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This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "alexwill22" (Jun 29th 2018, 9:15pm)
It will but to be safe, make back up first, than upgrade your Aquaero and rest of your AC devices to the latest firmware than restore your setting. Even thou I I run air now but my Aquaero still controls fans and I have several profiles that I have saved and after update and devises firmware upgrade everything works smoothlyWill my older 2017.3-2 profiles settings work with the new 2018? I need to know this before I make the switch.
Impressive and in time too for my 1000D build with the Corsair LL fans. I have couple of questions:
1. When will the new hardware be available (RGBpx splitty4, aquabus x4 hub, etc.).
2. If I have a Aquaero Pro 6, do I need the Quadro to run the RGBpx splitty4?
3. Can I still use my Splitty9 as an aquabus connector from the Aquaero Pro 6 for the additional devices or do I need to purchase the Aquabus x4 for the new devices?
4. Can we get a diagram of the possible connections with the Corsair fans (LL Series) and the new devices with the Aquaero Pro 6?
5. Lastly, will there be a new version of the Aquaero that will incorporate all of these options?
or is the link to download aquasuite 2018 ????????????????????????
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Undesirable" (Jul 8th 2018, 4:50am)
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Jul 9th 2018, 5:53pm)