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Sven - Admin

New: SPLITTY9 ACTIVE - active splitter for up to 9 PWM fans

Wednesday, October 30th 2019, 1:13pm

SPLITTY9 ACTIVE is an active ninefold splitter for 4-pin PWM fans featuring separate power supply, PWM signal amplification and adjustable switching threshold.

SPLITTY9 ACTIVE has significant advantages over a passive splitter.

Power supply through SATA connector
Fans connected to the splitter are not supplied from the fan output, but from a SATA power connector to be connected directly to the PSU. This means that fan power consumtion is not limited to the maximum load of the fan output, but to the maximum power of a SATA connector - that is 4.5 Amps or 54 Watts according to specification.

PWM signal amplification
When using a passive splitter, each connected fan puts a strain on the PWM signal of the fan output - depending on fan output and fan type, even a small number of fans might overload the PWM signal, the fans cannot be controlled in this case. SPLITTY9 ACTIVE amplifies the PWM signal to be able to control problematic fans with out-of-spec PWM inputs.

Adjustable switching threshold
PWM fans can usually not be switched off using the PWM signal - SPLITTY9 ACTIVE adds this useful feature. A rotary knob can be used to adjust the switching threshold. If the PWM signal is below the threshold, SPLITTY9 ACTIVE will cut power to the fans. A LED on the splitter indicates whether the fans are currently powered.

A self-adhesive hook-and-loop strip is included for easy installation, alternatively two mounting holes can be used.

SPLITTY9 ACTIVE can be ordered for 12.90 EUR in our webshop now.
The delivery begins in approx. one week.

Wednesday, October 30th 2019, 2:30pm

Interesting...So we can use these with the power coming from the PSU. About time!

My only questions and concern is, if there is a PWM INPUT signal say from a PWM Channel, would the dial override the sourced PWM signal? I worry because some of us snug these hubs in tight places and in a web of wires, etc. and would hate to see the dial move ever so slightly and start changing the PWM signal while it's originally supplied from the PWM INPUT or is there a version without the dial coming out?

Wednesday, October 30th 2019, 3:01pm

would the dial override the sourced PWM signal?
no, the pwm signal is forwarded from the input. You can change with the pot. the on/off trigger limit.

Sunday, November 17th 2019, 8:23am

Have you guys at AC tried the new Splitty9 with BeQuiet SW3 pwm fans? Can it be used to compensate for their non-spec pullup levels?