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Junior Member

Aquero 6 XT Setup - I need help.

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2016, 07:09

Hello everyone! :D

I've been spending a decent amount the past few days reading. I've been working on a custom build for a month or so now. and I'm getting to all the aqua computer components and I wanted this done by Thursday but I am so ignorant and I apologize.

I installed my radiators with 4 fans and 2 fans using a slitter for only one RPM line for one of the fans to limit on channels and have all the rest in that channel connect voltages to the aquero 6 xt.

I have the following products:

AQ Reservoir with Fill Senor
AQ base with usb
AQ d5 pump with usb
flow sensor with USB
Aquero 6 XT

I'm sure that I can connect all of them via 1 high speed aquabus cable via splitter.

I'm really confused about I need to connect them all via USB first, and run the software "assign device" then shut everything down, then connect to aquabus and disconnect USB. I dont understand this part.

and I leave the USB interface on the Aquero 6 after I switch to Aquabus?

The reservoir came with a pressure snap fitting and the manual is telling me to use it but I thought you would fill the reservoir from that middle connection.

I looked at several guides and videos (most aren't in english :( ) and some are way to technical for my understanding. ?(

If anyone could shine some light on specifics that really explain to me how to continue.

Thank you


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2016, 19:31


Hello everyone! :D

I've been spending a decent amount the past few days reading. I've been working on a custom build for a month or so now. and I'm getting to all the aqua computer components and I wanted this done by Thursday but I am so ignorant and I apologize.

I installed my radiators with 4 fans and 2 fans using a slitter for only one RPM line for one of the fans to limit on channels and have all the rest in that channel connect voltages to the aquero 6 xt.

I have the following products:

AQ Reservoir with Fill Senor Aquacomputer aqualis XT[/
AQ base with usb
AQ d5 pump with usb
flow sensor with USB Aquacomputer 400
Aquero 6 XT

I'm sure that I can connect all of them via 1 high speed aquabus cable via splitter.
Yes you can

I'm really confused about I need to connect them all via USB first, and run the software "assign device" then shut everything down, then connect to aquabus and disconnect USB. I dont understand this part.
Its just has you describe. The MPS devices have to be setup (configured) via usb connection first to assign the individual com (aquabus) ports. After you have configured/calibrated the devices. Switch the devices to aquabus via the individual device tabs in aquasuite software. Make sure each MPS device gets a unique bus number. Power down the system not just the aquaero. In most cases you can leave the USB connected along with the aquabus connections.

and I leave the USB interface on the Aquero 6 after I switch to Aquabus?
Yes leave the USB connection from the Aquaero to the motherboard. This way your Aquaero will gets 5v standby power via the USB and keep the clock and dates correct.

The reservoir came with a pressure snap fitting and the manual is telling me to use it but I thought you would fill the reservoir from that middle connection.
If you are referring to the pressure equalization membrane plug it needs to go on one of the top outside holes.


I looked at several guides and videos (most aren't in english :( ) and some are way to technical for my understanding. ?(

If anyone could shine some light on specifics that really explain to me how to continue.

Thank you


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »apw63« (19. Oktober 2016, 19:45)


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2016, 20:39

Thanks for responding!

So basically I can use USB and Aquabus at the same time?

I'm reading on other posts I might brick or damage the parts if I do so.

To be safe should I disconnect USB? Oddly enough, when I ordered the products I was short wires, screws, and o-rings. (they replaced the screws and O rings) I have 4 USB, 3 Aquabus cords, and 6 temp cords.

Can I plug in VIA usb a few at a time or they all need to be connected at the same time. After plugging in the Aquero I will only have 2 aquabus left ( I can wire my own) but I need 5 USB and I'll I'm shorted one.

Doing a few parts at a time are okay? As long as everything is powered like the pump specifically at all times there should be no problem powering down each time and switching cables around; correct?

And the center hole is connected with bits power fittings and one pressurized fitting. Do I use that middle metal tube as the fill hole as well? or just any open fitting to fill the reservoir?

Also, I have one last question, do these parts read temperatures within them or do I need special fittings with temp wires in them attached to my line?

I apologize for my ignorance once again.

Thanks again for the fast response! :D

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meezits« (19. Oktober 2016, 21:47)


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016, 00:09

Thanks for responding!

So basically I can use USB and Aquabus at the same time?
Yes you can have them connected at the same time. To configure or calibrate the MPS devices. They must be under USB control. For the MPS devices to report to the Aquaero they need to be connected by aquabus. If you want the pump to show and be controlled by the Aquaero an on the Aquaero aquasuite pumps tab. Then they must be set to aquabus. The same goes for level and flow devices.

I'm reading on other posts I might brick or damage the parts if I do so.
To my knowledge the only way to brick the Aquaero is to connect the USB backwards. Connect pin 1 to pin 5, the USB cables are not keyed. They are color coded. The USB hub on the Aquaero has a representation of the code printed on the PCB. All of the MPS devices have the same code representation printed on them. Its something that you have to double check before you power up.

To be safe should I disconnect USB? Oddly enough, when I ordered the products I was short wires, screws, and o-rings. (they replaced the screws and O rings) I have 4 USB, 3 Aquabus cords, and 6 temp cords.
Disconnect from Aquaero?

Can I plug in VIA usb a few at a time or they all need to be connected at the same time. After plugging in the Aquero I will only have 2 aquabus left ( I can wire my own) but I need 5 USB and I'll I'm shorted one.
Yes you can do one or two devices at a time. Just make sure you correctly connect the USB each time. Only 2 aquabus cables left? There is only one useable aquabus port on the Aquaero, its the high port. To connect them all you will need a combination of Y connectors. I think you would need at least 2

Doing a few parts at a time are okay? As long as everything is powered like the pump specifically at all times there should be no problem powering down each time and switching cables around; correct?
Yes you can

And the center hole is connected with bits power fittings and one pressurized fitting. Do I use that middle metal tube as the fill hole as well? or just any open fitting to fill the reservoir?
On the base of the REZ if you want the waterfall effect. The center hole must be the flow in. Is the pressurized fitting you are referring to the pressure equalization membrane I linked in earlier post? On the top of the REZ you can use any of the four openings to fill the REZ. If you use the middle silver tube to fill, and the center hole is used as flow in on the base. You must cap the silver tube when you turn on pump to bleed. If not you will be getting a shower. I use one of the outside holes, that way I don't have to cap to bleed.

Also, I have one last question, do these parts read temperatures within them or do I need special fittings with temp wires in them attached to my line?
If these part you have are the same at the ones I linked? Then yes they have internal temp sensors in them. To use the internal temp sensors or the extra 2 pin temp sensor header on each. The devices must be connected and communicating through the aquabus. The internal temp sensors have a reputation of not being the most accurate. Anyone that uses the Aquaero will tell you. The best way to control your system is by the delta between the coolant temp and the ambient air temp. You would need at least one inline temp sensor like this, and one of the tape type to measure ambient air.

I apologize for my ignorance once again.

Thanks again for the fast response!

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016, 00:15

Thanks for responding!

So basically I can use USB and Aquabus at the same time? YES but you don't have to if you're USB limited on the MB.

I'm reading on other posts I might brick or damage the parts if I do so. That all depends on what you're connecting or if you're connecting the wires wrong. Pay attention to the colors and right placements.
To be safe should I disconnect USB? Oddly enough, when I ordered the products I was short wires, screws, and o-rings. (they replaced the screws and O rings) I have 4 USB, 3 Aquabus cords, and 6 temp cords. No problem disconnecting USB or Aquabus. Just do it when the system is powered off.
Can I plug in VIA usb a few at a time or they all need to be connected at the same time. After plugging in the Aquero I will only have 2 aquabus left ( I can wire my own) but I need 5 USB and I'll I'm shorted one.

Doing a few parts at a time are okay? As long as everything is powered like the pump specifically at all times there should be no problem powering down each time and switching cables around; correct? Yes, you can plug in each device via USB separately and assign them a unique ID if they are of the same device and then switch over to Aquabus, usually titled "External Controller Source (Aquabus....." from the Device's tab. Once its switched to Aquabus to the Aquaero, you will see your controls under the Aquaero tab. You can also chain Aquabus devices together to the Aquabus High port on the Aquaero. Have a look at the SPLITTY9 since it can be used as a fan hub or a Aquabus hub. If you go this route you'll need to purchase the right amount of Aquabus cables since they are male to male as opposed to your standard 4-PIN PWM, female to male cable.

And the center hole is connected with bits power fittings and one pressurized fitting. Do I use that middle metal tube as the fill hole as well? or just any open fitting to fill the reservoir? Not sure about this.

Also, I have one last question, do these parts read temperatures within them or do I need special fittings with temp wires in them attached to my line? If you want this kind of information to your Aquaero, you will need water and air temp sensors.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »GTXJackBauer« (20. Oktober 2016, 00:22)


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016, 01:22

Thanks for responding!

So basically I can use USB and Aquabus at the same time?
Yes you can have them connected at the same time. To configure or calibrate the MPS devices. They must be under USB control. For the MPS devices to report to the Aquaero they need to be connected by aquabus. If you want the pump to show and be controlled by the Aquaero an on the Aquaero aquasuite pumps tab. Then they must be set to aquabus. The same goes for level and flow devices.

Is it necessary to have both plugged in at the same time once you've assigned them?

I'm reading on other posts I might brick or damage the parts if I do so.
To my knowledge the only way to brick the Aquaero is to connect the USB backwards. Connect pin 1 to pin 5, the USB cables are not keyed. They are color coded. The USB hub on the Aquaero has a representation of the code printed on the PCB. All of the MPS devices have the same code representation printed on them. Its something that you have to double check before you power up.

I do believe there is an arrow on one of the sides with the red wire; not sure if that'll help

To be safe should I disconnect USB? Oddly enough, when I ordered the products I was short wires, screws, and o-rings. (they replaced the screws and O rings) I have 4 USB, 3 Aquabus cords, and 6 temp cords.
Disconnect from Aquaero?

You answered this in the previous post. :D

Can I plug in VIA usb a few at a time or they all need to be connected at the same time. After plugging in the Aquero I will only have 2 aquabus left ( I can wire my own) but I need 5 USB and I'll I'm shorted one.
Yes you can do one or two devices at a time. Just make sure you correctly connect the USB each time. Only 2 aquabus cables left? There is only one useable aquabus port on the Aquaero, its the high port. To connect them all you will need a combination of Y connectors. I think you would need at least 2

Since I'm short on time and waiting for shipping Y Connectors - I can solder and sleeve 4 into one. I don't believe there is any issue with that.

Doing a few parts at a time are okay? As long as everything is powered like the pump specifically at all times there should be no problem powering down each time and switching cables around; correct?
Yes you can

And the center hole is connected with bits power fittings and one pressurized fitting. Do I use that middle metal tube as the fill hole as well? or just any open fitting to fill the reservoir?
On the base of the REZ if you want the waterfall effect. The center hole must be the flow in. Is the pressurized fitting you are referring to the pressure equalization membrane I linked in earlier post? On the top of the REZ you can use any of the four openings to fill the REZ. If you use the middle silver tube to fill, and the center hole is used as flow in on the base. You must cap the silver tube when you turn on pump to bleed. If not you will be getting a shower. I use one of the outside holes, that way I don't have to cap to bleed.

I guess I misspoke. I do not have a fill sensor on this reservoir like I did from a really older build from another brand. I have a 34045 and it has 4 holes on the top in an 3 on the outside and one in the center. I was going to use the fill now on one of the other top holes after you told me. Now, Can I use that center hole on top for the PEM? and Do I need to remove it while bleeding the line. I made t his really confusing by not showing the correct res. I'm looking up the res I got and it looks like they've changed it but kept the same model number? or the numbering is wrong on the box. I bought it 1.5 years ago and I never used it until just recently decided to install it in a new computer I'm building. Aquacomputer Aqualis Base for Pump Adaptor with Nano Coating (AQ-34045)


Also, I have one last question, do these parts read temperatures within them or do I need special fittings with temp wires in them attached to my line?
If these part you have are the same at the ones I linked? Then yes they have internal temp sensors in them. To use the internal temp sensors or the extra 2 pin temp sensor header on each. The devices must be connected and communicating through the aquabus. The internal temp sensors have a reputation of not being the most accurate. Anyone that uses the Aquaero will tell you. The best way to control your system is by the delta between the coolant temp and the ambient air temp. You would need at least one inline temp sensor like this, and one of the tape type to measure ambient air.

Okay, I figured as much. I do not currently have an inline temp sensor, and the website wants a min order value -_-. so I need to see if I need more parts before I order one of these. I guess temporarily I'll wait for the inline temp. :( |

Last thing, any location is best for the flow sensor? since the flow should be symmetrical throughout the loop I'm assuming the second half?

I apologize for my ignorance once again.

Thanks again for the fast response!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meezits« (20. Oktober 2016, 02:00)


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016, 01:58

Splitty9 looks awesome, I wish I would have seen this before it would've saved me a few hours of Splitting 4 fans and 2 fans and now splitting 4 aquabus cables. I guess maybe when I update to 1080ti's i'll maybe look at this to limit all the garbage in my case. :D


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016, 04:14


Is it necessary to have both plugged in at the same time once you've assigned them?


I do believe there is an arrow on one of the sides with the red wire; not sure if that'll help
I do believe the arrow is pin 1. Just be sure to match the colors to the code on the Aquaero and MPS devices.


Since I'm short on time and waiting for shipping Y Connectors - I can solder and sleeve 4 into one. I don't believe there is any issue with that.
Just be careful the littlest short can cause the aquabus to not communicate correctly. I know I built my own Ys and they caused me months of issues. I've always made my own 3 and 4 pin fan splitters for years without issue. In the end I purchased the ones i linked and have never had an issue sense.


Can I use that center hole on top for the PEM? and Do I need to remove it while bleeding the line.
The PEM cannot get wet, if it does it fails to work until dried out. This little device roughly equalizes internal system pressure with the normal external pressure. That being said if any coolant will be entering the center silver tube I would not put the PEM there. If the PEM in on one of the outside ports on the top. No it does not need to be removed to bleed.


Okay, I figured as much. I do not currently have an inline temp sensor, and the website wants a min order value -_-. so I need to see if I need more parts before I order one of these. I guess temporarily I'll wait for the inline temp. :( |
I only linked to the aquatune site as it was easy to find aquacomputer items. The inline temp sensors can be found and Performance PCs, and other online US based retailers. There are other brands of inline and internal coolant temp sensors. You just need to do some online searching.


Last thing, any location is best for the flow sensor? since the flow should be symmetrical throughout the loop I'm assuming the second half?
The only requirement is that the sensor has 50mm of straight run tubing on either side. The length of tubing run can be verified in the flow meter manual.

Your welcome! Using AC items and devices are challenging at first. Play with your system and the AC software and you will find out how intuitive it is.


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016, 05:58


Is it necessary to have both plugged in at the same time once you've assigned them?


I do believe there is an arrow on one of the sides with the red wire; not sure if that'll help
I do believe the arrow is pin 1. Just be sure to match the colors to the code on the Aquaero and MPS devices.


Since I'm short on time and waiting for shipping Y Connectors - I can solder and sleeve 4 into one. I don't believe there is any issue with that.
Just be careful the littlest short can cause the aquabus to not communicate correctly. I know I built my own Ys and they caused me months of issues. I've always made my own 3 and 4 pin fan splitters for years without issue. In the end I purchased the ones i linked and have never had an issue sense.


Can I use that center hole on top for the PEM? and Do I need to remove it while bleeding the line.
The PEM cannot get wet, if it does it fails to work until dried out. This little device roughly equalizes internal system pressure with the normal external pressure. That being said if any coolant will be entering the center silver tube I would not put the PEM there. If the PEM in on one of the outside ports on the top. No it does not need to be removed to bleed.


Okay, I figured as much. I do not currently have an inline temp sensor, and the website wants a min order value -_-. so I need to see if I need more parts before I order one of these. I guess temporarily I'll wait for the inline temp. :( |
I only linked to the aquatune site as it was easy to find aquacomputer items. The inline temp sensors can be found and Performance PCs, and other online US based retailers. There are other brands of inline and internal coolant temp sensors. You just need to do some online searching.


Last thing, any location is best for the flow sensor? since the flow should be symmetrical throughout the loop I'm assuming the second half?
The only requirement is that the sensor has 50mm of straight run tubing on either side. The length of tubing run can be verified in the flow meter manual.

Your welcome! Using AC items and devices are challenging at first. Play with your system and the AC software and you will find out how intuitive it is.
Okay so everything seems to make sense right now. I have sleeved and soldered tons of computer wires, I think i'll be okay on that end, however. :S

I really need help now with 4pin vs 3 pin aquabus. I was reading about it and nothing is straight forward but I do believe the 4th wire powers devices. I do not believe I need the 4th pin on any of the devices as of right now. And they didn't send any 4pin along -- just a 3 pin for each.

D5 pump is 3 pin (being powered via molex)
D5 base is 3 pin (shouldn't need pwm)
Flow meter shouldn't need to be powered as it is being moved by the flow of the coolant. I hope I'm right as I spend the last 2 hours sleeving and splitting all the cables and I'm reading the flow meter will not work without the 4th wire.

I hope I have this all correct!

and if all these parts need 4 pin to work, I'm not too sure why they'd send me 3 pins. :huh:

And thank you so much for your help...you are saving me from tons of confusion. :D


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016, 16:02


I really need help now with 4pin vs 3 pin aquabus. I was reading about it and nothing is straight forward but I do believe the 4th wire powers devices. I do not believe I need the 4th pin on any of the devices as of right now. And they didn't send any 4pin along -- just a 3 pin for each.
If you want Aquaero/Aquaero aquasuite control. All devices must be connected by either USB and 3 pin or 4 pin.

I have never used the AC D5 with USB pump. That being said. I'm very confident that the MOLEX connection only powers the pump, and not the internal instrumentation. The only D5 base with USB that I find on aquatunes website is Aquacomputer pump adaptor for D5 pumps for aqualis with fill level measurement, G1/4. This base has the fill level measurement. Which base do you have? Unless you ordered the PEM on its own. I do not believe that the REZ or pump base will come with one. Only if it has the fill level measurement function. The same explanation from above applies to the fill level measurerment for power and Aquaero/Aquaero aquasuite control.

Which flow meter do you have? The MPS type like the Aquacomputer 400? If you have the MPS type there are no moving parts. The flow meter works off differential pressure. The same explanation from above applies to the flow meter for power and Aquaero/Aquaero aquasuite control.

We can discuss benefits of aquabus connection vs USB only if you are fuzzy on this subject.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »apw63« (20. Oktober 2016, 16:08)


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016, 19:50


I really need help now with 4pin vs 3 pin aquabus. I was reading about it and nothing is straight forward but I do believe the 4th wire powers devices. I do not believe I need the 4th pin on any of the devices as of right now. And they didn't send any 4pin along -- just a 3 pin for each.
If you want Aquaero/Aquaero aquasuite control. All devices must be connected by either USB and 3 pin or 4 pin.

I have never used the AC D5 with USB pump. That being said. I'm very confident that the MOLEX connection only powers the pump, and not the internal instrumentation. The only D5 base with USB that I find on aquatunes website is Aquacomputer pump adaptor for D5 pumps for aqualis with fill level measurement, G1/4. This base has the fill level measurement. Which base do you have? Unless you ordered the PEM on its own. I do not believe that the REZ or pump base will come with one. Only if it has the fill level measurement function. The same explanation from above applies to the fill level measurerment for power and Aquaero/Aquaero aquasuite control.

Which flow meter do you have? The MPS type like the Aquacomputer 400? If you have the MPS type there are no moving parts. The flow meter works off differential pressure. The same explanation from above applies to the flow meter for power and Aquaero/Aquaero aquasuite control.

We can discuss benefits of aquabus connection vs USB only if you are fuzzy on this subject.

Thanks again for helping me, apw!
That is my exact base, good find. My res did come with that PEM fitting, I have one already like you linked. And having a fill level measurement imposes anymore needs?
It seems I will need USB and Aquabus after reading the article. I doubt you can "split" usb cords

Yes, I do have MPS 400. So basically all of them need to be powered by either USB or 4 pin?

So I need to have 4 usb ports, 3 aquabus cables if I use 3 pin, and 1 usb and 3 aquabus for 4 pin. I just sleeved 3 pins only. I doubt theres a local place I can find 4 fan pins and splitters so I can just sleeve those to save time. I just didn't want to use all the USB ports on my board. x99 deluxe assuming it has a decent amount.

2 x USB 3.0 connector(s) support(s) additional 4 USB 3.0 port(s) (19-pin)
2 x USB 2.0 connector(s) support(s) additional 4 USB 2.0 port(s)

Might need to use only 4 pin if I want to use front ports and such.

That's all she wrote. not sure I can use all of them but it might be in my best interest to find 4 pin cords. I just overnight coolant yesterday and just received and if I would've known this I would've added it.

Thanks again


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016, 20:27


Yes, I do have MPS 400. So basically all of them need to be powered by either USB or 4 pin?

This is what you use for extra USB
Aquacomputer HUBBY7 internal USB 2.0 Hub AC did not have this when I built my system
NZXT IU01 Internal USB Expansion (Black) This is what I have and use. NZXT has a newer version Internal USB Hub

And just to cover all the bases. This is ACs fan/aquabus splitter Aquacomputer SPLITTY9 Splitter
This online retailer is a great place to shop, great bunch of peeps modmymods.com


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016, 21:05

Okay so if I need to use all of them 4 pin will work with them all and I will not use usb? none of them need 4 pin and also usb too.

I'm going to a supply place locally and they are the last in my area.

I'm going to pick up 4pin fan cables (assuming they are the same as aquabus)

and maybe they'll carry a usb hub, then i'll just keep the 3pin and use usb instead.

and for the d5 base, anything to note?


Junior Member

Freitag, 21. Oktober 2016, 01:59

Off the top of my head I don't have anything else on the base. Good luck with your build. Please post up some pics or link to a build log.


Junior Member

Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2016, 22:19

Hello again,

I had a quick question on my issue. I bought two spliity9 and one hubby.

The confusion I have is the splitty9 has one output to the a query and 9 other slots. Can I have 3 channels when I plug all fans independently? Or do I need to split the before I connect?

I have 4 fans as channel 1, 3 as channel 2, and 1 fan as channel 3.

If I plug all 8 in the board do they all work as one or can I use software to split the channels up?

Thanks! :D


Junior Member

Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2016, 23:27

The splitty work by one of the attached fans as the master. All other attached fans will be the slaves. It is best to use all identical fans or at least the same RPM range. There is no software that will split the fans out.

I have all identical RAD fans 8 on one splitter on channel 1. I have all case fans 4 on another splitter on channel 2. I have all pedestal exhaust fans 3 on another splitter on channel 3, and lastly my 2 pumps on channel 4.

I control the fans on each spritzer through the Aquaero with fan curves.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »apw63« (24. Oktober 2016, 18:03)


Junior Member

Montag, 24. Oktober 2016, 01:22

Thanks for the reply,

So 1 splitty9 is one channel?

And you use all the same fans on one channel.

I would like to keep positive pressure in my case but no too much, I just want air being forced out and limits on the dust considerably.

So controlling 2 rad fans against the other 4 rad fans might prove difficult.

If I have great cooling by keeping one channel lower than the other it might keep down on noise and still maintain a positive pressure.

And aqua suite i haven't even seen it yet. Feels like it might be a hard thing after.


Junior Member

Montag, 24. Oktober 2016, 18:01

Thanks for the reply,

So 1 splitty9 is one channel? Yes

And you use all the same fans on one channel. I do and I think most users do. Normally you would assign one cannel to do one task like, RAD, case fans or pumps. So IMO the best results would be to use all of the same fans on that channel.

I would like to keep positive pressure in my case but no too much, I just want air being forced out and limits on the dust considerably. I think it goes without saying that dust filters are needed on the inlet fans. Without dust filters like these. You will still get dust with positive pressure.

So controlling 2 rad fans against the other 4 rad fans might prove difficult. I'm not sure I understand what your are saying. Are you talking about running 4 RAD fans as intake and 2 RAD fans as exhaust? I run all rad fans as intake. I build from a positive pressure stance. IMO running all RAD fans as intake increases cooling efficient. Cool air in through RADs hot air out through case fans.

If I have great cooling by keeping one channel lower than the other it might keep down on noise and still maintain a positive pressure. As an example in have 2 360mm RADs in my pedestal. All 6 RAD fans (1000-2000 rpm) ran around 800 to 1100 depending on load. I also have 3 exhaust fans (600- 1500) run around 900 to 1300. These fans always run 100 to 300 rpm faster that the inlet fans. I still maintain positive pressure and remove heat.

And aqua suite i haven't even seen it yet. Feels like it might be a hard thing after. The best advice I can give about aquasuite and the Aquaero is play with it. It really is very simple once you get the hang of it. You can try to read all you want but the best thing to do is play with it.


Junior Member

Samstag, 29. Oktober 2016, 00:25

awp63, thanks for everything you helped me a lot in hooking this up.

Currently, I'm running the computer, the fan controller is registering. all three channels.

However, the pump, d5 base, and flow control are not being detected by USB

So I tried to USB, restart, tried one device at a time. Nothing shows up in aquasuite.

USB and Aquabus do not work at the same time either.

There is no manual on how to properly set this up.

There is a red light on the aquero 6 next to aqua bus high frequency.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks! :D


Junior Member

Montag, 31. Oktober 2016, 00:01

awp63, thanks for everything you helped me a lot in hooking this up. Sorry took a little bit to get back. Wife and I where out of town for the weekend.

Currently, I'm running the computer, the fan controller is registering. all three channels.

However, the pump, d5 base, and flow control are not being detected by USB OK I've never used the D5 but lets start with a few configuration question. Does the pump run while hooked up to the MOLEX power connection? Are you starting with only the USB connected? When hooked up by USB there should be a tab in aquasuite on the left hand side below the Aquaero. The tab will only say MPS device.

So I tried to USB, restart, tried one device at a time. Nothing shows up in aquasuite. Are you making sure that you're total powering down your system. Are you pulling the main or flipping the switch on the back of the PSU?

USB and Aquabus do not work at the same time either. You can see your aquaero in aquasuite? Look under the aquaero tab for system firmware. See if any of your devices need firmware updates.

There is no manual on how to properly set this up. To set them up totally power down system. Lets start with just one device, your flow meter. Connect with only USB from motherboard to device. Aquaero must also have USB to motherboard connection. Power up system, start aquasuite. You should see in aquasuite on the left hand side the Aquareo and a MPS device with some demo pages. If not shut down aquasuite and restart, it might take a few times. If you see the MPS tab click on it. You will have to select from the drop down the flow meter. Once the flow meter is selected select the tubing size. Then press the calibrated button. You should now see the flow rate in the aquasuite MPS device demo page. Lets get your devices working with USB then we will move on to aquabus

There is a red light on the aquero 6 next to aqua bus high frequency. I don't see a red light on mine, I'm not sure if I've seen a red light. I have always had the passive heat sink on mime.

Any help would be much appreciated.Let me know if any of this helps.

Thanks! :D