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Junior Member

Dienstag, 7. April 2020, 14:47

X.17 as version in the first post is a typo right?

Dienstag, 7. April 2020, 18:15

My experience upgrading to X.16:

I did not receive notification of an update from X.15, but that may be due to:
1. 'Focus Assist' having been set to 'Priority Only' focus_assist_priority.jpg
2. aquasuite priority being set to 'Normal' aquasuite_priority.jpg
To address this, I changed the 'Focus Assist' setting to 'Off' focus_assist_off.jpg

After the update to X.16, I again had two entries in the Start Menu, one for the aquasuite & one for uninstall. start_menu_double.jpg
The path for the aquasuite selection is: "C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\" aquasuite_path.jpg
The path for the uninstall folder was: "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\aquasuite\" uninstall_path.jpg

The double listing may be intented, but it would be cleaner if both fell under one aquasuite entry.
To remove the install folder:
1. I ran the uninstaller linked in the Start Menu
2. selected to NOT delete files for both instances when asked
Upon completion, only the aquasuite item remained, the uninstall folder was gone. start_menu_single.jpg
I thought I would need to reinstall the aquasuite, but on clicking the remaining aqausuite item in the Start Menu, X.16 started.

My final observation, when X.16 started it was with the Aqua Computer Service disabled. service_off.jpg

Dienstag, 7. April 2020, 18:45

the 2nd start menu is important for notification.
WIndows need this entry for the notification process. When you delete this, you dont have notifications.

Dienstag, 7. April 2020, 19:06

mhmm, so I was just shooting myself in the foot, lol.

Dienstag, 7. April 2020, 21:05

I guess I'll just wait for the X.16 update notification to show up.

X.16 Crashing to Desktop

Dienstag, 14. April 2020, 17:46

I notice since upgrading from x.15 to x.16 that anytime the D5 NEXT or QUARDO overview pages are loaded/viewed, the application immediately crashes to desktop.

Anyone know a way to fix this behavior?

I have not been able to figure it out, it seems to be an item on the overview page, and not the overview page itself.

I tested this by individually adding items one-by-one to a new overview page until it crashes.


Junior Member

RE: X.16 Crashing to Desktop

Dienstag, 14. April 2020, 18:00

I notice since upgrading from x.15 to x.16 that anytime the D5 NEXT or QUARDO overview pages are loaded/viewed, the application immediately crashes to desktop.

Anyone know a way to fix this behavior?

I have not been able to figure it out, it seems to be an item on the overview page, and not the overview page itself.

I tested this by individually adding items one-by-one to a new overview page until it crashes.

Same Problem here.
Try to load the old overview pages.
i have deleted the "new" pages and now its work fine.

RE: RE: X.16 Crashing to Desktop

Dienstag, 14. April 2020, 19:01

I notice since upgrading from x.15 to x.16 that anytime the D5 NEXT or QUARDO overview pages are loaded/viewed, the application immediately crashes to desktop.

Anyone know a way to fix this behavior?

I have not been able to figure it out, it seems to be an item on the overview page, and not the overview page itself.

I tested this by individually adding items one-by-one to a new overview page until it crashes.

Same Problem here.
Try to load the old overview pages.
i have deleted the "new" pages and now its work fine.
Ah, the classic ones appear to be fine, can confirm those are working.

That is a shame since the new ones are pretty! Also they auto-load the new pages when you add a new product.

Mittwoch, 15. April 2020, 07:08

the overview page issue is fixed in the next version. Until the next version is released you can use the classic pages as fallback.

Mittwoch, 15. April 2020, 10:12

I made some time to update from X4 to X16 and create a new dashboard. I really like the new design! Good job.
Now that it's getting warmer, I sometimes use my 2nd profile with a fixed fan speed instead of profile 1 which cools by delta T. This is so easy with the hotkeys.

When I open a game, I press ctrl+alt+numpad2 to load profile and when I stopped my game, I press ctrl+alt+numpad1 to load profile 1 again. But for some reason, this doesn't always work. I had this issue last weekend. I then tried it via the profile icon in the system tray and after selecting profile 1, profile 2 was still active.

Do you have a issue what's going on here?


Junior Member

RE: X.16 Crashing to Desktop

Mittwoch, 15. April 2020, 12:21

I notice since upgrading from x.15 to x.16 that anytime the D5 NEXT or QUARDO overview pages are loaded/viewed, the application immediately crashes to desktop.

Anyone know a way to fix this behavior?

I have not been able to figure it out, it seems to be an item on the overview page, and not the overview page itself.

I tested this by individually adding items one-by-one to a new overview page until it crashes.

Same Problem here.
Try to load the old overview pages.
i have deleted the "new" pages and now its work fine.
Ah, the classic ones appear to be fine, can confirm those are working.

That is a shame since the new ones are pretty! Also they auto-load the new pages when you add a new product.

Try to delete the "Alarm Status" and the new site works fine.

RE: RE: X.16 Crashing to Desktop

Donnerstag, 16. April 2020, 14:55

I notice since upgrading from x.15 to x.16 that anytime the D5 NEXT or QUARDO overview pages are loaded/viewed, the application immediately crashes to desktop.

Anyone know a way to fix this behavior?

I have not been able to figure it out, it seems to be an item on the overview page, and not the overview page itself.

I tested this by individually adding items one-by-one to a new overview page until it crashes.

Same Problem here.
Try to load the old overview pages.
i have deleted the "new" pages and now its work fine.
Ah, the classic ones appear to be fine, can confirm those are working.

That is a shame since the new ones are pretty! Also they auto-load the new pages when you add a new product.

Try to delete the "Alarm Status" and the new site works fine.
By deleting the "Alarm Status" are you saying disable the "Activate alarm evaluations" in the device settings? Or edit the page in notepad++ and remove the relative fields (since I can't open it in Aquasuite to edit it).

Donnerstag, 16. April 2020, 15:05

By deleting the "Alarm Status" are you saying disable the "Activate alarm evaluations" in the device settings?
no this means, the icon on the overview page.

Samstag, 18. April 2020, 21:41

I made some time to update from X4 to X16 and create a new dashboard. I really like the new design! Good job.
Now that it's getting warmer, I sometimes use my 2nd profile with a fixed fan speed instead of profile 1 which cools by delta T. This is so easy with the hotkeys.

When I open a game, I press ctrl+alt+numpad2 to load profile and when I stopped my game, I press ctrl+alt+numpad1 to load profile 1 again. But for some reason, this doesn't always work. I had this issue last weekend. I then tried it via the profile icon in the system tray and after selecting profile 1, profile 2 was still active.

Do you have a issue what's going on here?
Same problem today. I didn't play a game this time. Just messing around in Aquasuite after getting my new AQ High Flow Sensor.
I can't switch profiles again with the shortcut or tray icon. This happend after playing around in the Playground. I think I also used the playground when it happend last time.

Samstag, 18. April 2020, 21:54

Just wait for X.17 that will be released very soon. It will address some problems with the background service (the profile switcher is a part of it).

Montag, 20. April 2020, 04:19

Has anyone had any flow meter accuracy issues with x15 or x16 which were not present before in x14?

I am trying to troubleshoot some flowmeter issues I am having.

Montag, 20. April 2020, 12:52

Still no notification of new aquasuite version (X17) given.

No banner at aquasuite start, and not listed in Action Center (notification.jpg)
Aquasuite fully installed, no deletions by me (as_installed.jpg)
Notification settings set to show Banner and list in Action Center (notification_set.jpg)

Montag, 20. April 2020, 15:33

I just got notified of new X17 :)

Montag, 20. April 2020, 16:37

I just got notified of new X17 :)

mhmm, I get other notifications, just not from the aquasuite. Well, I guess it is what it is.

Montag, 20. April 2020, 17:05

Still no notification of new aquasuite version (X17) given
You have to wait. Notifications arrive you with a delay from 8h up to 24h after a release. You post 2h after a release for a missing notification.

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