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New: aquasuite 2017-3.2

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 00:59

The aquasuite has received an update. On November first we have released version 2017-3.1 which can be downloaded here.

Version 2017-3.1 contains many in-depth changes and improvements. A lot of work has been done, especially in the interaction between the interface and database as well as the administration of aquabus devices. We were also able to significantly improve the speed of the user interface.

Due to the many changes, the aquasuite 2017-3 brings new firmware versions for almost all our devices. Especially in the firmware of the aquaero many things have been revised and extensions for upcoming devices have been are already integrated - more about that soon!

If you use devices with the aquaero that are only connected via aquabus it is indispensable to connect such devices via USB to perform an update of the firmware, otherwise devices will no longer work with the aquaero or show a strange behavior.

Changelog for the aquasuite 2017-3.2
  • Bugfix/Improvement: speed of pump ramps up faster and runs more stable at maximum speed

Changelog for the aquasuite 2017-3.1
  • Bugfix: aquaero can't control two farbwerk devices via aquabus
  • Bugfix: sensing problems with high flow USB sensor

Changelog for the aquasuite 2017-3
  • Bugfix: problems with the Y-axis scaling on overview pages (diagrams etc.)
  • Bugfix: a memory usage above 6GB was not displayed correctly
  • Bugfix: behavior of the button to load log data
  • New: settings for mps devices have been simplified
  • New: aquabus overview with much more information about data mapping and conflicts between devices

Changelog for the Aqua Computer Windows service
  • Bugfix: poweradjust as data source was not processed
  • Bugfix: temperatures at Ryzen / Threadripper CPUs were wrong or not read at all
  • Bugfix: incorrect units of data sources from HWiNFO
  • Bugfix: hardware monitoring - the Power Package Sensor (Intel) had a wrong ID
  • Bugfix: general improvements and bug fixes for hardware monitoring
  • Bugfix: aquasuite web has sent data even if the GUID was invalid
  • Discontinuation: Open Hardware Monitor is no longer supported as an external program

General changes for the aquaero 5 and 6 series
In the aquaero, the aquabus is checked for resource conflicts now. Problems are marked with a warning symbol and further information about a conflict will be displayed too. This helps to keep track of complex systems and to understand where a displayed sensor value is coming from. Devices are highlighted in red if they are not connected anymore. Devices that had a communication problem in the last 4 hours are highlighted in yellow.

In the aquaero firmware the aquabus administration has been completely revised. Devices get mapped much faster into the system now. In addition, we have already integrated upcoming devices. As already mentioned: make sure to update the firmware of devices that are connected via aquabus.

As of now it is possible to connect two aquaero slave devices to an aquaero master device. Since a slave device offers no USB communication the aquabus ID for a second slave device must be set by placing a jumper onto temperature sensor port 8. A slave device can also monitor a flow sensor now and transfer its value via aquabus to the master device.

Also new is that we moved the option to connect a second flow sensor from fan port 1 to the aquabus lowspeed port which had no function lately. This way fan port 1 can be still used for other stuff when connecting a second flow sensor.

In addition, a new status page has been programmed which shows the current profile, number of alarms/warnings and the current alarm level. To keep it simple we no longer display the 12V on/off messages.

Changelog for aquaero 5 and 6
  • Bugfix: some text and menu entries have been improved
  • Bugfix: non-connected temperature sensors with an offset are now automatically hidden
  • New: administration of aquabus resources and status information
  • New: the aquabus communication has become much more robust compared to previous implementations
  • New: two aquaeros with slave firmware can be connected to a master device
  • New: a second flow sensor will be connected to the aquabus lowspeed port now
  • New: status page for profiles, alarms, warnings, alarm levels
  • New: 12V on/off messages are no longer displayed

Changelog for aquaero 5 and 6 with slave firmware
  • New: improved aquabus communication
  • New: value of a connected flow sensor is transmitted via aquabus
  • New: up to two aquaero slave devices via aquabus
  • New: jumper on temperature sensor 8 selects aquabus address for second slave device

Changelog for aquaduct mk IV and V
  • Bugfix: some text and menu entries have been improved
  • Bugfix: non-connected temperature sensors with an offset are now automatically hidden
  • New: 12V on/off messages are no longer displayed

Changelog for farbwerk
  • New: improved aquabus communication
  • New: automatic prioritization of the aquabus communication, no more configuration required
  • New: channels can be easily turned of in the aquasuite software

Changelog for aquastream ULTIMATE
  • New: both flow sensor and temperatures values can be transferred via aquabus

Changelog for poweradjust 2 and 3
  • Changed: settings of flow sensor for transmission via aquabus must be set via USB
  • Bugfix: partly faulty over-current shutdown at poweradjust 3 - affects only devices delivered from June 2017

Changelog for mps devices (flow/fill/pressure sensors and D5 pump)
  • New: improved aquabus communication
  • New: automatic prioritization of the aquabus communication, no more configuration required
  • New: reset to factory defaults will keep the correct device type

Changelog for VISION devices
  • Bugfix: assignment of buttons on the aquaremote remote control
  • Bugfix: infrared buttons Q to P do not work in keyboard mode
  • Bugfix: no more bouncing of the mouse button of the aquaremote

Let us know if you encounter any problems with the new aquasuite. Two major bugs that we are already aware of: when two farbwerk are connected via aquabus to an aquaero, the second one can not be configured; and high flow USB sensor will show zero as flow if the value is below 80 l/h.
We currently collect reported problems and will fix them with aquasuite 2017-3.1 (online now).[/list]

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 07:50

Hi Shoggy,

I am about to finish a new rig, and got to the point of filling my loops and configuring them. This is the first time I'm doing water cooling, and therefore the first time I'm dealing with Aquacomputer products. :)

I have two loops with D5 pumps connected to an Aquaero 6 XT. I've read in several forums and documentation that first thing to do (for aquabus pumps) is to fill the loop, connect the pump via USB, install aquasuite and set the priority to Aquabus. Did all that, aquasuite recognized the mps device, I've updated the firmware (to 1010), let the aquabus address as 12 (default, that was my first pump), but there are no options to set priority to USB/Aquabus. Has the priority been removed on the new version??

Kind regards,

»StephanWeber« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • aquasuite.png

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »StephanWeber« (4. November 2017, 07:56)

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 08:31

when you connect a d5 (usb), farbwerk, poweradjust via aquabus you can control it without any settings with your aquaero.

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 10:03

Hi Sebastian,

Thank you for such a quick reply! I'm aware that when you connect the devices on the aquaero they are controlled by the "aquaero" menu on the aquasuite and the usb mps settings will become obsolete. My problem is: I can't set the priority to aquabus, as I've seen on several videos/tutorials/documentation. There are no radio buttons "( ) Set priority to USB" and "( ) Set priority to Aquabus" on the mps settings. Since this is a new version, has this feature changed? Also, I've reset all devices to factory default, set the bus address to 12 on my first pump, 13 on my second (via usb), connected both pumps to a splitter, and then to the 6 xt, and no pumps are recognized. I've also tried connecting only pump one (without splitter), and only pump 2, always rebooting the system, to no avail. Sorry for so many questions, and thanks for your help!

Regards, Stephan.

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 11:43

I can't set the priority to aquabus
this option is removed! you dont need this settings anymore.

When you make changes with aquabus devices you have to power of the pc completly (unplug the power cable)!

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 14:53

Updated to 2017-3, updated all required firmware and reloaded my profile without issue.

Items included:
1 aquaero 6
2 D5 USB pumps
1 High Flow USB flow sensor

Lucky for me, I always attached both aquabus and USB connections for all items at the time of installation.
It would have been a pain to connect the USB after the fact.

The comment below is not valid after following instructions properly..
Just one initial comment:
The mps D5 configuration tab shows "Pump power", but I believe that is the max pump power.
The controller can reduce the power, but that does not show on this tab, other than the RPM for those who know that range.
Perhaps a small comment to clarify the relationship.

Edit: A comment will be made in the forum when an updated aquaero manual is avilable?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (4. November 2017, 17:06)

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 15:54

"Lucky for me, I always attached both aquabus and USB connections for all items at the time of installation.

It would have been a pain to connect the USB after the fact."

That would be pain. if I had to connect all again. I have several devices connected to Aquaero 6XT (6x Poweradjust 3, 2x High speed USB meters) and I have that connected via aquabus and USB. Should I be OK to update to new aquasuite if I had all my devices connected via USB first I would hate to redo it again

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 16:01

I had not followed Sebastian's instruction:
"When you make changes with aquabus devices you have to power of the pc completly (unplug the power cable)! "
After a full power reset the aquabus is working properly.

I appear to be having an issue with the aquabus.

The High Flow USB sensor does not list under aquaero>sensors tab (a6_sensors_flow.jpg)
The D5 USB pumps also do not list under the aquaero>Pumps tab (a6_pumps.jpg)
And the D5 USB Pumps are not available as a source for a preset controller (pumps_preset.jpg)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (4. November 2017, 17:03)

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 16:24


I appear to be having an issue with the aquabus.

The High Flow USB sensor does not list under aquaero>sensors tab (a6_sensors_flow.jpg)

The D5 USB pumps also do not list under the aquaero>Pumps tab (a6_pumps.jpg)

And the D5 USB Pumps are not available as a source for a preset controller (pumps_preset.jpg)

O No :(

I think I will be sticking with what works for me for now I would hate to have to mess with this now

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 17:09



I had not followed Sebastian's instruction:

"When you make changes with aquabus devices you have to power of the pc completly (unplug the power cable)! "

After a full power reset the aquabus is working properly.

Should I or should I not Update 8| ?( :)

Whats the biggest benefit you getting from this update. I know its all listed "whats new in this update" I'm just wonder if its worth it :)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (4. November 2017, 17:11)

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 17:31

I'm stupid I should have just left thing alone, everything in aquabus is gone :cursing: Power cycle didn't do anything

I had every device connected via USB at initial setup so how come now everything is gone Helpppppp :) darn it


When you make changes with aquabus devices you have to power of the pc completly (unplug the power cable
You mean PSU cable

NO nothing makes no difference, what I was afraid of doing I have to do :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: connect each PA3 via USB again, honestly this is :cursing: :thumbdown:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (4. November 2017, 17:43)

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 17:46

I'm stupid I should have just left thing alone, everything in aquabus is gone :cursing: Power cycle didn't do anything

I had every device connected via USB at initial setup so how come now everything is gone Helpppppp :) darn it


When you make changes with aquabus devices you have to power of the pc completly (unplug the power cable
You mean PSU cable

Yes, the Power Supply cable to the wall outlet. I left mine off for a minute or so. (actually, I just used the switch on the PSU)

Did you update the firmware for each component?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (4. November 2017, 17:48)

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 17:56

I switched the power off switch on PSU and removed cable as well. NO i didn't update anything other than Aquaeros firmware.

So I'm assuming I have to connect now USB to each device and aquaero and do the firmware update?

When I initially did all that it was about 2 years ago I honestly didn't want to bother anymore with this, Im ether getting to old or just getting brain farts, its getting more difficult and confusing.

Advice PLease?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (4. November 2017, 17:58)

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 18:04

I switched the power off switch on PSU and removed cable as well. NO i didn't update anything other than Aquaeros firmware.

So I'm assuming I have to connect now USB to each device and aquaero and do the firmware update?

When I initially did all that it was about 2 years ago I honestly didn't want to bother anymore with this, Im ether getting to old or just getting brain farts, its getting more difficult and confusing.

Advice PLease?

In the original post Shoggy stated:


If you use devices with the aquaero that are only connected via aquabus it is indispensable to connect such devices via USB to perform an update of the firmware, otherwise devices will no longer work with the aquaero or show a strange behavior.

So yes, you will have to connect all aquabus devices via USB in order to update their firmware.

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 18:10

Its nice when everything is functioning properly. Initially it took me forever to hook everything up but that was while ago I still had the energy fro that, something happen in between that now my energy level is so low I just don't feel like doing whole lot around my system I dont know maybe very busy lifestyle, to busy, but its all going to be OK once is done :)

So Do I connect now every PA3 and USB flow meter via USB to Aquaero or M/B?
I assume to aquaero and than update the firmware again with PA3 connected ?

:?: :?: Please

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (4. November 2017, 18:23)

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 18:24

Its nice when everything is functioning properly. Initially it took me forever to hook everything up but that was while ago I still had the energy fro that, something happen in between that now my energy level is so low I just don't feel like doing whole lot around my system I dont know maybe very busy lifestyle, to busy, but its all going to be OK once is done :)

So Do I connect now every PA3 and USB flow meter via USB to Aquaero or M/B?
I assume to aquaero and than update the firmware again with PA3 connected ?

You can leave the aquabus connections between the devices and the aquaero connected.
But you will need to connect each pa3/flow device to a USB port on the M/B for the firmware update.
If you do not have enough USB ports to do all at once, you can do them individually or in groups.
Do not forget to turn off the computer for each cabling change.

Edit, yes, I think Shoggy may want to highlight the USB requirement comment in red in the original post.
There are probably many more who do not have the USB connection on their aquabus devices.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (4. November 2017, 18:33)

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 18:36

Thank you for your advice. Yes I have 2 USB 2 on the M/B so I will leave the USB that is currently connected to Aquaero and use the other to connect each device individually, I'm wonder if you still have to assign port# for each device or it will pick it up on its own

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 18:47

Yes, I think each device will still need an aquabus port assignment, but the device should retain the number that was assigned before. It will show in the system tab after the firmware update.

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 19:28

I got rusty and I got spoiled by my system running flawlessly for the past 2 years I haven't done nothing to my system in a long time but it's like with anything else, once get back to something you've done it before its all good.

The USB flow meters are all good now, it took a few minutes once USB got connected, later I will do my PA3 and its all set.

Thank you for your help :thumbup:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (4. November 2017, 19:29)

Samstag, 4. November 2017, 23:12

Firmware of all my devices that were connected to Aquaero went OK and although, everything seem to work there are few things that are little off....

My profiles which I made to my liking have changed, it seems that all of my 6x PA3 voltage has change. If I leave 4 of my PA3 with the voltage that is now and they are controlling my D5 Varios via Voltage they will stop I have to bump the voltage again to get them going and they were set so nicely before.

Also, High speed USB Flow meters, which in my case I have 2 of them, they behave strange.

Before the firmware update if I would to cut the flow rate off it would reflect that straight away, it would show 0 Flow and 0 Rpm, now if I stop any of my pumps the RMP shows 0 but it doesn't reflect the flow rate for the next good 20-30 seconds it still shows the flow rate before I've stooped the pump(s) the flow rate comes down to 0 very slowly, it takes at least 1-5-2 min. but that takes good 1.5-2 min. it seems to have a big delay with either when pumps are starting and stopping as far is flow rate indication

I mean......... flow rate doesn't just jump from 0 to say 80L/h in seconds, especially with my complex and big size system so when I see this behavior its only rational to think the pump would start moving the water accordingly ...maybe this is normal behavior now and I just got used to it with something that wasn't working properly to begin with..maybe .I'm trying to convince myself 8o

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (4. November 2017, 23:53)