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Aquaero - two controlers one output?

Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2019, 14:34

Hi chaps,
Please can someone help me achieve this if it is at all possible?
I currently run my radiator fans on a set point controller to maintain a 10 degree delta between ambient and water temperatures.
What id like to do is have a separate controler set up for the same fans that will override the 10 degree delta when my water temperature reaches 30 C or so.
For examples sakes here's a situation I have often:
1. PC is running cool and quiet maintaining 10 degree delta
2. Room temperature increases but 10 degree delta is still being maintained however water temperature continues to rise and components get hotter and hotter, id now rather the pc was a little noisier in this situation to maintain an optimal cooling level
3. Can I now swap to a different controller or "input" to now try and maintain the water at 30 C or so until the room temperature reduces and the system can revert to maintaining a 10 degree delta?
Id like to be able to do this as whilst I really appreciate a cool and quiet pc based on water / air delta id also not like to compromise my cooling performance when my ambient room temperature reaches above a certain level. No AC in my home :(
Many thanks for any help you guys can come up with,
I've been toying with virtual sensors etc but I cant seem to figure out how to do what I am trying to do! :)
If this isn't at all possible I will deal with it but I feel this is the one thing that is currently missing from the product - Very happy with it BTW!

Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2019, 16:38

Switch to the second profile, you can set up a different profile.

Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2019, 17:03

Hi there,

Thanks for your reply!

Do you mind just explaining in layman's what you mean by swapping to a different profile?

Still learning the software.


Freitag, 24. Mai 2019, 13:16

Maybe it wasn't to clear,

I'd like it to control automatically against these two perameters.

1. Hold a 10 c delta between water and ambient temperature
2. Maintain a water temperature bellow 30 c

Is there a way of adding in some sort of temperature override to an existing controller or some other method?

Hope this is more clear.

Many thanks for any help :D

Freitag, 24. Mai 2019, 14:54

You can set up up to 4 Profiles with the aquaero (tab system).
Take a look into the manual.

you have to switch manual between you profiles.

Samstag, 25. Mai 2019, 19:11

Ah ok so your saying only possible with two separate setups that I then have to swap manually?

Fair enough, shame as I was hoping it could be done automatically.

Thanks for your help

Sonntag, 26. Mai 2019, 08:47

hoping it could be done automatically

In this case you would have to create some rules that allow you to switch between the values. In case of doubt you can also use alarm processing to switch profiles.

Montag, 27. Mai 2019, 14:35

Thanks for all your help.

Any pointers on where to start when making rules?

Sonntag, 2. Juni 2019, 23:52

i personaly use the alarm tab in aquasuite, i setuped my warning alarm to be silent, and change profile to profile 2 when the water get to 40 c, the profile 2 is settuped to be much more agressive and take advantage of those High RPM Fan, and emergency shutdown is settuped so if my main pump goes bad, the secondary take relay, and the fan goes 100% just to be loud and let me know somethings wrong,,

Montag, 3. Juni 2019, 00:01

You could try with a Virtual Sensor. That I suppose you already used for your water/ambient delta.
Under aquaero > Sensors you can find a group for Virtual Temperature sensors.

Here you could play with various input, if you want to average the result, get the highest/lowest, and even giving it an offset.
You could use a virtual sensor as an input for another virtual sensor.



Samstag, 8. Juni 2019, 22:08

Alarm = switch profil it's what i was loking for. :thumbsup: but
I'm running a aquastream ultimate pomp (fan plug on pump.)

it seem there is no profils like in aquasuite>aquaero>system>profils... ;(

I am right?

If I buy an aquaero I could control my pump with aquaero profils?