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"Connection to Aqua Computer server failed" error during set-up

Samstag, 12. Oktober 2019, 23:46


I am trying to install the aquasuite so I can control my new farbwerk nano, however I am getting the following error. I tried disabling my firewall completely, and still it doesn't work.

Any help?

Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2019, 01:05

For anyone googling who might be having the same issue as I did, aquasuite does not work on Windows 10. You need to run the set up using Windows 8 compatibility mode.

Please fix this.

Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2019, 07:10

No it works normally with Win10...

Looks like your system time is off

Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2019, 11:36

For anyone googling who might be having the same issue as I did, aquasuite does not work on Windows 10. You need to run the set up using Windows 8 compatibility mode.

Please fix this.
Definitely works with Win10.

Is your system an upgraded or a natural win10 install? Maybe it´s a problem if you upgraded to Win10 from Win8

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