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Really need some HELP here !!!!

Montag, 13. Juli 2015, 17:27

After I rebuild my system my Aquaero 6XT seems not working right , It couldn't detect any Aqua hardware ( MPS 400, 880XT , D5 usb ) none of them now no longer shows in 6XT .
I've try everything I know and did everything learn from this Forum and still no luck . Please HELP !!!!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DirtyBear« (13. Juli 2015, 17:30)

Montag, 13. Juli 2015, 18:43

Which MPS item is the 880XT you list?

The aquaero may have been confused and it may help if you delete the MPS items (tabs) in aquasuite, and then restart the system so they will be rediscovered.
Also, have you set each MPS device with it's individual and unique 'aquabus address'? (your MPS400 is set to address 12)

Montag, 13. Juli 2015, 20:21

Yes , the 400 I address it to 12
Also I tried reset , reinstall the Aquasuite , I really tried everything and still no luck :(
and also the 6TX act funny , at the Currently connected aquabus devices part some time shows " real time clock " instead showing numbers
and the 880TX is only fill level and the Aqua 6XT not even detect the pump , as you can see at the last photo the TX detect nothing at all even when I install them one by one ;(

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DirtyBear« (13. Juli 2015, 20:26)

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015, 01:45

Looks like no one could help :( or maybe its just a bad product that didn't developed well and only looks good ;(

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015, 12:55

OK , here is the photo for what I am talking about
as you can see the Aquaero didn't detect the MPS 400 and shows "Real time clock" ! Is that a Joke !!!???
And more then 80 people look at this post and none could help !

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015, 16:20

[attach]5324[/attach]OK , here is the photo for what I am talking about
as you can see the Aquaero didn't detect the MPS 400 and shows "Real time clock" ! Is that a Joke !!!???
And more then 80 people look at this post and none could help !

Please don't shout at us, we will do our best.

The real time clock in the MPS list is not a joke. You must have a Real Time Clock installed, and since it communicates via the aquabus, it is listed under aquabus devices.
The problem is that none of your other devices show up in the aquabus list, so the aquaero does not see them.

Since we can see 4 MPS devices in aquasuite, we know you have them connected via USB to the motherboard.
Do you also have the four MPS devices connected with aquabus cables to the aquaero?

EDIT: added link to aquabus cables

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (14. Juli 2015, 16:30)

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015, 17:29

I won't shout at you coz you are the only one help'n
Yes both USB and Aquabus cable are connected and none of them shows in Aquaero
And I don't have that "Real time clock" install and I don't know why it shows up ?(

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015, 17:42

In that case I think your best avenue is to contact support at support@aqua-computer.de. They will be best able to help you.

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015, 17:52

Thx ;(

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015, 18:06

The real time clock displaying in the currently connected aquabus list happens sometimes when you have an address clash. Ensuring each mps device has a unique address from 12 to 15 then removing all power from the aquaero, including USB standby power will fix it.

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015, 19:47

I tried but still no luck :(
Thx for the help ;(

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2015, 15:52

Well I sent Aqua support team the problems but they said they can do nothing about it ! :pinch:
And that's another JOKE ! :cursing:

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2015, 19:03

Well I sent Aqua support team the problems but they said they can do nothing about it ! :pinch:
And that's another JOKE ! :cursing:

Mhmm, from all my experiences with them, that does not seem right. What exactly did they say?

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2015, 19:41

Have you tried connecting on device at a time? If on is bust it can disrupt the bus.

Freitag, 17. Juli 2015, 03:41

Thats their reply

I can only assume that this is a communication problem between both devices caused by something else in your system.

I remember a customer who had the same problem that one of his mps devices was display as real time clock module. I think he sent in ALL his devices two or three times and every time it has worked perfect for us. We have not changed anything, right out of the box as it arrived it worked correctly. When we returned it the customer had the same problem as before.

Unfortunately we have no idea what could cause this. If you want some certainty I would remove the aquaero and mps flow sensor from the system and try it with another PC. I am pretty sure that this will work. Of course it will not solve the problem but you have some confirmation that the devices are OK and the problem has its root somewhere else.

kind regards
Sven Hanisch

That's means they can do nothing about it .And not going to do anything about it, even they know their design have problems and still sell to you !
PS : And don't sent them back coz you wont get replacement .

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DirtyBear« (17. Juli 2015, 13:04)

Freitag, 17. Juli 2015, 13:08

Have you tried connecting on device at a time? If on is bust it can disrupt the bus.
Yes I tried everything on the book or from this Forum ;(

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DirtyBear« (17. Juli 2015, 17:04)

Sonntag, 19. Juli 2015, 17:51

Well I lost faith with this company and give up on this device ! wasted my time and money ! :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DirtyBear« (19. Juli 2015, 18:42)

Donnerstag, 20. August 2015, 19:25

Look at this ! Aqua Computer not even answer or say anything to this problem ! That's SUCKS !!!!
And I used 179,90 EUR for something that doesn't work !! Thx Aqua Computer !!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DirtyBear« (20. August 2015, 19:29)

Freitag, 21. August 2015, 10:01

Look at this ! Aqua Computer not even answer or say anything to this problem ! That's SUCKS !!!!

You know that this is not true. You already got an e-mail from us but it seems that so far you have not followed our suggestion to try it again with another PC because there was no further feedback from you about this. Your problem is very likely a system related problem since for thousand of other customers it works fine!

I think you should really test it again with another system (should not use the same type of PSU!) or just an external PSU for example. When testing you should try to connect all devices to the same line to avoid possible problems with a potential difference that can interrupt the communication.

Like mentioned in the e-mail we had a customer with a similar problem who returned all his stuff several times and also every time we were not able to reproduce it. As soon as we connected everything (same configuration without any changes) it was working fine - back in his system it showed the same problem so to me it was pretty obvious where the problem must be...

Samstag, 22. August 2015, 14:39

So That's means your product not compatible with ROG M7 mother board and Corsair 1200i PSU ( and both were brand new when set up )
SO please tell me what other Brand your product could compatible ???? ( that's funny Big name product not working with 6XT and I don't know what other I can use :thumbdown: )

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DirtyBear« (22. August 2015, 17:30)