquabus. How should this Flow meter be connected to the AMS?

I plan on connecting the aquabus to the aquaero, but if I am limited to only having usb then so be it. I assume that the flow will be transmitted via the flow/aquabus header when using the usb to mobo connection.

Dienstag, 10. Februar 2015, 00:03

I'm a bit confused what you are asking here. What exact model of AMS is it? Do you mean you have a flow meter you want to connect to the AMS (what model), or that the AMS has a flow meter in it?

OK, I think I see what you are talking about now. The AMS compact 600 with flow meter? I have not noticed that model before, its interesting, if only it had a different pump.
It seems to me like to get the flow meter readout into Aquasuite you need to have the USB connected, or to connect the flow meter output direct to the Aquaero.

Dienstag, 10. Februar 2015, 20:36

It is the copper AMS 420 with the eheim 600 with the flow meter add in option. I want to control the pump through aqua suite. I believe I can do that whether connected via aquabus high or by usb.

It just seems odd that the three pin header for flow is the same header as the aquabus. I am trying to decide if I should

1. connect the AMS to usb only with the flow meter connected to the aquabus/flow header on the AMS or

2. connect the AMS to usb, aquabus to aquaero, flow meter to flow input of aquaero

Edit: as I either cannot explain myself or it really doesn't matter but I am going with option 2 unless I find that I just cannot handle the sight of the extra wires

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dagamus(NM)« (14. Februar 2015, 23:48)