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Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 10:35

If your short on USB add a Hubby7 and leave USB plugged in, then you never need to unplug anything again :)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Bartdude« (14. Januar 2021, 10:37)

"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 11:03

Annoying that we know have to unplug all fans from quadro for instance to update.. need to replug pump on motherboard and so...
This. All these updates in the last days were kinda annoying, but this just put the cherry on top :thumbdown:

Yeah that was a pain.

Unplug fans from quadro, plug pump on motherboard, reactivate monitoring of cpu fan to not have CPU fan error and multiple reboots.... annoying !

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 11:17

I have an AE6 + Quadro + MPS400 all plugged into Hubby7 and I never have to unplug a thing
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 11:18

Well i had to unplug all fans from the quadro or Aquasuite won't update the firmware

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 11:22

Nope never had to do that. Just install new Aquasuite, reboot then update any firmware. Never even had to unplug the power from the wall. Did that yesterday with x34 and prob be the same today with x35

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Bartdude« (14. Januar 2021, 11:23)

"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 11:22

Nobody talked about the wall :)

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 11:25

It's been said after an update to unplug the power totally and leave it a min, then reboot but my PC reboots after an install and it's always been ok.
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 16:35

Okay how's X.35 so far? A bit scary to update in this case 8)

I have D5 NEXT and farbwerk360 that are to be firmware updated with the X.35. Currently running X.31, luckily havent ran into X.32-X.34 issues.

Btw what is this feature:

D5 NEXT Firmware 1019:
  • Neu: Key lock

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 17:13

is it me or can playground sensors not be used by curves unless assigned as a software sensor first? seems a bit odd

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 18:19

This is the normal behavior.
You create a new sensor (first step). Then you send the sensor to the selectd device (second step) as a software sensor.

Then the device can use this values internal for controllers, leds... .

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 23:28

Can confirm - I did two firmware updates so far without having to disconnect anything, now with X34/35 being asked to unplug everything from Quadro. I have a SFF that's a major pain to disassemble and reassemble, this is highly inconvenient.

Edit: Tried the unplug flow - still asking for fans and pumps to be disconnected. RIP

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »kostadosta« (15. Januar 2021, 00:44)


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021, 23:58

I am using a Quadro with the new X.35 update. The new update removed my previous virtual sensors, which is inconvenient. While trying to recreate my virtual sensors, the Playground is not reporting the values given by the temperature sensors attached to the Quadro. I've attached screenshots, the Quadro is putting out temperature values, but Playground is outputting blank values when I try to have them as Input.
»Endeav« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • screen 2.png
  • screen 3.png

Freitag, 15. Januar 2021, 05:26

I cannot find a new version of the program.

It shows that X31 is the latest version.

Additionally, I would like to know if I can update the FW for the D5 pump?

Freitag, 15. Januar 2021, 07:02

Your Sevice is not running. Stop the Service (with the aquasuite) and start it after a minute. (You see this with the missing profile selector state in the upper corner)
Otherwise use the seup from the download page.

Freitag, 15. Januar 2021, 08:26

The new update removed my previous virtual sensors, which is inconvenient.
How about X.35 with other devices (aquaero, d5 next)? I have complicated Playground sensors running. Lose them having to re-create, is a major pain.

Does aquaero, d5 next and farbwerk360 also need to disconnect everything prior to updating?

BTW sebastian please can you add Playground sensors export/import feature?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »k2viper« (15. Januar 2021, 08:31)

Freitag, 15. Januar 2021, 08:34

an you add Playground sensors export/import feature?
this feature exists, you can right click to a sensor in upper area (sensor List) and export this sensor.

Freitag, 15. Januar 2021, 08:35

After downloading x35 yesterday evening I can concur all pumps/fans have to be unplugged from Quadro to do the firmware upgrade! Seems there's a first time for everything, knew I pushed my luck :whistling: :D

I have an AE6 + Quadro + MPS400 all plugged into Hubby7 and I never have to unplug a thing
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"

Freitag, 15. Januar 2021, 08:47

this feature exists, you can right click to a sensor in upper area (sensor List) and export this sensor.
Aww, thanks, havent seen it yet.

What is this new feature?

D5 NEXT Firmware 1019:
  • Neu: Key lock

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »k2viper« (15. Januar 2021, 09:23)

Freitag, 15. Januar 2021, 13:41

an you add Playground sensors export/import feature?
this feature exists, you can right click to a sensor in upper area (sensor List) and export this sensor.

The default save-to folder for Export Sensor is the Program Data folder, yay... why does the Profile default folder not work the same as all other saving locations for aquasuite?

Samstag, 16. Januar 2021, 01:58

After downloading x35 yesterday evening I can concur all pumps/fans have to be unplugged from Quadro to do the firmware upgrade! Seems there's a first time for everything, knew I pushed my luck :whistling: :D

I have an AE6 + Quadro + MPS400 all plugged into Hubby7 and I never have to unplug a thing

This is ridiculous. If I have to keep doing this I'm going to find another solution.

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