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Aquaero 6 Not Detected with Hubby 7

Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2017, 18:47

Hi, I switched from Intel Z87 (Haswell) platform to AMD X370 (Ryzen) and my Aquaero 6 is not detected as a valid Aquasuite device via. USB. The only place I can see it is in the installation screen, where it is listed as "Aquaero". It does not show up at all in Aquasuite as a device, as you can see in the below screenshots. I have a valid Aquasuite 2017 license attached to the Aquaero 6. It was working correctly on the Intel Z87 platform.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Undesirable« (31. Mai 2017, 22:05)

Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2017, 19:09

Your device is not connected with USB.

Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2017, 19:22

It was connected, but via Hubby 7. Now I have connected it directly via the motherboard instead of via Hubby 7 it works. I wasn't using Hubby 7 with my old motherboard.

If I use Hubby 7 with SATA power, Aquaero 6 is not detected correctly for me. Other USB devices WERE detected via Hubby 7.

I need an internal USB hub now, because I only have 1 header instead of 2. Aquastream XT pump was correctly detected with Hubby 7, Aquaero 6 wasn't.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Undesirable« (31. Mai 2017, 19:30)

Montag, 5. Juni 2017, 10:11

I have the same setup and it works fine, only difference is i'm not using sata power. I have connected the MB to the IN on the hubby and then connected the aquaero to position one on the hubby and it all works fine. When I get home i'll attach a photo :)
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"

Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2017, 06:03

I have the same setup and it works fine, only difference is i'm not using sata power. I have connected the MB to the IN on the hubby and then connected the aquaero to position one on the hubby and it all works fine. When I get home i'll attach a photo :)

Hmm, are you using the latest firmware and Aquasuite version? I'm running and Aquaero 6 Pro with firmware 2009 and Aquasuite 2017-2. I thought I tried a different port on the Hubby, but maybe I forgot to do that. I'll try a different port again soon. I know I tried a different USB cable, which didn't help.

Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2017, 07:25

Hi, as requested I've attached a photo:

1 = USB to M/B
2 = USB to Aquaero
3 = USB Case (because I used MB USB)
4 = Make sure this jumper is in the correct position for either USB power or SATA power


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 6 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Bartdude« (7. Juni 2017, 07:37)

"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"

Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2017, 11:59

When you're connecting a lot of devices to the Hubby7, I would recommend using the SATA power just in case as I have in my case. I have a my hub filled up to the tee.

Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2017, 14:46

When you're connecting a lot of devices to the Hubby7, I would recommend using the SATA power just in case as I have in my case. I have a my hub filled up to the tee.

To remember that in using the SATA power connection, the Hubby7, and attached aquaero, will not have power when the system is "off".

Freitag, 9. Juni 2017, 01:28

I have tested all ports on the Hubby 7, 1-7 now, and none of them pick up my Aquaero 6 Pro in Aquasuite either with SATA or USB power. Video to prove it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfaJHVuWTE&feature=youtu.be

Photo attached to show it's installed correctly.

Could this be a firmware issue with the Aquaero 6 Pro version 2009 specifically with Aquasuite version 2017-2?
»Undesirable« hat folgende Datei angehängt:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Undesirable« (9. Juni 2017, 02:06)

Freitag, 9. Juni 2017, 02:15

Could just be a bad HUBBY7. I would try getting a hold of AC.

Freitag, 9. Juni 2017, 14:22

As a follow up I have the same version of Aquasuite and firmware as op. Only difference is I have Aquaero 6 xt.
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"

Freitag, 9. Juni 2017, 16:10

Strange thing is anything else I plug in to the Hubby 7 is recognised, including an Aquastream. You would think that rules out the Hubby being at fault. Take a look at the very first screenshot I attached in the original post. At the bottom you can see something called "Aquaero" is picked up in Aquasuite Installation, but it still doesn't register as a licensed device or show up in Aquasuite when it completes installation. It has a valid license and shows up correctly when plugged into the motherboard directly, however.

If this isn't a firmware issue, then perhaps it is an incompatibility problem specifically with Ryzen / AMD chipset drivers and Aquaero.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Undesirable« (9. Juni 2017, 17:03)

Samstag, 10. Juni 2017, 23:10

So, does anyone have an AM4 motherboard and Hubby 7 with Aquaero plugged in?

Sonntag, 11. Juni 2017, 20:43

Your video show the cable to the Hubby7 is connected correctly and the jumper is set correctly.

I am curious, for the direct connect test, which cable did you use between the aquaero and the motherboard USB port?
- the cable from your aquaero to the Hubby7?
- or the cable from the mobo to the hubby7?

Montag, 12. Juni 2017, 00:51

Your video show the cable to the Hubby7 is connected correctly and the jumper is set correctly.

I am curious, for the direct connect test, which cable did you use between the aquaero and the motherboard USB port?
- the cable from your aquaero to the Hubby7?
- or the cable from the mobo to the hubby7?

For direct connection, I remove the USB cable that is plugged into port 1 of the Hubby 7 in the video (the cable used is the long one bundled with the Aquaero), remove the short cable attached from the Hubby 7 to motherboard, then plug the cable that was in port 1 of the Hubby 7 into the motherboard header.

I know the Hubby 7 + Aquaero setup should work, because it works in the same configuration with my Aquastream XT. I have also tried all the ports and switching the USB cables. I can also see that my Aquaero 6 Pro works when connected directly to the motherboard.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Undesirable« (12. Juni 2017, 00:58)

Montag, 12. Juni 2017, 08:55

You maybe correct, I have read several posts about problems with USB and the X370 chipset. Those screenies you took in your first post, they were while the Aquaero was connected through the Hubby7? Can you actually install the Aquaero with a direct connection to the MB, including see it In Aquasuite with a valid license? Just trying to eliminate possible problems.
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"

Montag, 12. Juni 2017, 18:36

You maybe correct, I have read several posts about problems with USB and the X370 chipset. Those screenies you took in your first post, they were while the Aquaero was connected through the Hubby7? Can you actually install the Aquaero with a direct connection to the MB, including see it In Aquasuite with a valid license? Just trying to eliminate possible problems.

Yeah everything works perfectly with direct connection to the motherboard. I need the Hubby 7 because I only have 1 motherboard header.

Montag, 12. Juni 2017, 22:28

For direct connection, I remove the USB cable that is plugged into port 1 of the Hubby 7 in the video (the cable used is the long one bundled with the Aquaero), remove the short cable attached from the Hubby 7 to motherboard, then plug the cable that was in port 1 of the Hubby 7 into the motherboard header.

I know the Hubby 7 + Aquaero setup should work, because it works in the same configuration with my Aquastream XT. I have also tried all the ports and switching the USB cables. I can also see that my Aquaero 6 Pro works when connected directly to the motherboard.

Well, that rules out the cable for the most part.

Your best bet now may be to contact support@aqua-computer.de.

Dienstag, 13. Juni 2017, 07:34

For direct connection, I remove the USB cable that is plugged into port 1 of the Hubby 7 in the video (the cable used is the long one bundled with the Aquaero), remove the short cable attached from the Hubby 7 to motherboard, then plug the cable that was in port 1 of the Hubby 7 into the motherboard header.

I know the Hubby 7 + Aquaero setup should work, because it works in the same configuration with my Aquastream XT. I have also tried all the ports and switching the USB cables. I can also see that my Aquaero 6 Pro works when connected directly to the motherboard.

Well, that rules out the cable for the most part.

Your best bet now may be to contact support@aqua-computer.de.

I've contacted them as well as posting here. Everything has been ruled out except whether it's an issue with my motherboard AM4 / Ryzen chipset drivers or BIOS issue, or if it is some strange issue with my specific Hubby 7 that doesn' t manifest itself until you plug in an Aquaero. Can't think which it is.