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Aquaero 6 strange USB behaviour - Please help

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018, 02:56


First time Aquaero user with a new build having some issues with the USB connections.

I have the 6XT, along with 2 USB+Aquabus D5 pumps and a High Flow Flow Sensor (the USB+Aquabus one). I'm using a Splitty9 connected with a 3 pin cable to the High Flow Aquabus port on the 6XT. The pumps and the sensor are connected to the Splitty, again using 3 pin cables. The Splitty is correctly jumpered for Aquabus. The two pumps are also connected to molex power, as obviously is the Aquaero.

Finally I'm using a Hubby USB splitter as my motherboard (Asus X399 Zenith) only has one USB2 connector. The Hubby is setup as SATA powered (though I have tried switching it to USB power - no difference).

The problem is:

If any of the pumps or the flow sensor are connected to the Hubby at the same time as the Aquaero is connected, then the Aquaero is shown as having "no USB connection" in Aquasuite (2017-3.2). It is powered on and the front display seems to be working fine, but it cannot be accessed in Aquasuite to set anything up. The pumps and Flow sensor usually show up fine in Aquasuite, though occasionally one of them fails to connect properly too.

The only way to get the Aquaero working in Aquasuite is to power down, disconnect the pumps and flow sensor from the Hubby, and switch back on. With this setup I have been able to setup fan curves for my radiators, but I cannot access the flow sensor to see the L/hr, or access the pumps to slow them down from 100%. When the other device/s are added to the Hubby, the Aquaero seems to be remembering the saved preset (no 100% fans) but only appears in Aquasuite with a USB symbol with a red cross on it, and cannot be accessed or controlled.

All devices have the latest firmware (as I have been able to access them all by selectively plugging/unplugging the usb headers on the Hubby), and I have tried restoring all devices to Factory Defaults, followed by reinstalling Aquasuite. Nothing seems to make a difference. Changing ports on the Hubby or Splitty doesn't seem to have any effect either.

I am completely new to this so probably doing something wrong. I have searched for an answer but cannot find anything definitive, and with Aquasuite having recently changed in terms of how it deals with multiple aquabus devices (I think) I'm not sure if older advice is still relevant anyway.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018, 14:30

Left the computer off and unplugged all night and then, this morning, tried connecting all of the Aquabus devices to the Hubby in hope that maybe the system just needed a good nights sleep...

Nope, still messed up and acting odd:

First login today:

- Aquaero connected and seems to be working, but does not show the Flow Rate from the Flow Sensor anywhere, and the Pumps tab is empty.
- The Flow Sensor is connected, but seems to have changed Aquabus address from 12 (which it was yesterday by default) to -1. It also is giving the full Configuration page in Aquasuite, with the correct (I think) reading of around 280L/H and all the calibration options visible and accessible. Yesterday I remember it just showing the Flow Rate with nothing else on the page.
- Pumps - one is connected and the speed can be changed. The other is not connected in Aquasuite.

Hoping it might make a difference, I ticked the options on the Aquaero/Aquabus Tab to Synchronise Time with Devices, and also to Reduce Aquabus Speed to avoid errors.

After restarting the system (I did not plug/unplug anything):

- Aquaero not connected in Aquasuite.
- Flow Sensor connected but now showing up as 2 SEPARATE MPS tabs in Aquasuite. One shows full config page but Flow Rate reading as 0.0L/H, and shows a Device Type as "mps flow 100 (53130)" with Aquabus address -1.
The other tab does not have the full config page but does show Flow with a ~280L/H reading. This one show a Device Type as "high flow USB (53129)" with Aquabus address 12.
The two tabs show different serial numbers.
- Pumps - there is one other mps tab showing as USB not connected. The second pump is missing, though I suspect it is actually one of the misread Flow Sensor tabs mentioned above.

Decided to Shut Down, unplug power cable, and leave for 5 mins. I did not touch the Aquabus or USB cables or anything.

After powering back on:

- Aquaero not connected in Aquasuite.
- Flow Sensor connected and back to just one tab. Config page shows only Flow Rate @~280L/H (no calibration options). Device Type is "high flow USB (53129), Aquabus address 12.
- Pumps - one is connected and shows the pump @4819 rpm. Device Type is "Aqua Computer D5 (41093)" and Aquabus address is 12.
Second pump is not connected in Aquasuite.

Finally Shut Down, unplugged power cable, and unplugged the Pumps and the Flow Sensor from the Hubby. Gave it 5 mins and then powered back on:

- Aquaero connected and functional, but does not show Flow Rate from Flow Sensor, and Pumps tab is empty. This is expected as...
- Flow Sensor and Pumps all show as Not Connected in Aquasuite.

This is all so erratic it's hard to know where the fault is. Is a device malfunctioning? Is it a driver issue?
Each device seems to work fine when I can access it, but it seems impossible to get them all connected together.

Thanks for any advice or suggestions :)

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018, 18:11

The 3 devices with aquabus (2 pumps, 1 high flow USB) each need a unique buss address, which can be set from their USB system tabs in aquasuite.
Addresses available are 12, 13, 14,15.
Let's see what happens when you get that corrected.

I prefer to run the splitty9 using the USB power so the aquaero remains alive when the system is shut down.
If you use the PSU SATA power option the aquaero goes dead when you shut the system down.
Not all that much of a biggie, but it is particularly useful when using the MPS flow sensors which get auto-zeroed during system off.

Sonntag, 21. Januar 2018, 15:57

InfoSeeker thanks for your advice.

It took a bit of fiddling to get there, but I basically did what you said and... success! I have the Aquaero, the flow sensor and both pumps all connected in Aquasuite and it seems stable through multiple restarts and shut downs to make sure.

After setting the addresses for the sensor and pumps, I had to "remove" the not-connected Aquaero from Aquasuite, and then had to plug it directly into the motherboard USB to get it to register again. I realised that the Hubby and Aquaero could share the motherboard USB header (as both are 5pin USB), so I left the Aquaero in and added the Hubby with the sensor and pumps attached... and finally all four devices showed up in Aquasuite at the same time! I'm not 100% if the Aquaero needs to be direct to the motherboard USB anymore, but it works and I'm not touching it!

I'm sure I tried changing the addresses yesterday to no avail, but I probably messed something up :)

I switched to USB power on the Hubby instead of SATA as you suggested too (I know you said Splitty9 but you meant Hubby I think). Thanks for explaining the benefit of doing so.

I'm so glad it all works and I don't have to drain and refill the loop :D

Thanks again. All the best.

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