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Holy lack of quality control - Aquaero 6 XT Blue

Sonntag, 16. August 2015, 02:19

I'm a long time Aquacomputer customer with a ton of parts - including multiple Aquaero 5. I just received a new Aquaero 6 XT Blue, with a bunch of new accessories, from an store in the US and this what greeted me upon inspection.

All four corners have discoloration on the metal - it almost looks like burn marks. And the display is actually coming away from the faceplate. This is nuts! :thumbdown:

And yes I'm aware that there's still plastic on the screen. It isn't causing the issues you see - I checked.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Psychor« (16. August 2015, 02:33)

Sonntag, 16. August 2015, 17:14

Not sure what you are trying to accomplish with this rant, but your chances of a good outcome would be much better if you had opened a case direct with aquacomputer support instead.

Sonntag, 16. August 2015, 18:15

Not sure what you are trying to accomplish with this rant, but your chances of a good outcome would be much better if you had opened a case direct with aquacomputer support instead.
I'm sharing my experience regarding a recent purchase. Are we only suppose to post good things on the forum? I must have missed that memo.

You assume that I only posted here - I also contacted them via email about the issue. I think you need to look up what exactly the word "rant" means. :whistling:

Montag, 17. August 2015, 11:10

Sorry, for that problem. It seems you must have received a device from an older batch since we already changed the type of glue which fixes the Plexiglas insert and also our laser cutter has been modified to avoid these "burned" edges. This brown stains are the result of a chemical process while laser cutting and it can be removed with phosphoric acid - sounds dangerous but I guess mot of us have it at home: it can be found in Coca Cola for example and this can be used for cleaning. Well, but that is just some additional information that you do not have to follow. Just send us an e-mail or send me a PM with your address and we can send you a new assembled front part which you can exchange by removing the four screws and pull off the faulty one.

Samstag, 22. August 2015, 18:21

Sorry, for that problem. It seems you must have received a device from an older batch since we already changed the type of glue which fixes the Plexiglas insert and also our laser cutter has been modified to avoid these "burned" edges. This brown stains are the result of a chemical process while laser cutting and it can be removed with phosphoric acid - sounds dangerous but I guess mot of us have it at home: it can be found in Coca Cola for example and this can be used for cleaning. Well, but that is just some additional information that you do not have to follow. Just send us an e-mail or send me a PM with your address and we can send you a new assembled front part which you can exchange by removing the four screws and pull off the faulty one.
AQ is sending replacements. Thanks for the quick response on this.


Junior Member

Freitag, 28. August 2015, 20:51

Ouch, that looks a total turn-off! 8|

Lucky me I just ordered mine a few days ago, supposedly delivered to retailer from a newly manufactured batch of units.

Crossing body parts that I ll be receiving a healthy unit.

InfoSeeker: Getting stuff like this out in the open keeps companies on their toes so they don't start slacking off on quality. Keeping a lid on it and just talking directly to support is just plain dumb.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »lspinks« (28. August 2015, 20:58)

Montag, 14. September 2015, 18:16

Quick update - Aquacomputer sent me replacement parts for the outer screen.

If you have issues shoot them an email.


Junior Member

Montag, 14. September 2015, 18:34

Are you sure that's the display coming out? Isn't that just the invisible plastic cover in front of the display?
I had the same 'problem' and just had to put glue behind it.

But yes I have to admit I'm also kind of disappointed, my EMI filter on the aquaero PCB was maybe 1mm too high, and if I had put too much pressure on the screws when attaching the passive cooler I would have damaged it, in fact I did a little so I had to bend the component, and to make sure it wouldnt get damaged I even cut a hole on the side of the holder so the component gets as much space as possible.

And yesterday problem with flow meter, when paying 60€ for something like that you don't expect these kind of problems.

I guess it's just bad luck, but if I will buy something from them next time and get some problems again it would certainly make me think twice, like I said in another thread they are destroying my myth about german precision and tendency to perfection :D