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new boy


Can I run 4 PWM fans off the PWM header on the Aquaero 5 LT?

Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016, 22:37

I understand its recommended to run 2 or 3 fans max with the added heatsink for the 5 LT unit, as otherwise it may get excessively hot and reduce the units lifespan.

I'm led to believe that the reason this happens, is due to the unit having to lower the voltage going to the fans, and its the "burning" off of the power that causes the heat when running the fans at low voltage.

Does that mean that running fans in PWM mode is less stressful on the unit (as it runs at 12v no matter the fan speed), and I might get away with running 4 PWM fans off the one PWM header?

The fans in question are EK Water Blocks EK-Vardar F2-140 (1.57W each according to EK's offical specs)

If not, I'll run them in voltage control mode on 2 different headers, but I'd rather have them PWM controlled if at all possible...


Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016, 23:35

The manual says that every single Fanheader including the PWM one can handle up to 19,8W. Four of your Fans would be around 6W I think. So that should not be a problem in my opinion as far as I have understand that correct.

RE: Can I run 4 PWM fans off the PWM header on the Aquaero 5 LT?

Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2016, 04:00

I understand its recommended to run 2 or 3 fans max with the added heatsink for the 5 LT unit, as otherwise it may get excessively hot and reduce the units lifespan.

I'm led to believe that the reason this happens, is due to the unit having to lower the voltage going to the fans, and its the "burning" off of the power that causes the heat when running the fans at low voltage.

Does that mean that running fans in PWM mode is less stressful on the unit (as it runs at 12v no matter the fan speed), and I might get away with running 4 PWM fans off the one PWM header?

The fans in question are EK Water Blocks EK-Vardar F2-140 (1.57W each according to EK's offical specs)

If not, I'll run them in voltage control mode on 2 different headers, but I'd rather have them PWM controlled if at all possible...


Yes that is exactly right. Even if the Aquaero is directly powering the PWM fans there is far less heat when reducing speed because the Aquaero just provides a steady 12V.

Depending on the fans and their power draw it is no problem to run 4 fans per header. On my old Aq5 I was running;
Channel 1 - 6 Corsair SP 120
Channel 2 - 1 Corsair AF 140
Channel 3 - 4 Corsair Sp 120
Channel 4 - 4 Noiseblocker Eloop PWM
The load was easily handled at low speeds by the Aquaero with the older short heatsink without temps being excessive. I'm sure it could have handled plenty more without complaint.The newer heatsink will allow even more.
For a while I was running the same number of Eloop b12-3 that use about double the power of the Corsair and temps were higher but not to the point it was throttling.

Alternatively you can use a powered splitter on the PWM channel and the Aquaero is under no load so many fans can be run.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Jakusonfire« (27. Januar 2016, 04:03)