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Daisy chain/splitter connections

Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015, 11:32

A couple of questions here regarding daisy chaning with cable splitters.

1) Can anyone find a 4 pin female (on both sides) splitter. My devices are in relative close proximity, and would rather have a single cable without any additional extensions and for the life of me, I can only find female to male splitters. I suppose I can make one.

2) Is a 2-way splitter the max supported config? e.g. if I rig up a 3-way from an AC to, say, a farbwerk, aqualis, etc, will that be supported or would it need to be daisy chained?

Which brings me to 3) In my specific setup, for the moment anyway, I've got an AC 6XT, 2 PA2s, farbwerk, and an MPS 40 (aqualis). I'd like to split the 4 pin from the AC to the farbwerk and aqualis, then split a 3 pin from the farbwerk to both PA2s. Is that supported or will I need to daisy from the farbwerk->PA2->PA2?

Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015, 12:31

I assume you are talking about Aquabus splitting. If so then any combination of connections will work as long as everything is somehow able to talk to the Aquaero.

I use these


Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015, 12:51

Perfect. Thanks!