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Junior Member

Hubby7 question

Sonntag, 10. November 2019, 12:06

Hi guys, can someone please confirm that the hubby 7 will work ok with -
2 x D5 Next
1 x Aquaero Pro 6

into 1 x USB 2.0 header on my motherboard?

Many thanks

Sonntag, 10. November 2019, 15:09

It should work, individual machine idiosyncrasies and bios oddities not withstanding.


Junior Member

Montag, 11. November 2019, 10:42

Thank you!

RE: Hubby7 question

Dienstag, 12. November 2019, 07:22

Hi guys, can someone please confirm that the hubby 7 will work ok with -
2 x D5 Next
1 x Aquaero Pro 6

into 1 x USB 2.0 header on my motherboard?

Many thanks

There was an issue reported on certain AMD motherboards (x399, x370 x470) whereby an Aquaero does not function correctly when attached to a Hubby 7 via mainboard's internal USB ports.

USB problems with current AMD chipsets (X370/X399)

At the moment some customers reportiung problems using our devices with current AMD chipsets, especially X399, X370 and X470.

The problem is seen in the fact that the devices are present in the device manager and communicate normally with the computer. However, the transferred data is not transferred from the driver to Windows as intended.
All relevant payload data is missing. This error becomes obvious already during the installation of the aquasuite. In this case, a faulty USB communication to the device is displayed instead of the serial number. Without the serial number an installation of the aquasuite may not be possible.

The problem only occurs with Generic HIDs. Devices, such as the VISION series, which log several devices to Windows in parallel, operate without any problems with the other functions (mouse, keyboard, etc.).

The problems described here arise exclusively:

- AMD Chipsets X399 or X370/X470
- Using a USB hub
- Connection of more than two devices to the hub
- At least three devices support the Generic HID class
- Using Windows 10

In addition, not all root hub connections are affected. In contrast to the internal connections, the external connections of the motherboards usually work without problems.

Known solutions:

- Direct connection of the devices to the motherboard without using a hub
- Connection of less than 3 Generic-HID devices to a connected hub
- Using an external port for the hub (depends on the motherboard)

We will inform AMD about the faulty behavior and hope to be able to solve the problem in future drivers/BIOS versions. We have subjected our devices to intensive testing and analyzed the raw USB data. There are no known bugs here.
The described behavior also occurs with devices of other manufacturers. Thus different Hubs (NEC, NZXT etc.) were tested and also Generic HID devices of other manufacturers.

We are not able to solve this error from our side, because neither our devices nor the aquasuite can influence this part of the USB-communication.