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RE: Feature request

Samstag, 5. Februar 2022, 03:23

I run an external radiator with four 200mm fans, where under normal load conditions I only want one fan to run.
To make this happen, I generated four virtual software sensor, one for each quarter of the hour, and tied them to four controllers on an octo.

The task would have been simpler had there been a Function that passed through values only when within a designated range.
This would be similar to the existing X=lim(min.max) Limiter, except when the input value is outside the limiter, it returns zero in place of the min/max limit.
One option would be to add a selection to the existing Limiter to return zero when outside the limits.

I could replace 5 decision boxes with a single zero result Limiter box in my virtual software sensor {[attach]9128[/attach]}
I have been trying to figure out the logic in your diagram. I get the "below top" conditional statement X=(A≥B) is true from minute 0 to 14. At minute 15 this turns false so the "in quarter" AND gate output is 0. If this is 0 then the function (X=A*B) output is also 0, so the final output is 0.
The "low minute" conditional statement X=(A≥B) confuses me. B=0 so X=(A≥B) will be true for minutes 0 through 59, so this statement is always true. If it's always true, then the conditional statement and the AND gate are pointless. What am I missing here?

The other logic path comparing coolant/ambient Δt vs Δt 1 Fan Limit makes sense. If coolant/ambient Δt rasies above Δt 1 Fan Limit for more than 30 seconds, the OR gates passes the 1 to the X=A*B fan control input which will output the value 3, right?

Your idea to add a logic function that passes either a value within a range or 0 is intriguing. It's not clear to me if you mean that this is a logic gate that outputs 1 if the input is within a range or if it passes the input value if it is within the range. I have never used X=lim(min.max) but see that it will pass any value between the min/max limits that you set. If the value is below the minimum, it outputs the minimum. If the value is above the maximum, it passes the maximum. You want a function that passes any value within a range, but 0 if the value is not in the range. Do I have this right?

RE: Minor modification to aquasuite Inputs displayed in the system tray

Samstag, 5. Februar 2022, 03:25

It would help if there were a horizontal bar between Input options in the aquasuite Inputs displayed in the system tray.
  • currently {[attach]9147[/attach]}
  • enhanced {[attach]9148[/attach]}
Agreed. That does look better. It's a little thing but AQS is full of little things that make it better. Hopefully the devs will consider adding this.

Samstag, 5. Februar 2022, 04:04

Still occasionally seeing the X-axis of displayed log data charts being wildly off.
  • added 8 data channels to a Data log {[attach]9149[/attach]}
  • added the data to an Analyze data chart (X-axis displays properly) {[attach]9150[/attach]}
  • when added to a display page the X-axis is off by decades {[attach]9151[/attach]}
By occasionally do you mean that sometimes it does this and sometimes it doesn't, or its it repeatable? I have noticed some weird things with axis scales when adding a data chart to an overview page but I dismissed it as being due to me not understanding something. I just tried doing what you did (not exact) then added the log data chart to an overview page. The axis are correct.

I don't quite understand what the Refresh Interval does in the data chart settings in an overview page. I set up 2 identical charts and set one refresh interval for 30 minutes and the other for 2 minutes. I did note that any value input to the refresh interval box less than 2m 0s is rejected and reverts to 2m 0s. AQS does not make the invalid number turn red or otherwise indicate that the refresh interval is invalid. If you enter a value less than 2m 0s and press OK, it appears to accept it but when you re-open the Settings box it is set to 2m 0s again. If you enter a value less than 2m 0s and then press Enter, you can see the value revert to 2m 0s. The Refresh Interval does not appear to change the appearance of the chart or the axis scales. I guess a higher refresh interval could add granularity to the chart? With a minimum 2m 0s refresh interval, it seems like it would not be able to track short transients like GPU temp spikes and is intended for data that has long term (over 2-minutes) trends. You can zoom into a chart in the Data Log section but you can't zoom into a chart in an overview page. I feel like I am missing something here. Sorry if this is off track.

RE: RE: Feature request

Samstag, 5. Februar 2022, 05:03

I have been trying to figure out the logic in your diagram. I get the "below top" conditional statement X=(A≥B) is true from minute 0 to 14. At minute 15 this turns false so the "in quarter" AND gate output is 0. If this is 0 then the function (X=A*B) output is also 0, so the final output is 0.
The "low minute" conditional statement X=(A≥B) confuses me. B=0 so X=(A≥B) will be true for minutes 0 through 59, so this statement is always true. If it's always true, then the conditional statement and the AND gate are pointless. What am I missing here?

The other logic path comparing coolant/ambient Δt vs Δt 1 Fan Limit makes sense. If coolant/ambient Δt rasies above Δt 1 Fan Limit for more than 30 seconds, the OR gates passes the 1 to the X=A*B fan control input which will output the value 3, right?

Your idea to add a logic function that passes either a value within a range or 0 is intriguing. It's not clear to me if you mean that this is a logic gate that outputs 1 if the input is within a range or if it passes the input value if it is within the range. I have never used X=lim(min.max) but see that it will pass any value between the min/max limits that you set. If the value is below the minimum, it outputs the minimum. If the value is above the maximum, it passes the maximum. You want a function that passes any value within a range, but 0 if the value is not in the range. Do I have this right?
  • you are correct, the first quarter only needs a <=14 IF to determine the time is in the 1st quarter
  • but the 2nd & 3rd quarters require an upper AND lower limit (>=15 & <=29) (>=30 & <=44)
  • the 4th quarter also requires only a >= 45 IF to determine the time is in the 4th quarter
  • for consistencies sake I made them all the same

Samstag, 5. Februar 2022, 05:21

By occasionally do you mean that sometimes it does this and sometimes it doesn't, or its it repeatable? I have noticed some weird things with axis scales when adding a data chart to an overview page but I dismissed it as being due to me not understanding something. I just tried doing what you did (not exact) then added the log data chart to an overview page. The axis are correct.

I don't quite understand what the Refresh Interval does in the data chart settings in an overview page. I set up 2 identical charts and set one refresh interval for 30 minutes and the other for 2 minutes. I did note that any value input to the refresh interval box less than 2m 0s is rejected and reverts to 2m 0s. AQS does not make the invalid number turn red or otherwise indicate that the refresh interval is invalid. If you enter a value less than 2m 0s and press OK, it appears to accept it but when you re-open the Settings box it is set to 2m 0s again. If you enter a value less than 2m 0s and then press Enter, you can see the value revert to 2m 0s. The Refresh Interval does not appear to change the appearance of the chart or the axis scales. I guess a higher refresh interval could add granularity to the chart? With a minimum 2m 0s refresh interval, it seems like it would not be able to track short transients like GPU temp spikes and is intended for data that has long term (over 2-minutes) trends. You can zoom into a chart in the Data Log section but you can't zoom into a chart in an overview page. I feel like I am missing something here. Sorry if this is off track.
Sometimes it raises it's ugly head, other time not. I have not been able to replicate or force the error. At one time I thought it may have been related to activating the data delete function, but nothing repeatable there either.

I did repeatedly push the chart to the right on the editable display pager, then drag the left border to the left each time, thereby expanding the width of the chart significantly. When the error is present, It appears the start date at the left side of the chart is <=> 1970.01.01

The chart to the right is similar to the failed one I attached previously (same 4 fans but one Δt in place of the four controllers), and it looks normal. {chart_good.jpg}

The refresh value simply dictates the frequency the chart is updated/redrawn. I am not sure why there is a 2 minute refresh limit, but assume it to be related to what, at one time anyway, was considered a heavy process load.

Montag, 7. Februar 2022, 04:40

  • you are correct, the first quarter only needs a <=14 IF to determine the time is in the 1st quarter
  • but the 2nd & 3rd quarters require an upper AND lower limit (>=15 & <=29) (>=30 & <=44)
  • the 4th quarter also requires only a >= 45 IF to determine the time is in the 4th quarter
  • for consistencies sake I made them all the same
Lower limit conditional statement - OK now I get it. Your approach is quite clever.

I did repeatedly push the chart to the right on the editable display pager, then drag the left border to the left each time, thereby expanding the width of the chart significantly. When the error is present, It appears the start date at the left side of the chart is <=> 1970.01.01

The chart to the right is similar to the failed one I attached previously (same 4 fans but one Δt in place of the four controllers), and it looks normal. {chart_good.jpg}

The refresh value simply dictates the frequency the chart is updated/redrawn. I am not sure why there is a 2 minute refresh limit, but assume it to be related to what, at one time anyway, was considered a heavy process load.
Refresh Interval - I get what it is doing and can see how it affects the chart in the overview page over time. I inserted 2 log data charts of the same data with the maximum difference in refresh intervals (2m 0s and 1d 0m 0s) and can see how over time their x-axis slowly diverge. The chart set to refresh every 1d 0m 0s does seem to update a lot more often than that but the latest time value on the x-axis is older than the latest time value on the x-axis on the chart that is set to update once every 2m 0s. Shouldn't the chart set to update once every 1d 0m 0s only change once per day?

If I export a data log chart from an overview page and import it into a new overview page, the new one seems to update as the same rate as the original (which makes sense) but I did notice that they don't update at the same time. If I stretch a data log chart in an overview page to the far right then back towards the left, making the chart wider then less wide, the latest value on the X-axis appears in the wide chart but then disappears in the less wide sized chart. It seems like the latest time value displayed on the x-axis should always be the same no matter how the data chart is sized. Stretching a log data chart then unstretching it seems to mess up the latest value displayed on the x-axis. The start time/date of the charts was always correct so the bug you have experienced did not happen while I was playing around. If I ever see it do what you have observed, I will try to repeat it. If the bug is not repeatable, it is less likely to be addressed.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Speedy-VI« (7. Februar 2022, 05:16)

Montag, 7. Februar 2022, 18:36

Refresh Interval - I get what it is doing and can see how it affects the chart in the overview page over time. I inserted 2 log data charts of the same data with the maximum difference in refresh intervals (2m 0s and 1d 0m 0s) and can see how over time their x-axis slowly diverge. The chart set to refresh every 1d 0m 0s does seem to update a lot more often than that but the latest time value on the x-axis is older than the latest time value on the x-axis on the chart that is set to update once every 2m 0s. Shouldn't the chart set to update once every 1d 0m 0s only change once per day?

I copied my 2 minute update chart and changed the pasted version to daily update. It has been over 5 hours and there has been no update to the chart for me. Is there a chance you closed aquasuite restarted later? The chart will redraw with current data on a start.


If I export a data log chart from an overview page and import it into a new overview page, the new one seems to update as the same rate as the original (which makes sense) but I did notice that they don't update at the same time. If I stretch a data log chart in an overview page to the far right then back towards the left, making the chart wider then less wide, the latest value on the X-axis appears in the wide chart but then disappears in the less wide sized chart. It seems like the latest time value displayed on the x-axis should always be the same no matter how the data chart is sized. Stretching a log data chart then unstretching it seems to mess up the latest value displayed on the x-axis. The start time/date of the charts was always correct so the bug you have experienced did not happen while I was playing around. If I ever see it do what you have observed, I will try to repeat it. If the bug is not repeatable, it is less likely to be addressed.

The 2nd chart starts at a different time, so the x-axis will display different time.

I don't think you ever see the oldest/newest time on the chart. The chart applies a scaling and fills in values as possible.

Montag, 7. Februar 2022, 23:24

I copied my 2 minute update chart and changed the pasted version to daily update. It has been over 5 hours and there has been no update to the chart for me. Is there a chance you closed aquasuite restarted later? The chart will redraw with current data on a start
It is possible. I noticed that if I open the data log and click OK without changing anything it will update the chart. If I click Cancel instead it does not update the chart. I was clicking around a lot so may have forced a chart update. I will let it run for a few hours today without touching it.

UPDATE - I was wrong. Opening settings then clicking on Cancel without changing anything does cause the chart to update. I let it run for several hours last night and you are correct. The chart set to update once per day did not update while the chart set to update every 2 minutes did update multiple times. Thank you for helping me to understand this.
The 2nd chart starts at a different time, so the x-axis will display different time.
That makes sense. I have found that when something does not look right to me in AQS it is usually because I am doing something wrong or misunderstand something. Thanks for your insights.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Speedy-VI« (8. Februar 2022, 22:01)

Freitag, 11. Februar 2022, 12:25

INSIDER Version (beta/test)
The aquasuite with new firmware version for: Leakshield, QUADRO and OCTO is online.
Essentially, the problem with the USB connection (software sensors) is addressed.

post your feedback here when you have issues with loosing software sensor connections:
Leakshield verliert Sensordaten

Info: X48 is reverted, X49 is online.

Samstag, 12. Februar 2022, 18:47

I installed the new version of X.49 and it appears that everything functions as it did in the previous version. However the software does seem to crash randomly and after a short period of time. I normally keep aquasuite running on a second monitor for watching temperatures, etc and it will randomly just shutdown. Was not experiencing this before the update.


Samstag, 12. Februar 2022, 21:30

I can confirm that the last version uses MUCH less CPU. In fact, it stays at zero 99% of time, which is amazing. IDK how you've done that while have to poll sensors constantly, but it's an amazing code! Good job, guys!

Sonntag, 13. Februar 2022, 01:33

I had issues updating my octo with this x49 version. Firstly it took about 5-6 attempts to update the octo firmware. The aqua suite would not recognise my octo at the first attempt. I tried several reboots. It would pause half way through the update. Finally I managed to get it to update and would then recognise the octo but now I’m getting a random usb disconnects reconnects issue that I can hear. I think that’s what caused the issues with the firmware update. I’ve never had issues before this version. I’m on windows 11 Asus x570 crosshair hero viiii with a 5950x. Can I downgrade my octo firmware to use with the non beta aquasuite version?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Badgerslayer7« (13. Februar 2022, 01:48)

AQS adds ~10ns Latency

Sonntag, 13. Februar 2022, 01:53

I can confirm that the last version uses MUCH less CPU. In fact, it stays at zero 99% of time, which is amazing. IDK how you've done that while have to poll sensors constantly, but it's an amazing code! Good job, guys!
This is great news! I updated AQS and my Octo firmware with no issues. Everything seems to be working as before and I have not had any shared memory support based sensor data values drop out yet. This only happened to me occasionally so I will have to see how it does for a few days. I wonder if AQS's effect on Cache Latency has improved. When I was overclocking my RAM, I determined that AQS adds about 10ns of latency when its running. I could not figure out why AIDA65 Cache & Memory Benchmark was showing my latency in the 68ns to 70ns range when everyone else seemed to be getting in the low to mid 50ns range. I finally traced it to AQS adding about 10ns of latency, which I assumed I would just have to live with. I am going to check on this!

Sonntag, 13. Februar 2022, 01:59

I had issues updating my octo with this x49 version. Firstly it took about 5-6 attempts to update the octo firmware. The aqua suite would not recognise my octo at the first attempt. I tried several reboots. It would pause half way through the update. Finally I managed to get it to update and would then recognise the octo but now I’m getting a random usb disconnects reconnects issue that I can hear. I think that’s what caused the issues with the firmware update. I’ve never had issues before this version. I’m on windows 11 Asus x570 crosshair hero viiii with a 5950x. Can I downgrade my octo firmware to use with the non beta aquasuite version?
AFAIK, you can't regress the firmware (or the software) unless the Aquacomputer devs send you the old version of AQS. I updated to X.49 and updated my Octo firmware with no trouble. I always get nervous when I have to do this because I have read many posts about the process not going well with the Octo. The advice used to be to disconnect everything from the Octo except the USB connection to the mobo. I have never done that and have never had a problem updating my Octo firmware the few times I have had to do it.

If yours is acting strange and you are hearing USB connects/disconnects, I think the usual recommendation is to disconnect everything but USB or even move the Octo to another system (laptop is OK). Install AQS on that system and do the Octo firmware update with nothing connected but USB. Once it's updated, reinstall it in the main system.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Speedy-VI« (13. Februar 2022, 21:23)

Sonntag, 13. Februar 2022, 11:18

Thanks for your reply. I don’t understand how plugging it into a laptop would help. The firmware on the octo is the latest that came with x49. Surely it wouldn’t give me option of reflashing the firmware?

Sonntag, 13. Februar 2022, 22:07

Thanks for your reply. I don’t understand how plugging it into a laptop would help. The firmware on the octo is the latest that came with x49. Surely it wouldn’t give me option of re-flashing the firmware?
You may be right that connecting the Octo to another computer may not solve your problem. I have read multiple posts from people who had trouble updating their Octo firmware and this is the procedure that is often recommended. If your firmware update flash did complete, then connecting the Octo to another computer probably won't do anything. If the flash was bad, or incomplete, then AQS may be able to tell that and prompt you to update the Octo again. It's a long shot but may be worth a try. That or get Aquacomputer to send you X.48 with the old Octo firmware so you can regress. If you get that far, when you update to X.49 again, disconnect everything from the Octo but USB before you try flashing the firmware again. Good luck!

Montag, 14. Februar 2022, 12:33

I downloaded x48 but it won’t allow me to downgrade my firmware on the octo. I’ve had it 2 years now. I’ve never unplugged anything from it before when I’ve done numerous firmware updates. I guess I’ll have to contact support. Thanks for your reply.

Montag, 14. Februar 2022, 12:49

I downloaded x48
download the setup and use the x49.

Montag, 14. Februar 2022, 17:20

If you read the above post you will see I’m getting usb disconnects reconnects since updating the octo firmware. That’s with x49

Montag, 14. Februar 2022, 19:12

I’m getting usb disconnects reconnects since updating the octo firmware.
you have a unstable usb connection. This has nothing to with the firmware or the aquasuite.
This is happen when you have a not 100% stable system.

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