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[Resolved] USB lose / Aquasuite freeze

Sonntag, 7. Juni 2015, 17:05


I do not find a solution for my problem. I run manually "Aquasuite" everything works. Then after a while, "Aquasuite" freezes, and if I leave and I raise, he can not find USB.

I do not know what to do to find the problem.
All USB have the "power management" removed. The motherboard (Gygabite) and new.

Do you have any idea?

Thank you for your advice :)
»Swiss720« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • 01.png
  • 02.png

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Swiss720« (10. Juni 2015, 06:47)

Sonntag, 7. Juni 2015, 23:14

That is a tough one... only thing I can think off is to check the physical connection on both ends of the cable.
If the physical connections are all good, then maybe your best result will come from contacting support at info@aquacomputer.de

Montag, 8. Juni 2015, 12:27

In my latest tests:

A - Aquasuite 2015-6 (+ service "Aquasuite" launched) + HWinfo64 = both freeze at a time :cursing:

B - Aquasuite 2015-6 (+ service "Aquasuite" launched) = freeze at a time :cursing:

C - USB cable disconnected to Auqaduct 720 + but Service "Aquasuite" launched + HWinfo64 = HWinfo64 no longer freezes, it works perfectly :)

At first I thought it was "HWinfo64" which was freeze Aquasuite, I tested many settings in "HWinfo64" and then I had the idea of making my last test with the USB cable removed from my "720". So I can now say that this is not "HWinfo64" which raises the problem.

I also tried to remove in the BIOS, power saving as "EIST". Or in the "Power setting" in Windows put "5% - 100%" CPU use to "15% - 100%", but none changed the problem, ... freeze

Does anyone support can it happen here ? :whistling:

Montag, 8. Juni 2015, 14:20

Does anyone support can it happen here ? :whistling:

Best channel for support is direct at Support.

Montag, 8. Juni 2015, 15:10

Ok, completed form.

Thank you for your help ;)

Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2015, 06:46

The problem is solved with the help of support (effective and very fast) of Aquacomputer :thumbsup:

It was the USB cable that was the problem, I changed to another and everything works perfectly hours (before, within minutes it was freeze)


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