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Need some performance help please.

Freitag, 19. Januar 2018, 14:27


I have an Aquaero 6 XT.

Connected to this are 11 EK EVO 140ER fans: https://www.ekwb.com/shop/ek-vardar-evo-140er-black

AQ6 Fan Header 1: 4 radiator fans.
AQ6 Fan Header 2: 4 side fans (for positive case pressure, not blowing on mobo).
AQ6 Fan Header 3: 2 front intake fans, 1 rear exit fan.
AQ6 Fan Header 4: 2 EK DDC pumps (no power, just PWM signal).

My problem is that the two headers with 4 fans run at about 50% max RPM (1000 +/-), but they show 85%-100% power draw, and only .5A draw (in Aquasuite).

These fans power consumption are listed at 3.86w (.321A @ 12v).

I'd expect to see 2000rpm pulling close 1.2A+, but at 1000 rpm max it's pulling the expected .5A+.

Why is AQ6 reporting close max power draw at less than half fan spec?
Each header is rated for 2.5A correct?

Very confused here.

As a note, FAN3 (with 3 fans, one less than the radiator header or side fan header) I'm seeing 1700 rpm +/-.

Thank you.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Undermoose« (19. Januar 2018, 14:30)

A picture's worth 1000 words

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018, 04:59

Radiator Controller Curve
Note: 94% Controller Output - @ 58c - RPM 1051 @ 11.4v and 96%

Radiator Fan Settings
Note: 1014 RPM @ 11.4V and 98% Power.
The problem: only 0.62A current with 4 EK Vardar EVO 140ER fans connected (max 2000rpm @ 0.321A)
The question: Why isn't the 2.5A 30Watt Fan Header pushing these 4 fans to 2000RPM @ 98% power and drawing 1.3A?

It's got to be a DOA unit

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018, 08:35

Fan3 header operates normally, slider increases power draw and speed.

Fan 1 and Fan 2 do not.


Samstag, 20. Januar 2018, 15:50


Y Splitter Issue.

I moved connections from header to header and the problem followed the connection, not the header.

On closer examination, apparently some of my PWM splitters carry only 3 pins, even though a 4 pin housing.

I believe the wall is a nice comfortable place to beat my head upon!


Samstag, 20. Januar 2018, 17:48

Great sleuthing. :)

With multiple fans on one header, only ONE fan should report RPM, so the other fans should have only 3 pins connected.

Using the CPU temp to control the fan speed will drive you crazy with fan speed oscillation.
Worst case should be water temp as the source.
Best case is a virtual temp that is the difference between coolant and ambient air of the room.

Yeah I just finished the Sleuthing LOL

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018, 20:20

So as it turns out the Darkside 4 Pin PWM splitters were the problem. They had 4 pins on both sides. When I dug deeper into the details they said it was a 4 pin PWM splitter for 2 3pin fans OUCH. http://www.performance-pcs.com/internal-…ed-sleeved.html

I removed these from the system and as long as I carry just one RPM 4 pin to a single fan, no matter how many fans are connected, it works.

Live and learn!

Good point on the CPU temp oscillation, however this rig is being used for Crypto mining so the temp stays constant.

I'll look into a water temp sensor though I'm not sure how it all applies to CPU/GPU/GPU etc. I also don't know what normal water temps are?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Undermoose« (20. Januar 2018, 20:22)

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018, 22:46

I'd recommend SPLITTY9 fans splitters from AC. They work like a charm. Just be within each channels 30w (2.5A) limits.


Sonntag, 21. Januar 2018, 02:26

I'd recommend SPLITTY9 fans splitters from AC. They work like a charm. Just be within each channels 30w (2.5A) limits.

I bought one and noticed the spec, then wasn't sure what to do so went with Y Splitters. In hind site I'd have bought 4 Splitty9's and wired everything to the back panel of the case.

I may yet get there lol, got it all together and one header went nuts... ended up being a lose connection somewhere. I'm positive Splitty9's would prevent that kind of mess.

All working now.

Thanks for the reply.