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QUADRO w/ [SPLITTY9 vs. PWM Y-splitter]

Sonntag, 4. November 2018, 19:48

So I have 4 fan grouping that I want to control - see below. Currently I use a Aquaero 5 PRO, but it's overkill for this build and I want to simplify things.

Fan Group 1: 4 PWM fans
Fan Group 2: 1 PWM fan
Fan Group 3: 1 PWM fan
Fan Group 4: 2 PWM fans

I plan to pick up a QUADRO.

I'll need a SPLITTY9 for fan group 1 due to the number of fans.

My questions is this... should I just use a 4pin PWM Y-splitter for each of the other fan groups to connect to the QUADRO or should I use a SPLITTY9 for the remaining fan groups with more than 1 fan?


Dienstag, 6. November 2018, 09:43

For the two fans on channel #4 you can just use a suitable y-cable.