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Aquacomputer Aquabus vs USB Connection

Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2016, 15:24

I have a short question:
Since i can have all my peripherals connected permanently to USB, do i still need to hook up an Aquabuss connection to the Aquaero ? Or are the USB connections all that one needs to control the devices ?

I have USB Hubs set up inside the PC that allows me to hook up everthing though USB

1)Front USB 2.0 Hub
2)Back USB 3.0 Hubs

Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2016, 15:47

The aquabus connection is required if you want to have the devices to communicate with each other.

For example if you use an aquaero and a mps flow sensor it is highly recommend to connect them so that you can use the sensor values in the aquaero to set up an alarm.

Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2016, 16:54

Over USB this cannot be done ?

Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2016, 08:26

No, the exchange of data between devices requires the aquabus.

Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2016, 10:49

So that means im going to wire the Aquabus also. Luckily for me there's the new PWM splitter, and i Need exactly 9 Connections. 8 for the devices i have and 1 for daisy chaining the Poweradjusts.
Untill now i have, or was going to use, WAGO connectors, which do the exact same Thing, they require more space, as a disadvantage.
Now i can use the PWM splitter.

Thanks for the INFO.
Why couldnt the inter-device communication be done through USB ?, i believe it wouldnt have been so hard to implement this, or ?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Bytales« (30. Juni 2016, 10:51)

Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2016, 13:04

These devices run autonomously and can not share data if no operating system is running. Even if we limit it to the state were an operating system must be running it would still require some fall back mechanisms if the system crashes etc. So in the end it is much more complicated than just sending a value from A to B ;)

Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2016, 13:41

And this way the Aquabus allows this permanent Connection between devices without an operating System needing to be on, as Long as they got power. Is that the reasoning beneath the creating of the Aquabus ?
If so, then im glad you made this PWM Splitter cause im going to Need a few of those as well.

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