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Downloader?You can also use the dowloader to install the aquasuite.
Downloader?You can also use the dowloader to install the aquasuite.
I went to to download the update.
My version X7 was not aware of an update, so no downloading option was given in the aquasuite.
Am wondering If I was the only instance, or if others also did not have their X7 version detect X8 availability?
Hello. I have farbwerk nano. And on version X6-x7 the audio analyzer works fine. But on X8 they any sound exist in system it shows only 2 small bars for left and right channels. See picture 1. On previous version was a lot of bars under the main sound selector menu. See picture 2. So for now my spectrum analyzer doesnt work. What can be a problem?
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "softlion" (Nov 20th 2019, 7:31pm)
Hello. I have farbwerk nano. And on version X6-x7 the audio analyzer works fine. But on X8 they any sound exist in system it shows only 2 small bars for left and right channels. See picture 1. On previous version was a lot of bars under the main sound selector menu. See picture 2. So for now my spectrum analyzer doesnt work. What can be a problem?
Are these two services running?
Yes. Now i'm on X6 and everything works but not on x8