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QUADRO (USB) not detected with 6XT by Aquasuite (HUBBY7)

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2018, 22:14


I have Aquaero 6XT, D5 pump (auquabus) and usb hub from AquaComputer and now I bought QUADRO.
Unfortunately, after connecting it via USB, aquasuite (newest version) can not see it. After connecting QUADRO via aquabus, aquasuite sees additional channels of fans and temperature sensors.
However, I need QUADRO as a separate controller (via usb) to have additional channels controlled in CURVE mode

I disconnect 6XT, reinstall aquasuite, the installer detects QUADRO, but the QUADRO tab still does not appear in aquasuite

I connected QUADRO to another computer, without aquaero software. QUADRO was recognized by the installer and the QUADRO tab appeared in aquasiute
I was able to update the firmware and operate

I returned to my computer, unfortunately without any changes.

I have a question if I have to manually change something in the registry or some configuration file?

Thank you in advance for your help

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »kn5« (10. Februar 2019, 17:03)

RE: QUADRO (USB) not detected with 6XT by Aquasuite

Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2018, 04:37


I have Aquaero 6XT, D5 pump (auquabus) and usb hub from AquaComputer and now I bought QUADRO.
Unfortunately, after connecting it via USB, aquasuite (newest version) can not see it. After connecting QUADRO via aquabus, aquasuite sees additional channels of fans and temperature sensors.
However, I need QUADRO as a separate controller (via usb) to have additional channels controlled in CURVE mode

I disconnect 6XT, reinstall aquasuite, the installer detects QUADRO, but the QUADRO tab still does not appear in aquasuite

I connected QUADRO to another computer, without aquaero software. QUADRO was recognized by the installer and the QUADRO tab appeared in aquasiute
I was able to update the firmware and operate

I returned to my computer, unfortunately without any changes.

I have a question if I have to manually change something in the registry or some configuration file?

Thank you in advance for your help

You'll need to connect the QUADRO via USB and update it's firmware. Shutdown and unplug for a few mins. Power back on and it should be either and you can have both USB and Aquabus installed on any of those devices making it easier to choose from through the software instead of manually doing it every time.

Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2018, 18:39

Ok, I already update firmware on different machine. Now I unplug QUADRO and try tommorow to connect to my computer.

Thank You.
Today I connect QUADRO to my PC and OS detect it but Aquasiute not..
»kn5« hat folgende Dateien angehängt:
  • quadro USB.JPG (18,19 kB - 757 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 16. September 2024, 17:00)
  • aquaero.JPG (71,16 kB - 699 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 16. September 2024, 17:00)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »kn5« (2. November 2018, 18:04)

Sonntag, 10. Februar 2019, 15:40

So a small update. I installed the new w10 system.

Quaddro is still not detected as a USB device in Aquasiute. Only as Aquabus device. If no Aquabus conection, then no Quadro device in Aquasiute detected.

Factory reset also did not help.

Any suggestions on how to activate the Quadro tab in Aquasuite?

Sonntag, 10. Februar 2019, 17:02

So, if I connect Quadro directly to MB Asus Crosshair VI Hero (internal connector, there are only two!) Quadro is recognized by Aquasiute :)

If I connect via HUBBY7 (53230) then, it is not detected by Aquasuite, but Windows detects the device.

Other devices like D5 and USB ports on the front work fine with HUBBY7.

Unfortunately, I need more than two USB ports. (Aquaero, D5, Quadro, USB x4 ...)
Aquaero also not working witt HUBBY7

Is HUBBY7 damaged or is it incompatible?


Dienstag, 12. Februar 2019, 12:54

Yet another AMD MB that doesn't play well with Hubby7, take a look at this thread....Here

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Bartdude« (12. Februar 2019, 12:55)

"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"