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Strip Led RGBpx + Quadro Problem

Freitag, 19. April 2019, 17:51

Hi, I bought a QUADRO and a kit for pc of strip led RGBpx. Quadro works perfectly with temperature sensor and fan.
Status Led is Off after boot loading. Quadro is connected with USB through a hubby 7 and aquabus(for show sensor data from Aquaero 6 XT).
The problem is Strip RGBpx.
The strips are completly off exept one led of only one strip led that is green.
What could be the problem? Strip are Dead? :( :(

Operating System: Windows 10
Intel CPU
Aquacomputer device: Aquaero, Vision for CPU WB, Quadro and Hubby 7.
Version of Aquasuite 2018-11


Full Member

Dienstag, 23. April 2019, 20:10

Have you tried connecting the USB of QUADRO directly to your motherboard without Hubby7?

Dienstag, 23. April 2019, 23:59

Have you tried connecting the USB of QUADRO directly to your motherboard without Hubby7?
I'll try it tomorrow :)

Negative, nothing change.
I have open ticket with aquacomputer support

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »LucaLG95« (24. April 2019, 11:26)