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Problems resetting Aquaero 6 from, Slave to Master

Freitag, 29. September 2017, 16:24

1. Turn off PC
2. Remove all connectors except the power
3. Short Temp Sensors 5 through 8 (I don't have 4 jumpers so I've used both screws and aluminium foil)
4. Turn on power
5. After a few seconds you should hear a beep (I hear no beep)
6. Turn off the power
7. Start the PC as normal

This doesn't do it for me. I did notice a short blink from a red led, on the backside of the Aquaero, but not sure where it was, and it hasn't happened again.

I have another Aquaero 6, the master, but I don't need display in this build, so I was hoping to be able to sell it.

Freitag, 29. September 2017, 16:48

Have you connected the temperature sensor pins in the right way?

Must be


1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
:   :   :   :  [:] [:] [:] [:]

Freitag, 29. September 2017, 17:05

Have you connected the temperature sensor pins in the right way?

Must be


1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
:   :   :   :  [:] [:] [:] [:]


Montag, 2. Oktober 2017, 12:19

I can only imagine that the connection between the pins is insufficient. Maybe you have some older harddisk, CD drives or mainboards lying around? Their jumpers are compatible.

If it does not work I can only offer to send in the device so that we flash it.

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