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AQ 6 Curve Control

Freitag, 18. November 2016, 07:56

I have 6x PA3 Ultra that are connected to AQ 6XT as additional channels, they all work well controlling my 4x D5 pumps, several fans and some LEDs.

Normally my front intake fans are connected to AQ's channel so that way I am able to create curve control to my liking.

I made some changes as far is fans placements so now the front intake fans are controlled by PA3 rather than AQ 6. I was able to make the front intake fans work by going ON and OFF at set voltage and temperature using 2 point control.

You can see on the picture that the option of curve control via PA3 is no longer available so it seems that Curve Control its limited to only 4 in total.


Is that the limitation of AQ 6 or PA3 or am I doing something wrong, if that's the case it's no big deal it works well either way.


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (18. November 2016, 08:09)

Freitag, 18. November 2016, 11:35

The aquaero has 4 curve controllers (total). More is not possible.

Freitag, 18. November 2016, 16:44

Thank you for the confirmation :thumbup: