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Donnerstag, 21. April 2022, 02:08

I updated to X.53 and now my OCTO is stuck on firmware 1 and when I try to update, it just gets stuck on 1% or 3%. I've tried unplugging power for 5 minutes and trying again twice, running as administrator and unplugging everything except my keyboard and mouse while trying to update. Is there anything else I should try?
I have seen others get the firmware to update my moving the Octo to a different host computer, install AQS, update firmware, then move it back to the main computer. Aquacomputer used to also recommend unplugging everything from the Octo but the USB connection before updating firmware. I have never had to do this but it might be worth a try. Good luck!


Dienstag, 5. Juli 2022, 18:11

Getting BSOD few seconds after Start since I updated to X.54. Trying to figure out the reason.

Update: it seems to have resolved itself

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »gllmhyt« (7. Juli 2022, 13:08)

Dienstag, 5. Juli 2022, 20:41

All good here

Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2022, 03:47

X54 works fine here.
Windows 10 Pro

Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2022, 06:33

Windows 11 pro also works fine as far as I can tell.

Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2022, 20:34

Also seems fine for me, the last nvidia driver gave me a BSOD.

Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2022, 13:07

Few reboots and a hard shutdown/unplug/fresh start and it's back well and good. But I have no clue the reason why my system acted so strangely and it's bothering me a lot

Freitag, 8. Juli 2022, 23:10

Updated to X.54 with no problems - Windows 10 Pro 64 V21H2 Build 19044.1806.

I am curious about the Change Log. Can we get more detail about what was updated in Hardware Monitoring and RGBpx controller settings? Also, a few months ago, Aquacomputer mentioned that they would be releasing an update that allows sync between RGBpx ports. I am still anxiously awaiting an update on this exciting new feature. I have 2 Farbwerk360's in my system and would love to be able to sync them. Is this ever going to happen?

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2022, 20:29

X55 is out and since yesterday not a hicckup :thumbup:

Win 10 x64 pro


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2022, 22:05

only issue i'm having, and also had in 54, is the profile switcher in the taskbar stops working. On first load it will work, but a short time after nothing will happen when you click on it, no profile menu popup or anything. I was hoping 55 would fix it, but nope. This is on Windows 11 Pro.

Freitag, 15. Juli 2022, 17:50

Ignore I'm being stupid

Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2022, 01:12

X56 is Out.
So far so good.

Montag, 8. August 2022, 17:21

X.57 is out. So far so good

Montag, 8. August 2022, 17:56

I am new to Aquasuite. I only had the software a couple of weeks now so, this is the first AQS update for me. Will I lose any settings anywhere when I update to X.57?

Montag, 8. August 2022, 22:00

No you shouldn't lose any settings, but I would strongly advise on making full backup of your current system, then update. For a while now, aquasuite updates has been unreliable and although, they would fix one thing, but there were occasions where they broke something else and you can't revert to earlier version of aquasuite so at least if there is something not right, you can restore your system with previously installed queasuite.
So far X57 works OK on my Win10 pro, but could be different from system to system.


Senior Member

Montag, 8. August 2022, 22:50

as you may have seen you can chose to keep your settings or do a clean install.
Personally i've had trouble only once. i can't remember when it was exactly... some bug that was quickly fidxed by a subsequent update. But otherwise, updates are seamless.

But even if it works great, it doesn't hurt to save your settings once in a while

Dienstag, 9. August 2022, 00:40

When there are monitors of different resolutions, Aquasuite cannnot tell the differeces among them. When will this bug be corrected? In ver. X.57, this is not corrected.

In the "Audio and Video" tab of AQS, we can see our current display configuration. I have triple monitors, so that main monitor is QHD and the others is UHD. But the "Video for AMBIENTpx" tab reports all the threee monitors as QHD. I guess that AQS recognize resolutions of multiple display's setup to be the one of the main monitor. This affects creating and editing my own sensro display badly : Since the resolutions were wrongly reported, I had to calculate again the awkward sizes of displays.


Junior Member

Dienstag, 9. August 2022, 01:35

Slight problem with the D5 Next firmware released with X.57:

After updating, and restarting Aquasuite, it still says that the firmware needs updating, and the pump settings are unavailable. I have 'updated' it several times, and the problem persists.

Dienstag, 9. August 2022, 02:20

Seems like I'm getting incorrect system data under Aqua Computer Hardware Monitor. The first CPU pull down menu "AMD EPYC 7642 4" is showing core starting from #33 - #96. The 2nd CPU pull down menu "AMD EPYC 7642 4" is showing core starting from #1-#32 then skip to #65-#96. In addition, both CPU pull downs are displaying similar data such as CPU total % and CPU Core (Tctl/Tdie) in temp; they should be two different sets of data points for logging.
»saiteiman« hat folgende Bilder angehängt:
  • Screenshot 2022-08-08 170147.png
  • Screenshot 2022-08-08 170122.png
  • Screenshot 2022-08-08 170210.png
  • Screenshot 2022-08-08 170254.png
  • Screenshot 2022-08-08 170332.png

Dienstag, 9. August 2022, 02:51

To above issues, try uninstalling and re-install AS clean from scratch as admin, then restore your settings

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dundys« (9. August 2022, 02:53)

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