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RE: Advice for new user

Dienstag, 29. Juni 2021, 18:10

I have just built a new system with High Flow Next and Octo. I managed to understand Aquasuite enough to create an overview page to monitor sensors and fans to help complete my setup. But now I need to look into my fan profiles - I'm trying to balance acoustics and temperatures on this system. My first attempt at creating a "live" chart of temperatures failed and I ended up copying and pasting one from the High Flow Next page. Which brings me to two questions:
1) Is there actually a comprehensive user manual for Aquasuite? What I have found so far is insufficient - in particular about creating a chart.
2) What I copied from the High Flow Next page does not appear to be something that I can create myself - is this true?

The aquasuite is a very comprehensive, and consequentially, complicated programs. The upside is, it is consistent, so once you learn a procedure, it will be the same across most.
Doing a quick search I found a guide from 2 years ago that may help you get started. Good luck.

Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2021, 08:54

The aquasuite is not complicated. But you can do many things that are not possible with other software. And that's where the complexity increases.
The core functions of all devices can be set easily and simply. For the more complex functions like custom overviews and the playground, you have to learn how the software works.

Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2021, 14:53

I think we are in agreement, complex/complicated - tomayto, tomahto :S

Montag, 5. Juli 2021, 10:44

X.40 crash:
  • create a data log that includes a High Flow NEXT sensor with flow rate value in l/m ([attach]8494[/attach])
  • analyze data to create chart ([attach]8495[/attach])
  • add Log data chart in overview page, and select the Analyze data chart containing Flow @ l/m ([attach]8496[/attach])
  • boom
If the flow rate unit is set to l/h, the aquasuite does NOT crash.
I did not test with gallons, nor with other flow sensors.

EDIT: I tested with a High Flow USB flow sensor and the results were the same as with the High Flow Next flow sensor.
This is fixed with the next aquasuite Version.

Montag, 5. Juli 2021, 16:59

Sebastian, how to export log with the multiple sensors data simultaneously?
Using "Data log -> Analyze data" I can only export data for each sensor individually, but I need the data of all the sensors to be exported in one file xml or csv.
Does aquacomputer have any solution for that obviously required case?
X.40 crash:
  • create a data log that includes a High Flow NEXT sensor with flow rate value in l/m ([attach]8494[/attach])
  • analyze data to create chart ([attach]8495[/attach])
  • add Log data chart in overview page, and select the Analyze data chart containing Flow @ l/m ([attach]8496[/attach])
  • boom
If the flow rate unit is set to l/h, the aquasuite does NOT crash.
I did not test with gallons, nor with other flow sensors.

EDIT: I tested with a High Flow USB flow sensor and the results were the same as with the High Flow Next flow sensor.
This is fixed with the next aquasuite Version.

Montag, 5. Juli 2021, 18:10

how to export log with the multiple sensors data simultaneously?
this is not possible. you have to export each sensor. For analyze you can merge the data with Excel, Open Office Calc.... .

Freitag, 9. Juli 2021, 08:29

Hey, fellow Aqua Computerpeople :)

I'm still using X.38. Shall I wait to update to X.40? seems like there is some bugs from what I can see.

But I also have a problem with the X.38: sometimes when i restart my pc and start Aquasuite, no profile is loaded for the OCTO (fans at fallback power) and I get a warning that Aquasuite is not connected to Aqua Computer services and I have to connect before my profile is loaded. It started about 2 weeks ago, before that no problems at all.

Anyone have a clue?

Thanks in advance for any enlightenment on the update and or the issue :) :)

Montag, 12. Juli 2021, 23:32

Is there an easy way to connect the High Flow Next reading to my D5 Next to control the D5 Next based on the readings of the High Flow Next without connecting the Next directly to the D5 Next?

Dienstag, 13. Juli 2021, 01:51

Is there an easy way to connect the High Flow Next reading to my D5 Next to control the D5 Next based on the readings of the High Flow Next without connecting the Next directly to the D5 Next?

If you are using the aquasuite, and both devices are connected to the motherboard by USB, yes.
The aquasuite will allow you to share/import data between the two devices.

Dienstag, 13. Juli 2021, 03:31

Is there an easy way to connect the High Flow Next reading to my D5 Next to control the D5 Next based on the readings of the High Flow Next without connecting the Next directly to the D5 Next?

If you are using the aquasuite, and both devices are connected to the motherboard by USB, yes.
The aquasuite will allow you to share/import data between the two devices.
I've got it imported in as a sensor but am unable to select it when trying to create a curve controller or something similar. Do I have to output some kind of value into the playground to control it?

Dienstag, 13. Juli 2021, 06:20

I've got it imported in as a sensor but am unable to select it when trying to create a curve controller or something similar. Do I have to output some kind of value into the playground to control it?

What are you trying to control with a curve controller on the D5 NEXT, using which source from the Flow NEXT?

Dienstag, 13. Juli 2021, 07:15

I've got it imported in as a sensor but am unable to select it when trying to create a curve controller or something similar. Do I have to output some kind of value into the playground to control it?

What are you trying to control with a curve controller on the D5 NEXT, using which source from the Flow NEXT?
What I was curious to see was if I could adjust the pump RPM based on flow. If I can set a flow amount I want it to hit then let it adjust the pump RPM accordingly.


Senior Member

Dienstag, 13. Juli 2021, 11:33

well, there's no variable flow orifices, control valves or anything, so your RPM and flow constantly correlate. so there's really no point in controlling the rpm with flow as variable.
ie, if i want 100L/h, i just hit 50% PWM,and it will stay at 100l/h no matter what. only very slight variations with water temperature, like +- 2L/h

It would be a fancy feature but it could introduce more problems than just controlling PWM directly

Dienstag, 13. Juli 2021, 14:06

What I was curious to see was if I could adjust the pump RPM based on flow. If I can set a flow amount I want it to hit then let it adjust the pump RPM accordingly.

Not directly.

There is an artificial limitation built-in to aquasuite Curve Controllers that allows only temperature sources to be used to drive the Curve Controller.
This limitation may be spoofed using the Playground and converting Flow into Temperature. (e.g. lpm_2_t_spoof.jpg)
But this would be a bit of a Rube Goldberg solution.

If you want a specific flow rate, use a Power Preset Controller to adjust the pump RPM to yield the desired flow.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »InfoSeeker« (13. Juli 2021, 15:47)

Montag, 19. Juli 2021, 13:28

Hi there. I have some suggestions for aquasuite:
1. It would be great to have possibility to sync pages through aquasuite web. Just reinstalled windows and now i need to set up pages again. Or at least add option to change data folder location so i can put it to OneDrive.
2. RGBpx SDK or integration with Mystic Light/Aura Sync/etc software (if possible)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »voed« (19. Juli 2021, 13:32)


Junior Member

Montag, 19. Juli 2021, 14:21

Other suggestion is to have to option to pick the monitor on which you want to show the page on desktop.

Montag, 19. Juli 2021, 15:05

You can drag the pages completely free over your desktop, if you activate the lock while the desktop is on.
Your entire Windows desktop, i.e. all monitors as you have arranged them, will then be displayed as one desktop.
Now you just have to select all elements of your page and drag them to the desired position.
The background images, or better the transitions between them, can be used to identify the different monitors.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder


Senior Member

Montag, 19. Juli 2021, 15:05

2. RGBpx SDK or integration with Mystic Light/Aura Sync/etc software (if possible)

SDK preferably.. these software are ungodly abominations, and most people would rather have them not installed :)
Aura may be the only one that kinda works but it's too limited and EOL.


Junior Member

Montag, 19. Juli 2021, 22:39

Updated to x.41 and literally, all of my labels disappeared but only for my aquaero 6 Lt? I checked everything else is fine it seems. Here's a Screenshot. Just made all my labels disappear is there anyone I can restore them? Ok I fixed it by importing a previous backup of its profile. It actually gave me an error the first time I tried but then transferred fine every time after that. So not exactly sure what happened here, but everything firmware updated perfectly without any issues and as you can see I have quite a lot of aquacomputer stuff in one case.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »pneuma« (19. Juli 2021, 23:23)

Dienstag, 20. Juli 2021, 16:29

Some widgets are hand coded (which you can do) but most are just presets.
when you are on your overview, just add a new widget clicking the (+) on the top right
For a live chart you can select "Detailed data", then select your source sensor, and the widget will appear, with the settings window open.
On the Display tab in this window you can select the type of display : numerical, bar graph, chart, gauge etc...
Then you have all the other tabs to customize your chart display to your heart's content

There are some preset charts in the aquasuite catalog
Those are classic and modern styles
You can start from those basic charts
Add items you need to observe :)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Jacob« (20. Juli 2021, 16:30)

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