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Not so happy with my new Aquastream Ultimate

Dienstag, 2. Juli 2019, 08:37

I've been running my new Aquastream Ultimate for about a week now and have been having some issues with it since last weekend when I attached it to my PSU. I had it running on a separate powersupply before for leak testing.

Some of my findings so far:
  • buttons next to the display barely work and just flex inward (irreversibly bending the plastic).
  • LCD display is not fixed in place securely
  • Pump has never gone above 5000rpm and about 350mbar according to the aquasuite software.
  • I've never seen power consumption go above 8 watts even when I set it to maximum rpm.
  • Since last weekend the pump will randomly drop to about 2500rpm for a second before going back to ~4900rpm about every minute, sometimes faster. This produces an annoying and loud vibration. Setting it to an rpm below 4850 mostly prevents this from happening. While all this is happening voltage never drops at all, both the Aquasuite and the PSUs own monitoring software confirm this: rock solid 12V.
  • Only found out recently that temperature control feature, which was one of the reasons I got this pump, is hidden behind an extra price on top of an already pretty expensive pump.

I'm starting to regret my purchase and if most of these issues can't be fixed I'm considering returning it to the webshop I bought it from if they'll still have it back. I've already sent an email to AquaComputer about the rpm issues but haven't had a reply yet.

Montag, 8. Juli 2019, 15:32

Sorry to hear about these issues!

The keys normally work fine. I assume somehow the PCB has come loose due shipping. You can easily remove the red plastic part at the pump and check if the PCB is snapped in the housing. Also you can check if the display is attached correctly. If not you can try to fix it or ask our support for replacement.

RPM control by water temperature is of course a feature. Most customers don't use this feature as influence of the flow against the temperature is very low.

The power consumption of less 8W is fine and normal. The perfect work condition of the pump is at approx. 3600RPM at 4-6W.

If the RPM of the aquastream breaks down the reasons could be a problem at the 12V DC side. Looks you have already checked the voltage but maybe use a different connector of your PSU for a short test. A short drop not measured by the pump or the mainboard could already be an issue. Another reason for this could be if you have still air inside your system.

The maximum pressure of the pump will ony be achieved if the flow is very low. At higher flow rates the max. rpm is lower and accordingly the pressure. This is given by the physics of the motor used in this type of pump.